Here are some example ways you can launch MSYS2 using msys2_env.bat:
- MSYS2 MSYS Console
msys2_env MSYS "" bash
msys2_env "" mintty
msys2_env MSYS mintty bash
- MSYS2 Win32 Console
msys2_env MINGW32
msys2_env MINGW32 "" bash
- MSYS2 Win32 MinTTY
msys2_env MINGW32 mintty
msys2_env MINGW32 mintty bash
I'm thinking we would ship msys2_env.bat with several shortcuts that provide useful combinations like this.
What should we call the default Windows terminal? I called it "Console" in the examples above.
If people are excited about it, I could work on a pull request to make it part of MSYS2. If not, that's fine.