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Created April 2, 2019 17:24
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Checks server uptime on linux machines and raises critical if uptime <= 5 minutes
# Author: Dennis Ullrich ([email protected])
# Description:
# Checks server uptime on linux machines and raises critical if uptime <= 5 minutes.
# Made for icinga2 - parameters are not implemented yet.
# In global zone:
# object CheckCommand "check_uptime" {
# import "plugin-check-command"
# command = [ "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_uptime" ]
# }
# Service definition:
# apply Service "check_uptime" {
# display_name = "System Uptime"
# check_command = "check_uptime"
# import "generic-service"
# check_interval = 1m
# command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint
# assign where host.vars.os == "Linux"
# }
# Changelog:
# 2019-02-07 V0.1: First release
s_to_dhms() {
printf "%d days, %02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n" $d $h $m $s
read -d . uptime _ </proc/uptime || { echo "Unknown: failed to read /proc/uptime"; exit 3; }
UPTIME="$(s_to_dhms $uptime)"
if [[ $uptime -le 300 ]]; then
echo "CRITICAL: Machine has been rebootet in the past 5 Minutes! Uptime $UPTIME"
exit 2
elif [[ $uptime -gt 300 ]]; then
echo "OK: Uptime $UPTIME"
exit 0
echo "UNKNOWN: Weird value of $uptime"
exit 3
# vim: expandtab:ai:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
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