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Created February 7, 2022 06:19
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package main
import (
func main() {
Box := box.New(box.Config{Px: 2, Py: 1, Type: "Single", Color: uint(0x1d84f2), ContentAlign: "Center"})
Box.Print(lolcat("Swastik Baranwal"), lolcat(`Programmer | Open Source Contributor | FGO Gamer | Otaku
Twitter: https//
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func lolcat(str string) string {
var Output string
Freq := float64(0.1)
for _, s := range strings.Split(str, "") {
Output += normalStyle(Freq, s)
Freq += 0.1
return Output
func normalStyle(num float64, s string) string {
Red := uint8(math.Sin(num+0)*127 + 128)
Green := uint8(math.Sin(num+2)*127 + 128)
Blue := uint8(math.Sin(num+4)*127 + 128)
return color.Rgb(Red, Blue, Green).Sprint(s)
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