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I am developing with Python, C# and C++

Jens Eckervogt DeafMan1983

I am developing with Python, C# and C++
  • Germany
  • 05:25 (UTC +01:00)
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DeafMan1983 / ProgramSDLwithMenus.cs
Last active July 1, 2022 14:30
That is an example Menu, Game and Option like scene switcher with old version of Half-Life by Serria or Quake by IQ Software, It was porting from C++/C in StackOverflow - It is simple result . If you add Text and sprites …
using System;
using static SDL2.SDL;
namespace SdlMenuExample
static class Program
public struct color
public byte r, g, b, a;
DeafMan1983 / NativeLong.cs
Last active September 23, 2020 05:04
NativeLong for C# with Dotnet
* Jens Eckervogt ( aka DeafMan1983 )
* NativeLong for all platform if you use Windows It will work for Windows. But no problem.
public interface INativeLong
long ToNative();
public class NativeLong : INativeLong