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Last active June 15, 2020 08:16
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  • Save DerZyklop/c176542e506b80c15cf982dfd370cc76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DerZyklop/c176542e506b80c15cf982dfd370cc76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Atom Settings Backup by
# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to log to the console when each text editor is saved.
# atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
# editor.onDidSave ->
# console.log "Saved! #{editor.getPath()}"
# Your keymap
# Atom keymaps work similarly to style sheets. Just as style sheets use
# selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate
# keystrokes with events in specific contexts. Unlike style sheets however,
# each selector can only be declared once.
# You can create a new keybinding in this file by typing "key" and then hitting
# tab.
# Here's an example taken from Atom's built-in keymap:
# 'atom-text-editor':
# 'enter': 'editor:newline'
# 'atom-workspace':
# 'ctrl-shift-p': 'core:move-up'
# 'ctrl-p': 'core:move-down'
# You can find more information about keymaps in these guides:
# *
# *
# If you're having trouble with your keybindings not working, try the
# Keybinding Resolver: `Cmd+.` on macOS and `Ctrl+.` on other platforms. See the
# Debugging Guide for more information:
# *
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:
'ctrl-tab': 'pane:show-next-item'
'ctrl-tab ^ctrl': 'unset!'
'ctrl-shift-tab': 'pane:show-previous-item'
'ctrl-shift-tab ^ctrl': 'unset!'
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"a_pattern": "TODO\\:.+|FIXME\\:.+|CHANGED\\:.+|XXX\\:.+|IDEA\\:.+|HACK\\:.+|REVIEW\\:.+|NB\\:.+|BUG\\:.+|QUESTION\\:.+|COMBAK\\:.+|TEMP\\:.+|DEBUG\\:.+|OPTIMIZE\\:.+|WARNING\\:.+"
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# Your snippets
# Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to
# expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values.
# You can create a new snippet in this file by typing "snip" and then hitting
# tab.
# An example CoffeeScript snippet to expand log to console.log:
# '':
# 'Console log':
# 'prefix': 'log'
# 'body': 'console.log $1'
# Each scope (e.g. '' above) can only be declared once.
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:
'.source.sass, .source.scss':
'scss-lint disable':
'prefix': 'scss-disable'
'body': """// scss-lint:disable ${1:Comment}"""
'prefix': 'media'
'body': """@media (max-width: 375px) {
'// scss-lint:disable ImportantRule':
'prefix': 'important'
'body': """// scss-lint:disable ImportantRule"""
'<ng-container i18n>':
'prefix': 'i18n'
'body': '<ng-container i18n>$1</ng-container>'
'prefix': 'popover'
'body': """
'prefix': 'todo'
'body': """<!-- TODO: $1 -->"""
'prefix': 'p-alert'
'body': """
}>${2:Lorem Ipsum}</p-alert>
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'body': """[style.${1:opacity}]=\"$2\""""
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'body': """
label="${2}" i18n-label
[size]="${30:config.IS_MOBILE ? 'lg' : 'sm'}"
'prefix': 'p-dropdown-item'
'body': """
label="${10:Kursdatum}" i18n-label
'prefix': 'p-radios'
'body': """
${10:label="Ja" i18n-label}
'prefix': 'p-modal-content'
'body': """<p-modal-content
modalTitle="Sicher?" i18n-modalTitle
closeBtnLabel="Ja, löschen" i18n-closeBtnLabel
(onDismiss)="d('Cross click')"
<p class="m-0" i18n>Bist du sicher?</p>
'prefix': 'p-form-section'
'body': """<p-form-section${1: label=\"$2\" i18n-label}>
'prefix': 'p-spinner'
'body': """<p-spinner class="p-3"></p-spinner>"""
'prefix': 'log'
'body': """
<p-todo>{{${1:${2:foo} ? 'true' : 'false'}}}</p-todo>
'prefix': 'p-todo'
'body': """
'prefix': 'validation-hint'
'body': """
text="${4:Der angegebene Start muss vor dem angegebenen Ende liegen}" i18n-text
'prefix': 'click'
'body': '(click)="${1:...}"'
'prefix': 'p-editable-box'
'body': """
<p-editable-box-header${9: label="${10:Label}" i18n-label} i18n>${11:Label}</p-editable-box-header>
'prefix': 'p-editable-modal-box'
'body': """
${90:label="${100:Label}" i18n-label}
'prefix': 'p-list'
'body': """
<p-list-item ${1:size="frameless"}>
<div class="d-flex align-items-center flex-grow-1">
'prefix': 'p-list-item'
'body': """
<p-list-item ${1:size="frameless"}>
<div class="d-flex align-items-center flex-grow-1">
'prefix': 'placeholder'
'body': 'placeholder="${1:...}"'
'prefix': 'fa-icon'
'body': """
'prefix': 'ngif[]'
'body': '[ngIf]="${1:expression}"'
'prefix': 'ngIfElse[]'
'body': '[ngIfElse]="${1:expression}"'
'prefix': 'ngFor[]'
'body': """
ngFor let-${1:item}
'prefix': 'ngif*'
'body': '*ngIf="${1:expression}"'
'*ngif="..." ':
'prefix': 'if'
'body': '*ngIf="${1:expression}"'
'<ng-template [ngif]="...">':
'prefix': 'ifTemplate'
'body': """
<ng-template [ngIf]="${1:expression}">
'<ng-template [ngif]="..." [ngIfElse]="...">':
'prefix': 'ifElse'
'body': """
<ng-template [ngIf]="${2:expression}" [ngIfElse]="${3:templateId}">
<ng-template #${3:templateId}>
'prefix': 'ng-template'
'body': """
<ng-template $1>
'<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="idOfOutlet" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="...':
'prefix': 'ng-outlet extended'
'body': """<ng-template
${2:[ngTemplateOutletContext]="${3:object mit '$implicit'}"}
'<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="idOfOutlet">...':
'prefix': 'ng-outlet short'
'body': """<ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="${1:nameOfTemplate}"></ng-template>"""
'prefix': 'button'
'body': """
<button class="btn btn-${1:secondary}"
>${5:Hallo Welt}</button>"""
'prefix': 'p-checkbox'
'body': """
valueText="${5:Hallo Welt}" i18n-valueText
'prefix': 'p-radio'
'body': """
>${5:Hallo Welt}</p-radio>
'prefix': 'p-textarea'
'body': """
'prefix': 'p-input'
'body': """
'prefix': 'p-button'
'body': """
'prefix': 'label'
'body': "<label>$1</label>"
'prefix': 'p-form-group'
'body': """
label="$1" i18n-label
'prefix': 'p-tabs'
'body': """
label="$10" i18n-label
'prefix': 'p-tab'
'body': """
label="$10" i18n-label
'prefix': 'log'
'body': 'console.warn($1);'
'.source.tsx, .source.ts':
'if () {}':
'prefix': 'if'
'body': 'if ($1) {$2}'
'constructor() {}':
'prefix': 'constructor'
'body': 'constructor($1) {$2}'
'foo.component.stories.ts content':
'prefix': 'stories',
'body': """
import { storiesOf, moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';
import { StorybookModule } from '@plano/storybook.module';
const myStory = storiesOf('${10:Client}/${25:Shared}/${30:p-led}', module);
imports: [
.add('default', () => ({
template: `
'dictinary entry':
'prefix': 'dict',
'body': """'$1': '$1', // TODO: review translation"""
'// TODO:':
'prefix': 'TODO'
'body': """// TODO: $1"""
'// FIXME:':
'prefix': 'fixme'
'body': """// FIXME: $1"""
'// CHANGED:':
'prefix': 'changed'
'body': """// CHANGED: $1"""
'// XXX:':
'prefix': 'xxx'
'body': """// XXX: $1"""
'// IDEA:':
'prefix': 'idea'
'body': """// IDEA: $1"""
'// HACK:':
'prefix': 'hack'
'body': """// HACK: $1"""
'// NOTE:':
'prefix': 'note'
'body': """// NOTE: $1"""
'// REVIEW:':
'prefix': 'review'
'body': """// REVIEW: $1"""
'// NB:':
'prefix': 'nb'
'body': """// NB: $1"""
'// BUG:':
'prefix': 'bug'
'body': """// BUG: $1"""
'prefix': 'question'
'body': """// QUESTION: $1"""
'// COMBAK:':
'prefix': 'combak'
'body': """// COMBAK: $1"""
'// TEMP:':
'prefix': 'temp'
'body': """// TEMP: $1"""
'// DEBUG:':
'prefix': 'debug'
'body': """// DEBUG: $1"""
'prefix': 'optimize'
'body': """// OPTIMIZE: $1"""
'// WARNING:':
'prefix': 'warning'
'body': """// WARNING: $1"""
'// TODO: Obsolete?':
'prefix': 'obsolete'
'body': """// TODO: Obsolete?"""
'PFooBar.component.spec.ts content':
'prefix': 'test'
'body': """
import { TestingUtils } from '@plano/shared/testing/testing-utils';
import { ShiftExchangeDetailFormComponent } from './shift-exchange-detail-form.component';
describe('${1:PFooBar}Component', () => {
let component : ${1:PFooBar}Component;
const testingUtils = new TestingUtils();
testingUtils.init({ imports : [${1:PFooBar}Module] });
beforeAll(() => {
component = testingUtils.createComponent(${1:PFooBar}Component);
it('should create', () => {
' = new Date().valueOf();':
'prefix': 'now'
'body': """ = new Date().valueOf();"""
'public CONFIG : typeof Config = Config':
'prefix': 'config'
'body': """public CONFIG : typeof Config = Config;"""
'prefix': 'ngOnDestroy'
'body': """
/** ngOnDestroy */
public ngOnDestroy() : void {
'prefix': 'ngOnInit'
'body': """
/** ngOnInit */
public ngOnInit() : void {
'prefix': 'ngAfterContentInit'
'body': """
/** ngAfterContentInit */
public ngAfterContentInit() : void {
'prefix': 'ngAfterContentChecked'
'body': """
/** ngAfterContentChecked */
public ngAfterContentChecked() : void {
'prefix': 'initFormGroup'
'body': """
* Initialice the formGroup for this component
public initFormGroup() : void {
if (this.formGroup) { this.formGroup = undefined; }
const newFormGroup ={});
this.pForms.addControl(newFormGroup, '$1',
value: $2,
disabled: false
this.formGroup = newFormGroup;
'bind outer class to component tag':
'prefix': 'class-binding'
'body': """
@HostBinding('class') private classList : string = '';
@Input() private class : string;
public ngOnInit() : void { // tslint:disable-line:completed-docs
if (this.class) this.classList += ` ${this.class}`;
'prefix': 'unload'
'body': """
public unload() : void {
this.${1:someProperty} = undefined;
'prefix': 'initValues'
'body': """
* Set some default values for properties that are not defined yet
public initValues() : void {
if (this.${1:someProperty} === undefined) this.${1:someProperty} = ${2:true};
'prefix': 'readCookies'
'body': """
public readCookies() : void {
if (this.pCookieService.has('${1:someProperty}')) {
this.${1:someProperty} = this.pCookieService.get('${1:someProperty}')${2: === 'true'};
'prefix': 'service'
'body': """
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { PServiceInterface } from '@plano/shared/core/p-service.interface';
export class P${1:Foo}Service implements PServiceInterface {
private ${2:foo} : boolean;
constructor() {
* Set some default values for properties that are not defined yet
public initValues() : void {
if (this.${2:foo} === undefined) this.${2:foo} = true;
public get${1:Foo}(input : any) : any {
return this.${2:foo};
public unload() : void {
this.${2:foo} = false;
'public CONFIG ...;':
'prefix': 'config'
'body': """${1:public }CONFIG : typeof Config = Config;"""
'prefix': 'input'
'body': """@Input() ${1:public }${2:isLoading} : ${3:boolean}${4: = false};"""
'prefix': 'output'
'body': """@Output() ${1:public }${2:showFoo} : EventEmitter<${3:boolean}>${4: = new EventEmitter<${3:boolean}>()};"""
'if (...) return;':
'prefix': 'if-return'
'body': """if (${1:!this.api.isLoaded()}) return${2: false};"""
'todo for milad: remove line above':
'prefix': 'todo-milad'
'body': """// TODO: Milad: Remove line above and fix lint errors"""
'tslint disable':
'prefix': 'tslint-disable'
'body': """/* tslint:disable:${1:no-any}${2: typedef} */"""
'tslint disable-line':
'prefix': 'tslint-disable-line'
'body': """// tslint:disable-line:${1:no-any}${2: typedef}"""
'tslint disable-next-line':
'prefix': 'tslint-disable-next-line'
'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:${1:no-any}${2: typedef}"""
'if(!foo) return;':
'prefix': 'early-exit'
'body': """if(!${1:foo}) return;"""
'prefix': 'HostBinding'
'body': """
'@HostBinding() get foo() {}':
'prefix': 'HostBinding()'
'body': """
@HostBinding('$1') private get ${3:hasFoo}() : boolean {
return true;
'validators : ValidatorsService':
'prefix': 'validators'
'body': 'private validators : ValidatorsService,'
'changeDetectorRef : ChangeDetectorRef':
'prefix': 'changeDetectorRef'
'body': 'private changeDetectorRef : ChangeDetectorRef,'
'api : SchedulingApiService':
'prefix': 'api'
'body': 'private api : SchedulingApiService,'
'schedulingService : SchedulingService':
'prefix': 'schedulingService'
'body': 'private schedulingService : SchedulingService,'
'meService : MeService':
'prefix': 'meService'
'body': 'private meService : MeService,'
'modalService : ModalService':
'prefix': 'modalService'
'body': 'private modalService : ModalService,'
'console : LogService':
'prefix': 'console'
'body': 'private console : LogService,'
'pForms : PFormsService':
'prefix': 'pForms'
'body': 'private pForms : PFormsService,'
'fb : FormBuilder':
'prefix': 'fb'
'body': 'private fb : FormBuilder,'
'console : LocalizePipe':
'prefix': 'localize'
'body': 'private localize : LocalizePipe,'
# '.pb-5':
# 'prefix': 'pb-5'
# 'body': """@HostBinding('class.pb-5') private _classPB5 = true;"""
# '.align-items-stretch':
# 'prefix': 'align-items-stretch'
# 'body': """@HostBinding('class.align-items-stretch') private _classAlignItemsStretch = true;"""
# '.align-items-center':
# 'prefix': 'align-items-center'
# 'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
# @HostBinding('class.align-items-center') private _classAlignItemsCenter = true;"""
# '.justify-content-between':
# 'prefix': 'justify-content-between'
# 'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
# @HostBinding('class.justify-content-between') private _classJustifyContentBetween = true;"""
# '.justify-content-center':
# 'prefix': 'justify-content-center'
# 'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
# @HostBinding('class.justify-content-center') private _classJustifyContentCenter = true;"""
# '.justify-content-stretch':
# 'prefix': 'justify-content-stretch'
# 'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
# @HostBinding('class.justify-content-stretch') private _classJustifyContentStretch = true;"""
# '.input-group-prepend':
# 'prefix': 'input-group-prepend'
# 'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
# @HostBinding('class.input-group-prepend') private _classInputGroupPrepend = true;"""
# '.input-group-append':
# 'prefix': 'input-group-append'
# 'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
# @HostBinding('class.input-group-append') private _classInputGroupAppend = true;"""
'prefix': 'flex-grow-1'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.flex-grow-1') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'flex-row'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.flex-row') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'title'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.title') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'o-hidden'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.o-hidden') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'd-flex'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.d-flex') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'd-none'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.d-none') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'd-block'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.d-block') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'd-lg-block'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.d-lg-block') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'd-inline'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.d-inline') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'card-body'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.card-body') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'position-relative'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.position-relative') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'flex-column'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.flex-column') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'h-100'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.h-100') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'w-100'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.w-100') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'bg-dark'
'body': """@HostBinding('') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'border-left'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.border-left') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'border-right'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.border-right') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'border-bottom'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.border-bottom') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'p-0'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.p-0') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'p-1'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.p-1') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'p-2'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.p-2') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'p-3'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.p-3') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'p-4'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.p-4') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'p-5'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.p-5') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pt-1'
'body': """@HostBinding('') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pt-2'
'body': """@HostBinding('') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pt-3'
'body': """@HostBinding('') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pt-4'
'body': """@HostBinding('') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pt-5'
'body': """@HostBinding('') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pb-1'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.pb-1') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pb-2'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.pb-2') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pb-3'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.pb-3') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pb-4'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.pb-4') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'pb-5'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.pb-5') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'align-items-stretch'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.align-items-stretch') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'align-items-center'
'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
@HostBinding('class.align-items-center') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'justify-content-between'
'body': """@HostBinding('class.justify-content-between') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'justify-content-center'
'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
@HostBinding('class.justify-content-center') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'justify-content-stretch'
'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
@HostBinding('class.justify-content-stretch') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'input-group-prepend'
'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
@HostBinding('class.input-group-prepend') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'input-group-append'
'body': """// tslint:disable-next-line:typedef
@HostBinding('class.input-group-append') private _alwaysTrue = true;"""
'prefix': 'onFocus'
'body': """
@HostListener('focus', ['$event']) private onFocus(event : Event) : void {
'prefix': 'onClick'
'body': """
@HostListener('click', ['$event']) private onClick(event : Event) : void {
'prefix': 'onEnter'
'body': """
@HostListener('keyup.enter', ['$event']) private onEnter(event : Event) : void {
'prefix': 'forof'
'body': """
for (${30:const} ${20:item} of ${2:${}.iterable()}) {
'prefix': '///'
'body': """
/**${1: <- use this for dockblockr\n// <- use this for a little note }
'prefix': '/**'
'body': """/**\n * $1\n */"""
'prefix': 'log'
'body': 'console.log(\'$1\');'
'console.warn("TODO: ...")':
'prefix': 'todo'
'body': 'if (Config.DEBUG) console.warn(\'TODO: ${1:Not implemented yet}\');'
'console.warn("IMPROVE: ...")':
'prefix': 'improve'
'body': 'if (Config.DEBUG) console.debug(\'IMPROVE: ${1:Add [${2:hasFoo}]="${3:boolean}" to make this a dump component.}\');'
'console.warn("OPTIMIZE: ..")':
'prefix': 'optimize'
'body': 'if (Config.DEBUG) console.debug(\'IMPROVE: $1\');'
'prefix': 'warn'
'body': 'console.warn(\'$1\');'
'prefix': 'debug'
'body': 'if (Config.DEBUG) console.debug(\'$1\');'
'beforeEach(() => {})':
'prefix': 'beforeEach'
'body': """
beforeEach(() => {
'describe(\'name\', () => {})':
'prefix': 'describe'
'body': """
describe('${1:doSomething()}', () => {
it('${2:should do ...}', () => {
'it(\'should ...\', () => {})':
'prefix': 'it'
'body': """
it('${1:should do ...}', () => {
'prefix': 'switch'
'body': """
switch (${}) {
case ${20} :
default :
const RESULT : never = ${};
if (RESULT === undefined) return undefined;
throw new Error(RESULT);
'switch case':
'prefix': 'case'
'body': """
case ${2} :
* Your Stylesheet
* This stylesheet is loaded when Atom starts up and is reloaded automatically
* when it is changed and saved.
* Add your own CSS or Less to fully customize Atom.
* If you are unfamiliar with Less, you can read more about it here:
* Examples
* (To see them, uncomment and save)
// style the background color of the tree view
.tree-view {
// background-color: whitesmoke;
// style the background and foreground colors on the atom-text-editor-element itself
atom-text-editor {
// color: white;
// background-color: hsl(180, 24%, 12%);
// style UI elements inside atom-text-editor
atom-text-editor .cursor {
// border-color: red;
atom-workspace {
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--string.syntax--quoted,
atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--string.syntax--regexp {
//-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" off, "calt" off;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
atom-text-editor {
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--string.syntax--quoted,
atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--string.syntax--regexp {
-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" off, "calt" off;
// NOTE: Operator Mono specific styles [START]
atom-text-editor.editor {
.syntax--punctuation.syntax--definition {
font-family: "Fira Code";
.syntax--string.syntax--regexp {
-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" off, "calt" off;
atom-text-editor {
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
// -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
font-family: "Fira Code";
//font-family: "Operator Mono";
// font-weight: 500;
// line-height: 1.7;
atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--comment {
font-family: "Fira Code";
// font-family: "Operator Mono";
// font-family: "fantasque sans mono";
// NOTE: Operator Mono specific styles [END]
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