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Created July 22, 2022 22:36
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Codenames Key Board Generator
* - JavaScript Codenames Key Board Generator
* This script was created for use in a Google Spreadsheet. See this link below
* for a printable version of the game and spreadsheets that generate the key boards.
* (c) 2020-2022, Jonah Lawrence
* This script is licensed under the MIT license.
* This script is not affiliated with or endorsed by Codenames or CGE.
* Shuffles an array in place.
* @param arr {Array} The array to shuffle.
* @returns {Array} The shuffled array.
function shuffle(arr) {
var j, x, i;
for (i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
x = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = x;
return arr;
* Convert a 1-dimensional array to a 2-dimensional array.
* @param list {Array} The list to convert.
* @param elementsPerSubArray {Number} The number of elements per row.
* @returns {Array} The 2-dimensional array.
function listToMatrix(list, elementsPerSubArray) {
var matrix = [], i, k;
for (i = 0, k = -1; i < list.length; i++) {
if (i % elementsPerSubArray === 0) {
matrix[k] = [];
return matrix;
* Create a classic Codenames board with red as the first player.
* @returns {Array} The board for the game.
function boardRed() {
var board = ["×", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
return listToMatrix(shuffle(board), 5);
* Create a classic Codenames board with blue as the first player.
* @returns {Array} The board for the game.
function boardBlue () {
var board = ["×", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
return listToMatrix(shuffle(board), 5);
* Create a Codenames Pictures board with red as the first player.
* @returns {Array} The board for the game.
function boardRedPictures() {
var board = ["×", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", " ", " ", " ", " "];
return listToMatrix(shuffle(board), 5);
* Create a Codenames Pictures board with blue as the first player.
* @returns {Array} The board for the game.
function boardBluePictures() {
var board = ["×", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "◇", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", "○", " ", " ", " ", " "];
return listToMatrix(shuffle(board), 5);
* Create a pair of Codenames Duet boards with with spacing in between, foldable across the vertical axis.
* @returns {Array} The boards for the game.
function boardDuet() {
var boardPairs = shuffle([
["×", "×"],
["×", "★"],
["×", " "],
["★", "★"],
["★", "★"],
["★", "★"],
["★", " "],
["★", " "],
["★", " "],
["★", " "],
["★", " "],
["★", "×"],
[" ", "★"],
[" ", "★"],
[" ", "★"],
[" ", "★"],
[" ", "★"],
[" ", "×"],
[" ", " "],
[" ", " "],
[" ", " "],
[" ", " "],
[" ", " "],
[" ", " "],
[" ", " "],
var board1 = listToMatrix( (pair) { return pair[0]; }), 5);
var board2 = listToMatrix( (pair) { return pair[1]; }), 5);
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < board1.length; ++i) {
output.push(board1[i].concat([" ", " ", " ", " ", " "]).concat(board2[i]));
return output;
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