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Created October 18, 2019 19:20
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Idea for new Allennlp Dataset and Iterator API
{"annotator_labels": ["neutral", "entailment", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral"], "captionID": "4705552913.jpg#2", "gold_label": "neutral", "pairID": "4705552913.jpg#2r1n", "sentence1": "Two women are embracing while holding to go packages.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( Two women ) ( ( are ( embracing ( while ( holding ( to ( go packages ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (CD Two) (NNS women)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG embracing) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (VBG holding)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (NP (NNS packages)))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "The sisters are hugging goodbye while holding to go packages after just eating lunch.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( The sisters ) ( ( are ( ( hugging goodbye ) ( while ( holding ( to ( ( go packages ) ( after ( just ( eating lunch ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS sisters)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG hugging) (NP (UH goodbye)) (PP (IN while) (S (VP (VBG holding) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (NP (NNS packages)) (PP (IN after) (S (ADVP (RB just)) (VP (VBG eating) (NP (NN lunch))))))))))))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment"], "captionID": "4705552913.jpg#2", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "4705552913.jpg#2r1e", "sentence1": "Two women are embracing while holding to go packages.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( Two women ) ( ( are ( embracing ( while ( holding ( to ( go packages ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (CD Two) (NNS women)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG embracing) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (VBG holding)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (NP (NNS packages)))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "Two woman are holding packages.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( Two woman ) ( ( are ( holding packages ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (CD Two) (NN woman)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG holding) (NP (NNS packages)))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "4705552913.jpg#2", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "4705552913.jpg#2r1c", "sentence1": "Two women are embracing while holding to go packages.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( Two women ) ( ( are ( embracing ( while ( holding ( to ( go packages ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (CD Two) (NNS women)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG embracing) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (VBG holding)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (NP (NNS packages)))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "The men are fighting outside a deli.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( The men ) ( ( are ( fighting ( outside ( a deli ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS men)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG fighting) (PP (IN outside) (NP (DT a) (NNS deli))))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment"], "captionID": "2407214681.jpg#0", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "2407214681.jpg#0r1e", "sentence1": "Two young children in blue jerseys, one with the number 9 and one with the number 2 are standing on wooden steps in a bathroom and washing their hands in a sink.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two ( young children ) ) ( in ( ( ( ( ( blue jerseys ) , ) ( one ( with ( the ( number 9 ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( one ( with ( the ( number 2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( are ( ( ( standing ( on ( ( wooden steps ) ( in ( a bathroom ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( washing ( their hands ) ) ( in ( a sink ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (JJ young) (NNS children)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJ blue) (NNS jerseys)) (, ,) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN number) (CD 9)))) (CC and) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN number) (CD 2))))))) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VP (VBG standing) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (JJ wooden) (NNS steps)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN bathroom)))))) (CC and) (VP (VBG washing) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS hands)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN sink)))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "Two kids in numbered jerseys wash their hands.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two kids ) ( in ( numbered jerseys ) ) ) ( ( wash ( their hands ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (NNS kids)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ numbered) (NNS jerseys)))) (VP (VBP wash) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS hands))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "entailment", "entailment"], "captionID": "2407214681.jpg#0", "gold_label": "neutral", "pairID": "2407214681.jpg#0r1n", "sentence1": "Two young children in blue jerseys, one with the number 9 and one with the number 2 are standing on wooden steps in a bathroom and washing their hands in a sink.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two ( young children ) ) ( in ( ( ( ( ( blue jerseys ) , ) ( one ( with ( the ( number 9 ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( one ( with ( the ( number 2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( are ( ( ( standing ( on ( ( wooden steps ) ( in ( a bathroom ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( washing ( their hands ) ) ( in ( a sink ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (JJ young) (NNS children)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJ blue) (NNS jerseys)) (, ,) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN number) (CD 9)))) (CC and) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN number) (CD 2))))))) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VP (VBG standing) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (JJ wooden) (NNS steps)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN bathroom)))))) (CC and) (VP (VBG washing) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS hands)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN sink)))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "Two kids at a ballgame wash their hands.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two kids ) ( at ( a ballgame ) ) ) ( ( wash ( their hands ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (NNS kids)) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT a) (NN ballgame)))) (VP (VBP wash) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS hands))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "2407214681.jpg#0", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "2407214681.jpg#0r1c", "sentence1": "Two young children in blue jerseys, one with the number 9 and one with the number 2 are standing on wooden steps in a bathroom and washing their hands in a sink.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two ( young children ) ) ( in ( ( ( ( ( blue jerseys ) , ) ( one ( with ( the ( number 9 ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( one ( with ( the ( number 2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( are ( ( ( standing ( on ( ( wooden steps ) ( in ( a bathroom ) ) ) ) ) and ) ( ( washing ( their hands ) ) ( in ( a sink ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (JJ young) (NNS children)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJ blue) (NNS jerseys)) (, ,) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN number) (CD 9)))) (CC and) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN number) (CD 2))))))) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VP (VBG standing) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (JJ wooden) (NNS steps)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN bathroom)))))) (CC and) (VP (VBG washing) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS hands)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN sink)))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "Two kids in jackets walk to school.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two kids ) ( in jackets ) ) ( ( walk ( to school ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (NNS kids)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNS jackets)))) (VP (VBP walk) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN school)))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "4718146904.jpg#2", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "4718146904.jpg#2r1c", "sentence1": "A man selling donuts to a customer during a world exhibition event held in the city of Angeles", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( A ( man selling ) ) ( ( donuts ( to ( a customer ) ) ) ( during ( ( a ( world ( exhibition event ) ) ) ( held ( in ( ( the city ) ( of Angeles ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man) (NN selling)) (VP (VBZ donuts) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN customer))) (PP (IN during) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN world) (NN exhibition) (NN event)) (VP (VBN held) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Angeles)))))))))))", "sentence2": "A woman drinks her coffee in a small cafe.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A woman ) ( ( ( drinks ( her coffee ) ) ( in ( a ( small cafe ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN woman)) (VP (VBZ drinks) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN coffee)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (JJ small) (NN cafe)))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["neutral", "entailment", "entailment", "neutral", "neutral"], "captionID": "4718146904.jpg#2", "gold_label": "neutral", "pairID": "4718146904.jpg#2r1n", "sentence1": "A man selling donuts to a customer during a world exhibition event held in the city of Angeles", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( A ( man selling ) ) ( ( donuts ( to ( a customer ) ) ) ( during ( ( a ( world ( exhibition event ) ) ) ( held ( in ( ( the city ) ( of Angeles ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man) (NN selling)) (VP (VBZ donuts) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN customer))) (PP (IN during) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN world) (NN exhibition) (NN event)) (VP (VBN held) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Angeles)))))))))))", "sentence2": "A man selling donuts to a customer during a world exhibition event while people wait in line behind him.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A ( man selling ) ) ( ( ( donuts ( to ( ( a customer ) ( during ( a ( world ( exhibition event ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( while ( people ( ( wait ( in line ) ) ( behind him ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man) (NN selling)) (VP (VBZ donuts) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN customer)) (PP (IN during) (NP (DT a) (NN world) (NN exhibition) (NN event))))) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (NNS people)) (VP (VBP wait) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN line))) (PP (IN behind) (NP (PRP him))))))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "neutral", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment"], "captionID": "4718146904.jpg#2", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "4718146904.jpg#2r1e", "sentence1": "A man selling donuts to a customer during a world exhibition event held in the city of Angeles", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( A ( man selling ) ) ( ( donuts ( to ( a customer ) ) ) ( during ( ( a ( world ( exhibition event ) ) ) ( held ( in ( ( the city ) ( of Angeles ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man) (NN selling)) (VP (VBZ donuts) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN customer))) (PP (IN during) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN world) (NN exhibition) (NN event)) (VP (VBN held) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Angeles)))))))))))", "sentence2": "A man selling donuts to a customer.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A ( man selling ) ) ( ( donuts ( to ( a customer ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man) (NN selling)) (VP (VBZ donuts) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN customer)))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "neutral", "entailment", "entailment", "neutral"], "captionID": "3980085662.jpg#0", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "3980085662.jpg#0r1e", "sentence1": "Two young boys of opposing teams play football, while wearing full protection uniforms and helmets.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two ( young boys ) ) ( of ( opposing teams ) ) ) ( ( ( ( play football ) , ) ( while ( wearing ( full ( protection ( ( uniforms and ) helmets ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (JJ young) (NNS boys)) (PP (IN of) (NP (VBG opposing) (NNS teams)))) (VP (VBP play) (NP (NN football)) (, ,) (PP (IN while) (S (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (JJ full) (NN protection) (NNS uniforms) (CC and) (NNS helmets)))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "boys play football", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( boys ( play football ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNS boys)) (VP (VBP play) (NP (NN football)))))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "3980085662.jpg#0", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "3980085662.jpg#0r1c", "sentence1": "Two young boys of opposing teams play football, while wearing full protection uniforms and helmets.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two ( young boys ) ) ( of ( opposing teams ) ) ) ( ( ( ( play football ) , ) ( while ( wearing ( full ( protection ( ( uniforms and ) helmets ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (JJ young) (NNS boys)) (PP (IN of) (NP (VBG opposing) (NNS teams)))) (VP (VBP play) (NP (NN football)) (, ,) (PP (IN while) (S (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (JJ full) (NN protection) (NNS uniforms) (CC and) (NNS helmets)))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "dog eats out of bowl", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( dog ( ( eats out ) ( of bowl ) ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NN dog)) (VP (VBZ eats) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN bowl))))))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral"], "captionID": "3980085662.jpg#0", "gold_label": "neutral", "pairID": "3980085662.jpg#0r1n", "sentence1": "Two young boys of opposing teams play football, while wearing full protection uniforms and helmets.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( Two ( young boys ) ) ( of ( opposing teams ) ) ) ( ( ( ( play football ) , ) ( while ( wearing ( full ( protection ( ( uniforms and ) helmets ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NP (CD Two) (JJ young) (NNS boys)) (PP (IN of) (NP (VBG opposing) (NNS teams)))) (VP (VBP play) (NP (NN football)) (, ,) (PP (IN while) (S (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (JJ full) (NN protection) (NNS uniforms) (CC and) (NNS helmets)))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "boys scoring a touchdown", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( boys ( scoring ( a touchdown ) ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNS boys)) (VP (VBD scoring) (NP (DT a) (NN touchdown)))))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["neutral", "entailment", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral"], "captionID": "24467676.jpg#1", "gold_label": "neutral", "pairID": "24467676.jpg#1r1n", "sentence1": "A man in a blue shirt standing in front of a garage-like structure painted with geometric designs.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( ( ( A man ) ( in ( ( a ( blue shirt ) ) ( standing ( in front ) ) ) ) ) ( of ( a ( garage-like structure ) ) ) ) ( painted ( with ( geometric designs ) ) ) ) . )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (NP (NP (DT A) (NN man)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN shirt)) (VP (VBG standing) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN front)))))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ garage-like) (NN structure))) (VP (VBN painted) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ geometric) (NNS designs)))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A man is repainting a garage", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A man ) ( is ( repainting ( a garage ) ) ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG repainting) (NP (DT a) (NN garage))))))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "neutral", "neutral", "entailment", "entailment"], "captionID": "24467676.jpg#1", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "24467676.jpg#1r1e", "sentence1": "A man in a blue shirt standing in front of a garage-like structure painted with geometric designs.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( ( ( A man ) ( in ( ( a ( blue shirt ) ) ( standing ( in front ) ) ) ) ) ( of ( a ( garage-like structure ) ) ) ) ( painted ( with ( geometric designs ) ) ) ) . )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (NP (NP (DT A) (NN man)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN shirt)) (VP (VBG standing) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN front)))))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ garage-like) (NN structure))) (VP (VBN painted) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ geometric) (NNS designs)))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A man is wearing a blue shirt", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A man ) ( is ( wearing ( a ( blue shirt ) ) ) ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN shirt))))))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "24467676.jpg#1", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "24467676.jpg#1r1c", "sentence1": "A man in a blue shirt standing in front of a garage-like structure painted with geometric designs.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( ( ( ( A man ) ( in ( ( a ( blue shirt ) ) ( standing ( in front ) ) ) ) ) ( of ( a ( garage-like structure ) ) ) ) ( painted ( with ( geometric designs ) ) ) ) . )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (NP (NP (DT A) (NN man)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN shirt)) (VP (VBG standing) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN front)))))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ garage-like) (NN structure))) (VP (VBN painted) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ geometric) (NNS designs)))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A man is wearing a black shirt", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A man ) ( is ( wearing ( a ( black shirt ) ) ) ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN man)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (DT a) (JJ black) (NN shirt))))))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "neutral", "entailment", "neutral", "entailment"], "captionID": "3667788497.jpg#0", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "3667788497.jpg#0r1e", "sentence1": "Under a blue sky with white clouds, a child reaches up to touch the propeller of a plane standing parked on a field of grass.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( Under ( ( a ( blue sky ) ) ( with ( white clouds ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( a child ) ( ( ( reaches up ) ( to ( touch ( ( the propeller ) ( of ( ( a ( plane standing ) ) ( parked ( on ( ( a field ) ( of grass ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (PP (IN Under) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN sky)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ white) (NNS clouds))))) (, ,) (NP (DT a) (NN child)) (VP (VBZ reaches) (PRT (RP up)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB touch) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN propeller)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN plane) (NN standing)) (VP (VBN parked) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN field)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN grass))))))))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A child is reaching to touch the propeller of a plane.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A child ) ( ( is ( reaching ( to ( touch ( ( the propeller ) ( of ( a plane ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN child)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG reaching) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB touch) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN propeller)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN plane))))))))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["neutral", "entailment", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral"], "captionID": "3667788497.jpg#0", "gold_label": "neutral", "pairID": "3667788497.jpg#0r1n", "sentence1": "Under a blue sky with white clouds, a child reaches up to touch the propeller of a plane standing parked on a field of grass.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( Under ( ( a ( blue sky ) ) ( with ( white clouds ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( a child ) ( ( ( reaches up ) ( to ( touch ( ( the propeller ) ( of ( ( a ( plane standing ) ) ( parked ( on ( ( a field ) ( of grass ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (PP (IN Under) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN sky)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ white) (NNS clouds))))) (, ,) (NP (DT a) (NN child)) (VP (VBZ reaches) (PRT (RP up)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB touch) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN propeller)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN plane) (NN standing)) (VP (VBN parked) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN field)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN grass))))))))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A child is reaching to touch the propeller out of curiosity.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A child ) ( ( is ( reaching ( to ( ( ( touch ( the propeller ) ) out ) ( of curiosity ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN child)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG reaching) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB touch) (NP (DT the) (NN propeller)) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN curiosity)))))))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "3667788497.jpg#0", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "3667788497.jpg#0r1c", "sentence1": "Under a blue sky with white clouds, a child reaches up to touch the propeller of a plane standing parked on a field of grass.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( Under ( ( a ( blue sky ) ) ( with ( white clouds ) ) ) ) ( , ( ( a child ) ( ( ( reaches up ) ( to ( touch ( ( the propeller ) ( of ( ( a ( plane standing ) ) ( parked ( on ( ( a field ) ( of grass ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (PP (IN Under) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ blue) (NN sky)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ white) (NNS clouds))))) (, ,) (NP (DT a) (NN child)) (VP (VBZ reaches) (PRT (RP up)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB touch) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN propeller)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN plane) (NN standing)) (VP (VBN parked) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN field)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN grass))))))))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A child is playing with a ball.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A child ) ( ( is ( playing ( with ( a ball ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN child)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG playing) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN ball))))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["entailment", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment", "entailment"], "captionID": "3948003394.jpg#1", "gold_label": "entailment", "pairID": "3948003394.jpg#1r1e", "sentence1": "A woman is doing a cartwheel while wearing a bikini in the sand next to the beach.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( A woman ) ( ( is ( ( doing ( a ( cartwheel while ) ) ) ( wearing ( ( a bikini ) ( in ( ( the sand ) ( next ( to ( the beach ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN woman)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG doing) (NP (DT a) (JJ cartwheel) (NN while)) (S (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN bikini)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sand)) (ADVP (JJ next) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN beach))))))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A woman is doing a cartwheel.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A woman ) ( ( is ( doing ( a cartwheel ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN woman)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG doing) (NP (DT a) (NN cartwheel)))) (. .)))"}
{"annotator_labels": ["contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction", "contradiction"], "captionID": "3948003394.jpg#1", "gold_label": "contradiction", "pairID": "3948003394.jpg#1r1c", "sentence1": "A woman is doing a cartwheel while wearing a bikini in the sand next to the beach.", "sentence1_binary_parse": "( ( A woman ) ( ( is ( ( doing ( a ( cartwheel while ) ) ) ( wearing ( ( a bikini ) ( in ( ( the sand ) ( next ( to ( the beach ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence1_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN woman)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG doing) (NP (DT a) (JJ cartwheel) (NN while)) (S (VP (VBG wearing) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN bikini)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sand)) (ADVP (JJ next) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN beach))))))))))) (. .)))", "sentence2": "A woman is fixing her home.", "sentence2_binary_parse": "( ( A woman ) ( ( is ( fixing ( her home ) ) ) . ) )", "sentence2_parse": "(ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN woman)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG fixing) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN home)))) (. .)))"}
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Iterator, List, Callable, Iterable, Union
import json
import logging
import itertools
import time
import argparse
from overrides import overrides
import numpy
from import Dataset as TorchDataset
from import IterableDataset as IterableTorchDataset
from import DataLoader, Sampler
from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable
from import Batch as AllennlpBatch
from import Instance
from import Vocabulary
from import DatasetReader, SnliReader
from allennlp.common.file_utils import cached_path
from import Field, TextField, LabelField, MetadataField
from import SingleIdTokenIndexer, TokenIndexer
from import Tokenizer, WordTokenizer
from import sort_by_padding as allennlp_sort_by_padding
from allennlp.common.util import lazy_groups_of
Allennlp datasets are now just Pytorch Datasets of allennlp Instances.
These have to implement `text_to_instance`. We have two abstract classes
for each of the indexable and iterable pytorch datasets.
class Dataset(TorchDataset, Registrable):
def text_to_instance(self, *inputs) -> Instance:
raise NotImplementedError
def __getitem__(self) -> Instance:
raise NotImplementedError
class IterableDataset(IterableTorchDataset, Registrable):
def text_to_instance(self, *inputs) -> Instance:
raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Instance]:
raise NotImplementedError
Here we have two SNLI readers in both of the different styles.
They are only slightly different.
class SnliDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self,
file_path: str,
tokenizer: Tokenizer = None,
token_indexers: Dict[str, TokenIndexer] = None,
lazy: bool = False) -> None:
self._tokenizer = tokenizer or WordTokenizer()
self._token_indexers = token_indexers or {"tokens": SingleIdTokenIndexer()}
file_path = cached_path(file_path)
self.examples = []
for line in open(file_path, "r"):
example = json.loads(line)
if example["gold_label"] == "-":
# These were cases where the annotators disagreed; we'll just skip them. It's
# like 800 out of 500k examples in the training data.
def __len__(self):
return len(self.examples)
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Instance:
example = self.examples[idx]
return self.text_to_instance(example["sentence1"], example["sentence2"], example["gold_label"])
def text_to_instance(self,
premise: str,
hypothesis: str,
label: str = None) -> Instance:
fields: Dict[str, Field] = {}
premise_tokens = self._tokenizer.tokenize(premise)
hypothesis_tokens = self._tokenizer.tokenize(hypothesis)
fields["premise"] = TextField(premise_tokens, self._token_indexers)
fields["hypothesis"] = TextField(hypothesis_tokens, self._token_indexers)
if label:
fields["label"] = LabelField(label)
metadata = {
"premise_tokens": [x.text for x in premise_tokens],
"hypothesis_tokens": [x.text for x in hypothesis_tokens],
fields["metadata"] = MetadataField(metadata)
return Instance(fields)
class IterableSnliDataset(IterableDataset):
def __init__(
file_path: str,
tokenizer: Tokenizer = None,
token_indexers: Dict[str, TokenIndexer] = None,
lazy: bool = False,
) -> None:
self._tokenizer = tokenizer or WordTokenizer()
self._token_indexers = token_indexers or {"tokens": SingleIdTokenIndexer()}
self.file_path = cached_path(file_path)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Instance]:
for line in open(self.file_path, "r"):
example = json.loads(line)
if example["gold_label"] == "-":
# These were cases where the annotators disagreed; we'll just skip them. It's
# like 800 out of 500k examples in the training data.
yield self.text_to_instance(example["sentence1"], example["sentence2"], example["gold_label"])
def text_to_instance(self,
premise: str,
hypothesis: str,
label: str = None) -> Instance:
fields: Dict[str, Field] = {}
premise_tokens = self._tokenizer.tokenize(premise)
hypothesis_tokens = self._tokenizer.tokenize(hypothesis)
fields["premise"] = TextField(premise_tokens, self._token_indexers)
fields["hypothesis"] = TextField(hypothesis_tokens, self._token_indexers)
if label:
fields["label"] = LabelField(label)
metadata = {
"premise_tokens": [x.text for x in premise_tokens],
"hypothesis_tokens": [x.text for x in hypothesis_tokens],
fields["metadata"] = MetadataField(metadata)
return Instance(fields)
Datasets work really nicely.
The main problem now is how allennlp's batching interacts with the pytorch DataLoader.
At a first glance, this works:
def allennlp_collocate(batch):
batch = AllennlpBatch(batch)
return batch.as_tensor_dict(batch.get_padding_lengths())
batch_generator = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, collate_fn=allennlp_collocate)
However, this only works if we want to do very basic batching. In particular,
it can only batch elements which are returned together and because it is a function
passed to `DataLoader`, it also has to be stateless. This is problematic,
because allennlp has several iteration flags which are _not_ stateless.
For example, `maximum_samples_per_batch` takes an existing batch of instances, and
checks the number of _tokens_ present in a particular field. If the max_samples exceeds
the limit, it splits the batch, caching the left over part. This is not possible using
In order to overcome this problem, I've envisioned something similar to the
torchvision.Transform api for pre-processing images, but working on the level of entire
The idea is that all the steps in the pipeline (indexing, batching, bucketing, filtering etc)
can be written as generators, which can then be wrapped by pytorch datasets.
# TODO Joel would say this class could be a generic subtype, because each
# Transform can _only_ be to one of these types.
InstanceOrBatch = Union[Iterable[Instance], Instance]
class DatasetFromList(TorchDataset):
def __init__(self, instances: Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]):
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> InstanceOrBatch:
return self.instances[i]
class DatasetFromGenerator(IterableTorchDataset):
def __init__(self, generator: Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]):
self.generator = generator
def __iter__(self) -> InstanceOrBatch:
for x in self.generator:
yield x
class Transform(IterableTorchDataset):
def transform(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
Describes a transformation from either:
Instance -> Instance (e.g inplace mutation, indexing)
Instance -> Iterable[Instance] (batching, reading X number of instances into memory)
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
# wrapper to make sure transform only has to be
# Iterable[Instance] -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch],
# and we handle dispatching the transform based on what type the dataset
# passed to call is iterable over.
def generator():
# Here, we want to 'peek' at the generator to see if it is
# nested or not.
example = next(iter(dataset))
if isinstance(example, Instance):
yield from self.transform(itertools.chain([example], dataset))
# IMPORTANT! These have to be yield from. because some
# transforms themeselves return something that is iterable.
yield from self.transform(example)
for example in dataset:
yield from self.transform(example)
return DatasetFromGenerator(generator())
class MaxInstancesInMemory(Transform):
turns a dataset into a dataset of chunks of size max_instances_in_memory.
This is helpful if you have an IterableDataset which you want to read a chunk from
so you can sort it by padding, and then batch afterward.
def __init__(self,
max_instances_in_memory: int
self.max_instances_in_memory = max_instances_in_memory
def transform(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
batch = []
for instance in dataset:
if len(batch) == self.max_instances_in_memory:
yield batch
batch = []
yield batch
# Batching is actually the same as MaxInstancesInMemory,
# but we also accept this name as conceptually they are thought about differently.
Batch = MaxInstancesInMemory
class Index(Transform):
Indexes allennlp Instances in place and returns them.
def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary):
self.vocab = vocab
def transform(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
for instance in dataset:
yield instance
class SortByPadding(Transform):
def __init__(self,
sorting_keys: List[Tuple[str, str]],
padding_noise: float = 0.1,
self.sorting_keys = sorting_keys
self.padding_noise = padding_noise
# HACK, just so we can use the existing sort_by_padding,
# only works if instances are indexed already.
self.vocab = None
def transform(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
instances = list(dataset)
if not all([i.indexed for i in instances]):
raise ValueError("Index() must occur before SortByPadding()")
instances = allennlp_sort_by_padding(
instances, self.sorting_keys, self.vocab, self.padding_noise)
yield from instances
class EpochTracker(Transform):
Adds a allennlp Field to each Instance which specifies how many
times the full dataset has been iterated over.
def __init__(self):
self.epoch = 0
def transform(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
for instance in dataset:
instance.fields["epoch_num"] = MetadataField(self.epoch)
yield instance
self.epoch += 1
class Compose(Transform):
def __init__(self, transforms):
self.transforms = transforms
def transform(self, dataset: Iterable[Instance]) -> Iterable[InstanceOrBatch]:
for t in self.transforms:
dataset = t(dataset)
yield from dataset
def __repr__(self):
format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + '('
for t in self.transforms:
format_string += '\n'
format_string += ' {0}'.format(t)
format_string += '\n)'
return format_string
Actual demonstration of the API.
data = SnliDataset("snli_20.jsonl")
vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(data)
def allennlp_collocate(batch):
# If we've added a Batch() into the pipeline,
# this is a length one list containing a batch.
# So we unpack it.
if len(batch) == 1:
batch = list(batch[0])
batch = AllennlpBatch(batch)
# We might have already done this - but it doesn't matter if we have,
# because if so it's a no-op.
return batch.as_tensor_dict(batch.get_padding_lengths())
transformations = [
SortByPadding([("premise", "num_tokens")]),
data = Compose(transformations)(data)
# Here we pass batch size=1 to the dataloader,
# because we have already done batching in our pipeline e.g collocate_fn
# is recieving a list of a single batch of instances.
batch_generator = DataLoader(data, batch_size=1, collate_fn=allennlp_collocate)
print("Example batches")
for batch in batch_generator:
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