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Created April 14, 2018 23:12
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#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/eigen.hpp>
namespace undistorter {
// Distortion models
class DistortionModel {
virtual void distort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const = 0;
virtual void undistort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const = 0;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DistortionModel> Ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const DistortionModel> ConstPtr;
class NullDistortion : public DistortionModel
typedef boost::shared_ptr<NullDistortion> Ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const NullDistortion> ConstPtr;
static Ptr create()
return boost::make_shared<NullDistortion>();
NullDistortion() {};
virtual ~NullDistortion() {};
void distort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const {};
void undistort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const {};
class EquidistantDistortion : public DistortionModel
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EquidistantDistortion> Ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const EquidistantDistortion> ConstPtr;
static Ptr create(const Eigen::Vector4d& distCoeffs)
return boost::make_shared<EquidistantDistortion>(distCoeffs);
EquidistantDistortion(const Eigen::Vector4d& distCoeffs)
: _distCoeffs(distCoeffs) {};
virtual ~EquidistantDistortion() {};
void distort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const
double r, theta, theta2, theta4, theta6, theta8, thetad, scaling;
r = sqrt(y[0]*y[0] + y[1]*y[1]);
theta = atan(r);
theta2 = theta * theta;
theta4 = theta2 * theta2;
theta6 = theta4 * theta2;
theta8 = theta4 * theta4;
thetad = theta * (1 + _distCoeffs[0] * theta2 + _distCoeffs[1] * theta4 + _distCoeffs[2] * theta6 + _distCoeffs[3] * theta8);
scaling = (r > 1e-8) ? thetad / r : 1.0;
y[0] *= scaling;
y[1] *= scaling;
void undistort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const
double theta, theta2, theta4, theta6, theta8, thetad, scaling;
thetad = sqrt(y[0] * y[0] + y[1] * y[1]);
theta = thetad; // initial guess
for (int i = 20; i > 0; i--) {
theta2 = theta * theta;
theta4 = theta2 * theta2;
theta6 = theta4 * theta2;
theta8 = theta4 * theta4;
theta = thetad / (1 + _distCoeffs[0] * theta2 + _distCoeffs[1] * theta4 + _distCoeffs[2] * theta6 + _distCoeffs[3] * theta8);
scaling = tan(theta) / thetad;
y[0] *= scaling;
y[1] *= scaling;
const Eigen::Vector4d _distCoeffs;
class RadialTangentialDistortion : public DistortionModel
typedef boost::shared_ptr<RadialTangentialDistortion> Ptr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const RadialTangentialDistortion> ConstPtr;
static Ptr create(const Eigen::Vector4d& distCoeffs)
return boost::make_shared<RadialTangentialDistortion>(distCoeffs);
RadialTangentialDistortion(const Eigen::Vector4d& distCoeffs)
: _distCoeffs(distCoeffs) {};
virtual ~RadialTangentialDistortion() {};
void distort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const
double mx2_u, my2_u, mxy_u, rho2_u, rad_dist_u;
mx2_u = y[0] * y[0];
my2_u = y[1] * y[1];
mxy_u = y[0] * y[1];
rho2_u = mx2_u + my2_u;
rad_dist_u = _distCoeffs[0] * rho2_u + _distCoeffs[1] * rho2_u * rho2_u;
y[0] += y[0] * rad_dist_u + 2.0 * _distCoeffs[2] * mxy_u + _distCoeffs[3] * (rho2_u + 2.0 * mx2_u);
y[1] += y[1] * rad_dist_u + 2.0 * _distCoeffs[3] * mxy_u + _distCoeffs[2] * (rho2_u + 2.0 * my2_u);
void undistort(Eigen::Vector2d& y) const
const int n = 5;
Eigen::Vector2d ybar = y;
Eigen::Matrix2d J;
Eigen::Vector2d y_tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
y_tmp = ybar;
double mx2_u, my2_u, mxy_u, rho2_u, rad_dist_u;
mx2_u = y_tmp[0] * y_tmp[0];
my2_u = y_tmp[1] * y_tmp[1];
mxy_u = y_tmp[0] * y_tmp[1];
rho2_u = mx2_u + my2_u;
rad_dist_u = _distCoeffs[0] * rho2_u + _distCoeffs[1] * rho2_u * rho2_u;
J(0, 0) = 1 + rad_dist_u + _distCoeffs[0] * 2.0 * mx2_u + _distCoeffs[1] * rho2_u * 4 * mx2_u
+ 2.0 * _distCoeffs[2] * y_tmp[1] + 6 * _distCoeffs[3] * y_tmp[0];
J(1, 0) = _distCoeffs[0] * 2.0 * y_tmp[0] * y_tmp[1] + _distCoeffs[1] * 4 * rho2_u * y_tmp[0] * y_tmp[1]
+ _distCoeffs[2] * 2.0 * y_tmp[0] + 2.0 * _distCoeffs[3] * y_tmp[1];
J(0, 1) = J(1, 0);
J(1, 1) = 1 + rad_dist_u + _distCoeffs[0] * 2.0 * my2_u + _distCoeffs[1] * rho2_u * 4 * my2_u
+ 6 * _distCoeffs[2] * y[1] + 2.0 * _distCoeffs[3] * y[0];
y_tmp[0] += y_tmp[0] * rad_dist_u + 2.0 * _distCoeffs[2] * mxy_u + _distCoeffs[3] * (rho2_u + 2.0 * mx2_u);
y_tmp[1] += y_tmp[1] * rad_dist_u + 2.0 * _distCoeffs[3] * mxy_u + _distCoeffs[2] * (rho2_u + 2.0 * my2_u);
Eigen::Vector2d e(y - y_tmp);
Eigen::Vector2d du = (J.transpose() * J).inverse() * J.transpose() * e;
ybar += du;
if ( < 1e-15)
y = ybar;
//_distCoeffs: k1, k2, p1, p2
const Eigen::Vector4d _distCoeffs;
// Camera Model
struct PinholeGeometry {
: focallength(Eigen::Vector2d(0,0)),
PinholeGeometry(const Eigen::Vector2d& focallength,
const Eigen::Vector2d& principalpoint,
const Eigen::Vector2i& resolution,
DistortionModel::Ptr distortion)
: focallength(focallength),
PinholeGeometry(const Eigen::Matrix3d& cameraMatrix,
const Eigen::Vector2i& resolution,
DistortionModel::Ptr distortion)
: resolution(resolution),
focallength[0] = cameraMatrix(0, 0);
focallength[1] = cameraMatrix(1, 1);
principalpoint[0] = cameraMatrix(0, 2);
principalpoint[1] = cameraMatrix(1, 2);
Eigen::Matrix3d getCameraMatrix() const
Eigen::Matrix3d cameraMatrix = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
cameraMatrix(0,0) = focallength[0];
cameraMatrix(1,1) = focallength[1];
cameraMatrix(0,2) = principalpoint[0];
cameraMatrix(1,2) = principalpoint[1];
cameraMatrix(2,2) = 1.0;
return cameraMatrix;
//camera parameters
Eigen::Vector2d focallength;
Eigen::Vector2d principalpoint;
Eigen::Vector2i resolution;
DistortionModel::Ptr distortion;
// Custom OpenCV functions
namespace cv_helper {
using namespace cv;
//calculates the inner(min)/outer(max) rectangle on the undistorted image
// camera_geometry: camera geometry (distortion and intrinsics used)
// imgSize: The original image size.
// inner: inner rectangle (all pixels valid)
// outer: outer rectangle (no pixels lost)
static void icvGetRectangles(const PinholeGeometry& camera_geometry,
CvSize imgSize, cv::Rect_<float>& inner,
cv::Rect_<float>& outer) {
const int N = 9;
int x, y, k;
cv::Ptr<CvMat> _pts(cvCreateMat(1, N * N, CV_32FC2));
CvPoint2D32f* pts = (CvPoint2D32f*) (_pts->data.ptr);
for (y = k = 0; y < N; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < N; x++) {
Eigen::Vector2d point(x * imgSize.width / (N - 1),
y * imgSize.height / (N - 1));
Eigen::Matrix3d cameraMatrix = camera_geometry.getCameraMatrix();
double cu = cameraMatrix(0, 2), cv = cameraMatrix(1, 2);
double fu = cameraMatrix(0, 0), fv = cameraMatrix(1, 1);
point(0) = (point(0) - cu) / fu;
point(1) = (point(1) - cv) / fv;
pts[k++] = cvPoint2D32f((float) point[0], (float) point[1]);
float iX0 = -FLT_MAX, iX1 = FLT_MAX, iY0 = -FLT_MAX, iY1 = FLT_MAX;
float oX0 = FLT_MAX, oX1 = -FLT_MAX, oY0 = FLT_MAX, oY1 = -FLT_MAX;
// find the inscribed rectangle.
// the code will likely not work with extreme rotation matrices (R) (>45%)
for (y = k = 0; y < N; y++)
for (x = 0; x < N; x++) {
CvPoint2D32f p = pts[k++];
oX0 = MIN(oX0, p.x);
oX1 = MAX(oX1, p.x);
oY0 = MIN(oY0, p.y);
oY1 = MAX(oY1, p.y);
if (x == 0)
iX0 = MAX(iX0, p.x);
if (x == N - 1)
iX1 = MIN(iX1, p.x);
if (y == 0)
iY0 = MAX(iY0, p.y);
if (y == N - 1)
iY1 = MIN(iY1, p.y);
inner = cv::Rect_<float>(iX0, iY0, iX1 - iX0, iY1 - iY0);
outer = cv::Rect_<float>(oX0, oY0, oX1 - oX0, oY1 - oY0);
//Returns the new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
// camera_geometry: camera geometry (distortion and intrinsics used)
// imgSize: The original image size.
// alpha: Free scaling parameter between 0 (when all the pixels in the undistorted image will be valid)
// and 1 (when all the source image pixels will be retained in the undistorted image)
// newImgSize: Image size after rectification. By default it will be set to imageSize.
// RETURNS: The output new camera matrix.
Eigen::Matrix3d getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(
const PinholeGeometry& camera_geometry, CvSize imgSize, double alpha,
CvSize newImgSize) {
cv::Rect_<float> inner, outer;
newImgSize = newImgSize.width * newImgSize.height != 0 ? newImgSize : imgSize;
// Get inscribed and circumscribed rectangles in normalized
// (independent of camera matrix) coordinates
icvGetRectangles(camera_geometry, imgSize, inner, outer);
// Projection mapping inner rectangle to viewport
double fx0 = (newImgSize.width - 1) / inner.width;
double fy0 = (newImgSize.height - 1) / inner.height;
double cx0 = -fx0 * inner.x;
double cy0 = -fy0 * inner.y;
// Projection mapping outer rectangle to viewport
double fx1 = (newImgSize.width - 1) / outer.width;
double fy1 = (newImgSize.height - 1) / outer.height;
double cx1 = -fx1 * outer.x;
double cy1 = -fy1 * outer.y;
// Interpolate between the two optimal projections
Eigen::Matrix3d newCameraMatrixEigen = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
newCameraMatrixEigen(0, 0) = fx0 * (1 - alpha) + fx1 * alpha;
newCameraMatrixEigen(1, 1) = fy0 * (1 - alpha) + fy1 * alpha;
newCameraMatrixEigen(0, 2) = cx0 * (1 - alpha) + cx1 * alpha;
newCameraMatrixEigen(1, 2) = cy0 * (1 - alpha) + cy1 * alpha;
newCameraMatrixEigen(2, 2) = 1.0;
return newCameraMatrixEigen;
//Returns the new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
// camera_geometry: camera geometry (distortion and intrinsics used)
// R: Optional rectification transformation in the object space (3x3 matrix)
// newCameraMatrix: New camera matrix
// size: Undistorted image size.
// m1type: Type of the first output map that can be CV_32FC1 or CV_16SC2
// OUTPUT: (maps can be used with cv::remap)
// _map1: The first output map.
// _map2: The second output map.
void initUndistortRectifyMap(const PinholeGeometry& _distortedCamera,
const Eigen::Matrix3d& _R,
const Eigen::Matrix3d& _newCameraMatrix, Size size,
int m1type, OutputArray _map1, OutputArray _map2) {
//prepare the outputs data structures
if (m1type <= 0)
m1type = CV_16SC2;
CV_Assert(m1type == CV_16SC2 || m1type == CV_32FC1 || m1type == CV_32FC2);
_map1.create(size, m1type);
Mat map1 = _map1.getMat(), map2;
if (m1type != CV_32FC2) {
_map2.create(size, m1type == CV_16SC2 ? CV_16UC1 : CV_32FC1);
map2 = _map2.getMat();
} else
Eigen::Matrix3d invR = (_newCameraMatrix * _R).inverse();
for (int i = 0; i < size.height; i++) {
float* m1f = (float*) ( + map1.step * i);
float* m2f = (float*) ( + map2.step * i);
short* m1 = (short*) m1f;
ushort* m2 = (ushort*) m2f;
double _x = i * invR(0, 1) + invR(0, 2), //TODO maybe the is ordering wrong...
_y = i * invR(1, 1) + invR(1, 2), _w = i * invR(2, 1) + invR(2, 2);
for (int j = 0; j < size.width;
j++, _x += invR(0, 0), _y += invR(1, 0), _w += invR(2, 0)) {
double w = 1. / _w, x = _x * w, y = _y * w;
//apply original distortion
Eigen::Vector2d point(x, y);
double u_norm = point[0], v_norm = point[1];
//apply original camera matrix
//get the camera matrix from the camera
Eigen::Matrix3d cameraMatrix = _distortedCamera.getCameraMatrix();
double u0 = cameraMatrix(0, 2), v0 = cameraMatrix(1, 2);
double fx = cameraMatrix(0, 0), fy = cameraMatrix(1, 1);
double u = fx * u_norm + u0;
double v = fy * v_norm + v0;
//store in output format
if (m1type == CV_16SC2) {
int iu = saturate_cast<int>(u * INTER_TAB_SIZE);
int iv = saturate_cast<int>(v * INTER_TAB_SIZE);
m1[j * 2] = (short) (iu >> INTER_BITS);
m1[j * 2 + 1] = (short) (iv >> INTER_BITS);
m2[j] = (ushort) ((iv & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)) * INTER_TAB_SIZE
+ (iu & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)));
} else if (m1type == CV_32FC1) {
m1f[j] = (float) u;
m2f[j] = (float) v;
} else {
m1f[j * 2] = (float) u;
m1f[j * 2 + 1] = (float) v;
// Undistorter
class PinholeUndistorter
/// \param[in] alpha The free scaling parameter between 0 (when all the pixels in the undistorted image will be valid) and 1 (when all the source image pixels will be retained in the undistorted image).
/// \param[in] scale Allows to scale the resulting image.
PinholeUndistorter(const PinholeGeometry& distortedGeometry, double alpha,
double scale, int interpolation)
: distortedGeometry_(distortedGeometry),
int width = distortedGeometry_.resolution[0];
int height = distortedGeometry_.resolution[1];
int newWidth = (int) width * scale;
int newHeight = (int) height * scale;
// compute the optimal new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameter
Eigen::Matrix3d idealCameraMatrix = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
idealCameraMatrix = cv_helper::getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(distortedGeometry_, cv::Size(width, height), alpha, cv::Size(newWidth, newHeight));
// set new idealGeometry
idealGeometry_ = PinholeGeometry(idealCameraMatrix,
Eigen::Vector2i(newWidth, newHeight),
// compute the undistortion and rectification transformation map
cv::Size(newWidth, newHeight), CV_16SC2,
mapX_, mapY_);
~PinholeUndistorter() {};
/// \brief Undistort a single image.
void undistortImage(const cv::Mat& inImage, cv::Mat& outImage) const
cv::remap(inImage, outImage, mapX_, mapY_, interpolation_);
const PinholeGeometry distortedGeometry_;
PinholeGeometry idealGeometry_;
//undistorter map
cv::Mat mapX_, mapY_;
//interpolation type
int interpolation_;
} //namespace undistorter
#endif /* UNDISTORTER_HPP_ */
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp>
//#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
//#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "image_transport/image_transport.h"
#include "cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h"
#include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
#include "undistorter.h"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using namespace cv;
Mat img1, img2;
std::vector<Point2f> points1;
std::vector<Point2f> points2;
void featureTracking(Mat _img1, Mat _img2, std::vector<Point2f>& _points1, std::vector<Point2f>& _points2, std::vector<uchar>& status)
std::vector<float> err;
Size winSize(21,21);
TermCriteria termcrit(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01);
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_img1, _img2, _points1, _points2, status, err, winSize, 3, termcrit, 0, 0.001);
int iCorr = 0;
for(int i=0; i<status.size(); i++)
Point2f pt =;
if(( ==0) ||(pt.x<0)||(pt.y<0))
{ = 0;
_points1.erase(_points1.begin() + i-iCorr);
_points2.erase(_points2.begin() + i-iCorr);
void fast_features(Mat img, std::vector<Point2f>& points)
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
int threshold = 50;
bool nonmaxSuppression = true;
FAST(img, keypoints, threshold, nonmaxSuppression);
drawKeypoints(img, keypoints, img, Scalar(255,0,0));
imshow("points", img);
KeyPoint::convert(keypoints, points, std::vector<int>());
void image_callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg, const undistorter::PinholeUndistorter& undistorter)
double focal_length = (352.7618998983656+362.2127413903864)/2;
Point2d pp(309.0169477654956, 231.17134547931778);
img2 = img1;
points2 = points1;
cv_bridge::CvImagePtr img_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
undistorter.undistortImage(img_ptr->image, img1);
// img1 = img_ptr->image;
imshow("view", img1);
fast_features(img1, points1);
std::vector<uchar> status;
if(!img1.empty() && !img2.empty())
featureTracking(img1, img2, points1, points2, status);
Mat mask, R, t;
Mat E = findEssentialMat(points2, points1, focal_length, pp, RANSAC, 0.999, 1.0, mask);
recoverPose(E, points2, points1, R, t, focal_length, pp, mask);
std::cout << R << std::endl << std::endl;
catch(cv_bridge::Exception& e)
ROS_ERROR("could not convert from '%s' to 'bgr8'.", msg->encoding.c_str());
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Eigen::Vector2d fl(352.7618998983656, 362.2127413903864);
Eigen::Vector2d pp(309.0169477654956, 231.17134547931778);
Eigen::Vector2i res(640,480);
Eigen::Vector4d dist(-0.09188870979428575, 0.03877266717716036, -0.040007988295463065, 0.013430413696251163);
undistorter::PinholeGeometry camera(fl,pp,res, undistorter::EquidistantDistortion::create(dist));
double alpha = 1.0, scale=1.0;
int interp = INTER_LINEAR;
104,1 69%
undistorter::PinholeUndistorter undistorter(camera, alpha, scale, interp);
ros::init(argc, argv, "image_listener");
ROS_INFO("node init");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
ROS_INFO("node handle made");
namedWindow("view", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow("points", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
ROS_INFO("window made");
ROS_INFO("window thread made");
image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
ROS_INFO("image transport made");
image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe("/cv_camera/image_raw", 1, boost::bind(image_callback, _1, undistorter));
ROS_INFO("subscriber made");
ROS_INFO("destroying window");
return 0;
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