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Created May 31, 2022 09:18
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  • Save Dema/7697e1f54e7a97f33c9346df3add2b98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Dema/7697e1f54e7a97f33c9346df3add2b98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
alias tmux='TERM=screen-256color tmux'
alias vim='vim -w ~/.vimlog "$@"'
# alias gvim='gvim -w ~/.vimlog "$@"'
#временно, тормоза из-за zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
#alias mc='mc -u'
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
alias ls='exa'
alias ll='exa -lha'
alias lr='exa -lha --tree'
alias x="xdg-open"
alias n="nvim-qt"
# alias em="sudo emerge -vat --keep-going "
# alias vudna="sudo emerge -vuDNaA @world"
alias v="view"
alias 7za_ultra='7za a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=256m'
alias 7za_usolid='7za a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=256m -ms=on'
alias S=sudo
alias _=sudo
# alias dnf="sudo dnf"
# alias dnfi="dnf install"
# alias dnfs="dnf search"
#alias b='%1 &!'
alias dfh='df -h'
alias gdc='git diff --cached'
alias dw='git diff --color-words'
alias dwc='git diff --color-words --cached'
alias find='noglob find'
alias free='free -m'
alias grm='git rebase master'
alias ser='stg series -ade'
alias PG="ps axuw | grep -i"
alias sus='sudo systemctl suspend'
alias rscp='ionice -c3 rsync -aP'
alias rsmv='ionice -c3 rsync -aP --remove-source-files'
alias c="code ."
alias o='gajim-remote change_status offline; gajim-remote change_status online'
# alias run-help=man
alias unx='find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -x'
alias wget='noglob wget --trust-server-names'
# alias which-command=whence
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias bman='man --html=x-www-browser'
unalias fd
alias dol='dolphin .'
alias se='sudoedit'
alias st='git status'
alias gl='git log -p'
alias ggb='git gui blame'
alias xclipC='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias p="pwd | tr --delete '\n' | xclipC"
#Arch linux
alias yay="nice -19 ionice -c3 yay"
# --------------------
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
function mkf() { mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"; }
function mvf() { mv "$@" && goto "$_"; }
function cpf() { cp "$@" && goto "$_"; }
function goto() { [[ -d "$1" ]] && cd "$1" || cd "$(dirname "$1")"; }
# ------------------
alias g='git'
alias got='git'
alias gi='git'
alias gti='git'
alias -g C="| xclip -selection clipboard"
# source <(mk completion zsh | sed "s/kubectl/mk/g")
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