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Created June 14, 2016 15:47
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Clojure.spec coercion test
(ns spec-test.core
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]))
(defn x-integer? [x]
(if (integer? x)
(if (string? x)
(integer/parseint x)
(catch exception e
(s/def ::user/name string?)
(s/def ::user/age (s/conformer x-integer?))
(s/def ::user (s/keys :req [::user/name ::user/age]))
(s/conform ::user {::user/name "juho" ::user/age 9001})
;; => {:user/name "juho", :user/age 9001}
(s/conform ::user {::user/name "juho" ::user/age "9001"})
;; => {:user/name "juho", :user/age 9001}
(s/conform ::user {::user/name "juho" ::user/age "x9001"})
;; => :clojure.spec/invalid
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Thanks for putting this up; I found the actual documentation on the use of conformers sort of impossible to parse.

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gdeer81 commented Jan 4, 2017

I fixed your try/catch block if you want to pull in my changes

I have this thing about example code being repl ready. =)

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Also, check the Spec Coerce project, it does spec inference to coerce your data and supports a custom coerce dictionary:

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This is a helpful compared to the first example listed in which is too cryptic for the uninitiated in my opinion.

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