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Created May 10, 2016 01:14
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A little less cake
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ec = system.dispatcher
//we don't use the actor system ec here, but let's ignore that
val userService = new UserServiceImpl(ec)
val foobarService = new FoobarServiceImpl(userService)
val restActor = system.actorOf(Props(new RestActor(userService, foobarService)) "actor")
class RestActor(val userService:UserService, val foobarServiceFoobarService) extends Registry with UserRoutes {
val userRoutes = new UserRoutes(userService)
def receive = {
userRoutes.userRoutesDef ~
trait AccessDirectives extends Directives {
//Here we still need user service, so do we self type to UserRoutes?
//Or maybe a structural self-type?
self: {val userService:UserService} =>
val letMeIn:Directive1[Option[User]] = optionalHeaderByValueName("user_auth").hflatMap {
case Some(id) :: HNil => onSuccess(userService.get(id))
case _ => reject()
class UserRoutes(val userService:UserService) with AccessDirectives {
self: Registry =>
val userRoutesDef = {
path(Segment){ userId =>
onSuccess(userService.get(userId)){ user =>
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