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Last active July 1, 2017 14:12
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Convert csv to ascii table (mysql style)
# Dennis Ullrich
# Version 1.0-0 (2017-07-01)
# [email protected]
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "$0 [separator] [file or \"-\" for stdin]"
return false
# Variables
input="`cat $2`" || return $?
# Internal vars
max=( 0 )
# Get max character count per field
while read line; do
IFS="$separator" array=( $line )
for i in ${!array[*]}; do
[[ ${#array[i]} -gt ${max[i]} ]] && max[i]=${#array[i]}
done <<< "${input}"
# Build printf format string and spacer
for i in ${max[*]}; do
format+=" %-${i}b |"
spacer+="-$(printf '\-%.0s' {1..$i})-+"
# If bash is used:
#spacer+="-$(printf "%${i}s" "-")-+"
# If bash is used:
#spacer="${spacer// /-}"
# Ascii table output
echo "$spacer"
while read line; do
IFS="$separator" printf "${format}\n" ${line}
# Spacer to separate headline from body
# This causes trouble if bash is used - rewrite it as if []; then ... fi
[[ $i -eq 0 ]] && { echo "$spacer"; ((i++)) }
done <<< "${input}"
echo "$spacer"
csv2ascii $@
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