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Forked from toonetown/karabiner-elements-remote-desktop.json
Last active April 7, 2024 03:54
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Karabiner Elements JSON configuration for Microsoft Remote Desktop
"title": "DWE",
"rules": [
"description": "RDP",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic", "description": "Completely disabled the windows key (Startmenu)",
"from": { "key_code": "left_command" },
"to": [ { "key_code": "left_control" } ],
"conditions": [ { "type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ] } ]
"type": "basic", "description": "All command are mapped to CTRL",
"from": { "any": "key_code", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "left_command" ] } },
"to": [ { "any": "key_code", "modifiers": [ "left_control" ] } ],
"conditions": [ { "type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ] } ]
"type": "basic", "description": "Command Q is Alt F4",
"from": { "key_code": "q", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "left_control" ] } },
"to": [ { "key_code": "f4", "modifiers": [ "fn", "left_option" ] } ],
"conditions": [ { "type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ] } ]
"type": "basic", "description": "Command+Tab is Windows+Tab",
"from": {"key_code": "tab", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["left_control"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "tab", "modifiers": ["option"]}],
"conditions": [
{"type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ]}
"type": "basic", "description": "Command+m is Windows+m",
"from": {"key_code": "m", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["left_control"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "down_arrow", "modifiers": ["left_gui"]}],
"conditions": [
{"type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ]}
"type": "basic", "description": "Option i is Alt Ins",
"from": { "key_code": "i", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "option" ] } },
"to": [ { "key_code": "insert", "modifiers": [ "option" ] } ],
"conditions": [ { "type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ] } ]
"type": "basic", "description": "Option d is Alt Entf",
"from": { "key_code": "d", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "option" ] } },
"to": [ { "key_code": "delete_forward", "modifiers": [ "option" ] } ],
"conditions": [ { "type": "frontmost_application_if", "bundle_identifiers": [ "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.osx\\.beta", "com\\.microsoft\\.rdc\\.macos" ] } ]
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thank you! this worked perfectly for me!

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