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Last active October 4, 2023 14:02
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"Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB" - Plex BusyDB Check, Restart and Notify Script with Apprise Notifications (predefined Telegram) and statistics (currently testing)
# Files and paths
# Apprise URL for Telegram notifications
# Grace period in seconds (3 minutes)
# Locking mechanism
if [ -e "$lock_file" ]; then
echo "Another instance of the script is running."
exit 1
touch "$lock_file"
# Cleanup lock on exit
trap 'rm -f "$lock_file"' EXIT
# Check for grace period after a restart
if [ -e "$restart_grace_file" ]; then
last_restart=$(cat "$restart_grace_file")
current_time=$(date +%s)
time_since_restart=$((current_time - last_restart))
if [ "$time_since_restart" -lt "$grace_period" ]; then
echo "In grace period after a restart. Skipping checks."
exit 0
rm "$restart_grace_file"
# Function to send a notification using Apprise
send_notification() {
local title="$1"
local body="$2"
apprise -t "$title" -b "$body" $APPRIZE_URL
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to send notification via Apprise."
exit 1
# Function to log events
log_event() {
local event_type="$1"
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $event_type" >> "$log_file"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed to write to log file."
exit 1
# Function to cleanup old log entries (older than 7 days)
cleanup_logs() {
if [ ! -f "$log_file" ]; then
return 0
local seven_days_ago=$(date -d "7 days ago" '+%Y-%m-%d')
awk -v d="$seven_days_ago" '{split($1, date, "-"); if (date[1] "-" date[2] "-" date[3] >= d) print $0}' "$log_file" > "${log_file}.tmp"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed during log cleanup."
exit 1
mv "${log_file}.tmp" "$log_file"
# Function to calculate and send a 12-hour statistics summary
send_12h_statistics() {
local now=$(date +%s)
local twelve_hours_ago=$((now - 12*3600))
local summary=$(awk -v d="$twelve_hours_ago" 'BEGIN {count=0} {split($1 " " $2, datetime, "-| |:"); event_time=mktime(datetime[1] " " datetime[2] " " datetime[3] " " datetime[4] " " datetime[5] " " datetime[6]); if (event_time > d) print $0}' "$log_file")
send_notification "Plex 12-hour Statistics" "$summary"
# Function to check the health of the plex container
check_plex_health() {
local plex_logs=$(docker logs --tail 10 plex)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed to retrieve Plex container logs."
exit 1
local count=$(grep -c "Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB" <<< "$plex_logs")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed during log processing."
exit 1
if [ "$count" -gt 4 ]; then
log_event "busy_db"
docker restart plex
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed to restart Plex container."
exit 1
log_event "restart"
send_notification "Plex Container Restarted" "Container was restarted due to database issues."
echo $(date +%s) > "$restart_grace_file"
local last_line=$(docker logs --tail 1 plex)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed to retrieve last line of Plex container logs."
exit 1
if grep -q "Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB" <<< "$last_line"; then
if [ -f "$timestamp_file" ]; then
local current_time=$(date +%s)
local last_time=$(cat "$timestamp_file")
local time_diff=$((current_time - last_time))
if [ "$time_diff" -gt 90 ]; then
log_event "busy_db"
docker restart plex
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
send_notification "Script Error" "Failed to restart Plex container due to busy DB event."
exit 1
log_event "restart"
send_notification "Plex Container Restarted" "Container was restarted due to last line being busy DB for more than 90 seconds."
rm "$timestamp_file"
date +%s > "$timestamp_file"
[ -f "$timestamp_file" ] && rm "$timestamp_file"
# Run the health check function
# Call the send_12h_statistics function at 10am and 10pm
current_hour=$(date +'%H')
if [ "$current_hour" -eq "10" ] || [ "$current_hour" -eq "22" ]; then
# Cleanup logs older than 7 days
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Deathproof76 commented Oct 3, 2023

Plex BusyDB Check, Restart and Notify Script Documentation


This script checks the logs of a Docker container running Plex to detect database "busy" errors. If the script detects multiple "busy" messages in a short span or if the last message in the logs indicates a "busy" database for more than 90 seconds, it will restart the Plex container. This is currently the only "fix" known to me to unfreeze Plex, besides mitigating the problem through high-end hardware (waiting for it to resolve itself just doesn't happen). The script also provides a daily statistics summary of events and ensures that the script operations are atomic to prevent overlaps when run frequently.

Intended Purpose:

  • Monitor Plex logs for "busy" database messages.
  • Restart the Plex container under certain conditions to resolve potential "busy" database issues.
  • Send notifications when the container is restarted.
  • Provide a daily statistics summary of events.


  1. Docker with Plex running as a container.
  2. Apprise installed for sending notifications.
  3. The script requires execution permissions (chmod +x


  1. Clone/download the script to your server or machine running the Plex Docker container.
  2. Modify the APPRIZE_URL placeholder in the script with your actual Apprise URL. This is used to send notifications. For instance, for Telegram, it would look like: tgram://bot_token/CHAT_ID/.
  3. Make sure the script has execute permissions:

chmod +x

  1. Run the script manually or set it up in a cron job to run at your desired frequency (recommended every minute).


Run the script:


To set it up as a cron job to run every minute:

* * * * * /path/to/


The script sends notifications in the following scenarios:

  1. When the Plex container is restarted due to database issues.
  2. If there's an error while the script is executing.
  3. A daily summary of the events.


  • The script maintains logs in the /tmp directory by default. Ensure this location is writable by the user executing the script or modify the script to change the directory.
  • Monitor the initial runs of the script to ensure it's working as expected in your environment.

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