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Last active March 22, 2017 08:16
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//There is a more proper way to do this.
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$write = $resource->getConnection('core_write');
$table = $resource->getTableName('your/model');
//You can Create:
array('column_1' => 1, 'column_2' => 2)
$select = $write->select()
->from(array('tbl' => $table), array('entity_id', 'company'))
->join(array('tbl2' => $table2), 'tbl.entity_id = tbl2.product_id', array('stuff'))
->where('name LIKE ?', "%{$name}%")
$results = $write->fetchAll($select);
array('column_1' => 3, 'column_2' => 4),
array('entity_id = ?' => 123)
array('entity_id IN (?)' => array(123, 456))
//Insert Multiple:
$rows = array(
array('col_1'=>'value1', 'col_2'=>'value2', 'col_3'=>'value3'),
array('col_1'=>'value3', 'col_2'=>'value4', 'col_3'=>'value5'),
$write->insertMultiple($table, $rows);
Insert Update On Duplicate:
$data = array();
$data[] = array(
'sku' => $sku,
'name' => $name
array('name') // this is the fields that will be updated in case of duplication
//Escape in direct querys
$query = "insert into mage_example "
. "(name, email, company, description, status, date) values "
. "(:name, :email, :company, :desc, 0, NOW())";
$binds = array(
'name' => "name' or 1=1",
'email' => "email",
'company' => "company",
'desc' => "desc",
$write->query($query, $binds);
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