I hereby claim:
- I am davidspriggs on github.
- I am davidspriggs (https://keybase.io/davidspriggs) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is A1F3 7C7A 5041 8EF1 14B6 DF4C C02B 6411 C145 BDB2
To claim this, I am signing this object:
AtomSync |
hrefContent: { | |
include: true, | |
title: 'hrefContent', | |
id: 'myWidgetID', | |
type: 'titlePane', | |
position: 10, | |
path: 'dijit/layout/ContentPane', | |
options: { | |
href: 'js/gis/dijit/Help/templates/HelpDialog.html', | |
preload: true |
/*global module:false*/ | |
module.exports = function(grunt) { | |
// Load grunt tasks automatically | |
require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); | |
// Project configuration. | |
grunt.initConfig({ | |
// use esri_slurp to download api locally. This allows a custom build of the |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
This is a workaround to add line breaks to the Label Layer
NOTE: I can't figure out a way to return all the labels for a Feature Layer here, unfortunately. The Label Layer only returns the labels that will fit into their elements, or not conflict with other labels, as calculated based on the original, single-line label. Splitting these labels into multiple lines might reduce conflicts, or allow them to fit properly within their polygons, but because they were conflicted out in the first place, we never see them.
_repositionInfoWin: function(graphic) { | |
// Determine the upper right, and center, coordinates of the map | |
var maxPoint = new esri.geometry.Point(this._map.extent.xmax, this._map.extent.ymax, this._map.spatialReference); | |
var centerPoint = new esri.geometry.Point(this._map.extent.getCenter()); | |
// Convert to screen coordinates | |
var maxPointScreen = this._map.toScreen(maxPoint); | |
var centerPointScreen = this._map.toScreen(centerPoint); | |
var graphicPointScreen = this._map.toScreen(graphic.geometry); // Points only | |
// Buffer | |
var marginLR = 10; |
define([ | |
'esri/InfoTemplate', | |
'esri/units', | |
'esri/geometry/Extent', | |
'esri/config', | |
'esri/tasks/GeometryService', | |
'esri/layers/ImageParameters' | |
], function(InfoTemplate, units, Extent, esriConfig, GeometryService, ImageParameters) { | |
// url to your proxy page, must be on same machine hosting you app. See proxy folder for readme. |
getStreetView: function(mapPoint) { | |
// location chosen by clicking the left panel button or by using streetview widget | |
dojo.style(this.noStreetViewResults, 'display', 'none'); | |
dojo.style(this.loadingStreetView, 'display', 'inline-block'); | |
if (mapPoint.spatialReference.wkid !== 4326) { | |
var coordinatesToProject = { | |
x: mapPoint.x, | |
y: mapPoint.y | |
}; | |
var fromProjection = this.wkt_26852; |
define([ | |
'dojo/_base/declare', | |
'dijit/_WidgetBase', | |
'esri/dijit/Measurement', | |
'gis/dijit/Draw', | |
'dojo/aspect', | |
'dojo/_base/lang', | |
'dojo/dom-construct', | |
'dijit/TitlePane' | |
], function(declare, _WidgetBase, Measurement, Draw, aspect, lang, domConstruct, TitlePane) { |
/*global dojoConfig */ | |
define(function() { | |
var cb = '_asyncApiLoaderCallback'; | |
return { | |
load: function(param, req, loadCallback) { | |
if (!cb) { | |
return; | |
} else { | |
dojoConfig[cb] = function() { | |
delete dojoConfig[cb]; |