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Last active November 5, 2024 16:48
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Convert MovieLens CSV export to Letterboxd import format

Script for converting watched movies and Wishlist CSVs from MovieLens to Letterboxd format.


  1. Download movielens-ratings.csv and movielens-logs.csv from by clicking "export ratings" and "export activity logs". For watchlist import, also download movielens-wishlist.csv by clicking "export wishlist".
  2. Change the RATINGS_CSV, LOGS_CSV, and WISHLIST_CSV to the paths of the movielens-ratings.csv, movielens-logs.csv, and movielens-wishlist.csv files respectively.
  3. Set the LETTERBOXD_WATCHED_EXPORT_PATH and LETTERBOXD_WATCHLIST_EXPORT_PATH to the locations where you want to save the Letterboxd CSV files for importing.
  4. Run the script using Python 3.7+.
  5. Go to and import the watched movies and ratings to the "Watched" list and the wishlist to the "Watchlist" list

License: MIT

# Files exported from MovieLens - Change these to the paths of your downloaded files
RATINGS_CSV = "/home/jonah/Downloads/movielens-ratings.csv"
LOGS_CSV = "/home/jonah/Downloads/movielens-logs.csv"
WISHLIST_CSV = "/home/jonah/Downloads/movielens-wishlist.csv"
# Files to create for importing to Letterboxd - Change these to the paths you want the output files to appear
LETTERBOXD_WATCHED_EXPORT_PATH = "/home/jonah/Downloads/letterboxd-watched-export.csv"
LETTERBOXD_WATCHLIST_EXPORT_PATH = "/home/jonah/Downloads/letterboxd-watchlist-export.csv"
"""Script for converting watched movies and Wishlist CSVs from MovieLens to Letterboxd format."""
from __future__ import annotations
import csv
import datetime
import json
from typing import Any
from config import (
def get_movies_to_rate() -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get movies that have been rated on MovieLens and return a dict for creating a CSV file for importing to Letterboxd.
Rating CSV format:
0: "movie_id", 1: "imdb_id", 2: "tmdb_id", 3: "rating", 4: "average_rating", 5: "title"
Logs CSV format:
0: "datetime", 1: "login_id", 2: "action_type", 3: "log_json"
If the action_type is "rating" and the action in the log_json is "ADD", then the movie was rated on that date.
dict: A dict with a list of movies to rate. The list contains dicts with the following:
Title (str): The title of the movie
imdbID (str): The IMDb ID of the movie
tmdbID (str): The TMDb ID of the movie
Rating (float): The rating of the movie (0.5-5.0, in 0.5 increments)
WatchedDate (str): The date the movie was watched (YYYY-MM-DD)
FileNotFoundError: If the ratings CSV is not found or is not readable
movies = {}
with open(RATINGS_CSV, newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
movies[row[0]] = {
"Title": row[5],
"imdbID": row[1],
"tmdbID": row[2],
"Rating": float(row[3]),
with open(LOGS_CSV, newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
if row[2] == "rating":
log_json = json.loads(row[3])
if log_json["action"] == "ADD":
movie_id = str(log_json["movieId"])
if movie_id in movies:
rated_at = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
movies[movie_id]["WatchedDate"] = rated_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
except FileNotFoundError:
f"\N{CROSS MARK} WARNING: LOGS_CSV '{LOGS_CSV}' not found, WatchedDate will be set to today for all movies. "
"Make sure this file exists and is readable if you want to set the WatchedDate to "
"the date the movie was rated."
# set WatchedDate to today if logs CSV doesn't exist
today_ymd ="%Y-%m-%d")
for movie in movies.values():
movie["WatchedDate"] = today_ymd
return list(movies.values())
def get_movies_on_wishlist() -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get movies that have been added to the wishlist on MovieLens and return a dict for creating a CSV file for importing to Letterboxd.
Wishlist CSV format:
0: "movie_id", 1: "imdb_id", 2: "tmdb_id", 3: "average_rating", 4: "title"
dict: A dict with a list of movies to add to the watchlist. The list contains dicts with the following:
Title (str): The title of the movie
imdbID (str): The IMDb ID of the movie
tmdbID (str): The TMDb ID of the movie
FileNotFoundError: If the wishlist CSV is not found or is not readable
movies = []
with open(WISHLIST_CSV, newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
"Title": row[4],
"imdbID": row[1],
"tmdbID": row[2],
return movies
def data_to_csv(filename: str, data: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
"""Write data to a CSV file.
filename (str): The name of the file to write to
data (list): A list of dicts to write to the CSV file
fieldnames = data[0].keys()
with open(filename, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames)
class ConversionError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a conversion fails.
message (str): The message to display
def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
self.message = message
class MissingImportFileError(ConversionError):
"""Exception raised when a file is missing.
list_type (str): The type of list that is missing
variable_name (str): The name of the variable that is missing the filename
def __init__(self, list_type: str, variable_name: str) -> None:
self.list_type = list_type
self.variable_name = variable_name
super().__init__(f"{list_type} not created because {variable_name} is not set in")
class ImportFileNotFoundError(ConversionError):
"""Exception raised when a file cannot be read.
list_type (str): The type of list that is missing
filename (str): The name of the file that was not found
def __init__(self, list_type: str, filename: str) -> None:
self.list_type = list_type
self.filename = filename
f"{list_type} not created because '{filename}' does not exist or is not readable. "
"Make sure this file exists and is readable if you want to export this list."
class ExportFileNotFoundError(ConversionError):
"""Exception raised when a file cannot be written to.
list_type (str): The type of list that is missing
filename (str): The name of the file that was not found
def __init__(self, list_type: str, filename: str) -> None:
self.list_type = list_type
self.filename = filename
f"{list_type} list not created because '{filename}' is not writable. "
"Make sure the directory it is in exists and is writable if you want to export this list."
def export_and_log_watched() -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
raise MissingImportFileError("Watched list", "RATINGS_CSV")
watched = get_movies_to_rate()
except FileNotFoundError:
raise ImportFileNotFoundError("Watched list", RATINGS_CSV)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise ExportFileNotFoundError("Watched list", LETTERBOXD_WATCHED_EXPORT_PATH)
return watched
def export_and_log_wishlist() -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
raise MissingImportFileError("Wishlist", "WISHLIST_CSV")
watchlist = get_movies_on_wishlist()
except FileNotFoundError:
raise ImportFileNotFoundError("Wishlist", WISHLIST_CSV)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise ExportFileNotFoundError("Wishlist", LETTERBOXD_WATCHLIST_EXPORT_PATH)
return watchlist
if __name__ == "__main__":
watched = export_and_log_watched()
f"\N{THUMBS UP SIGN} Created {LETTERBOXD_WATCHED_EXPORT_PATH} with {len(watched)} movies that have "
"been watched and rated!"
except ConversionError as e:
print(f"\N{CROSS MARK} WARNING: {e.message}")
watchlist = export_and_log_wishlist()
f"\N{THUMBS UP SIGN} Created {LETTERBOXD_WATCHLIST_EXPORT_PATH} with {len(watchlist)} movies from your MovieLens wishlist!"
except ConversionError as e:
print(f"\N{CROSS MARK} WARNING: {e.message}")
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LewkyB commented Nov 5, 2024

here is a simpler script that worked fine for me today

import csv
import re

# Input and output file names
input_filename = 'input.csv'  # Replace with your actual input file name
output_filename = 'output.csv'  # The output file compatible with Letterboxd

# Open the input CSV file for reading
with open(input_filename, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile_in:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile_in)

    # Open the output CSV file for writing
    with open(output_filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile_out:
        # Define the field names as per Letterboxd's requirements
        fieldnames = ['Title', 'Year', 'Rating']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile_out, fieldnames=fieldnames, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

        # Write the header to the output CSV

        # Process each row in the input CSV
        for row in reader:
            title_field = row['title']
            rating_field = row['rating']

            # Use regex to extract the title and year from the 'title' field
            match = re.match(r'^(.*)\s\((\d{4})\)$', title_field)
            if match:
                title =
                year =
                # If the year is not in parentheses at the end, handle accordingly
                title = title_field
                year = ''

            # Prepare the data for writing, handling any necessary escaping
            title = title.replace('"', r'\"')  # Escape double quotes in the title

            # Write the row to the output CSV
            writer.writerow({'Title': title, 'Year': year, 'Rating': rating_field})

print(f"Conversion complete. The output file '{output_filename}' is ready for import into Letterboxd.")

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