Prevents the burning of funds. Even unrevealed bids will not be completely lost now.
This also incentivises users to stay tuned with ECNS. You can just pick up 5% of the Deed value if someone has left his bid unrevealed.
Security improvements. ENS relies on
, which is a potential security issue, since a miner can artificially affect the timestamp of a mined block. ECNS will rely on block number because the block number can not be directly affected by miners.
Updates were made to the Deed and HashRegistrar contracts of the ECNS. These changes will allow Deeds to "expire". The validity of each Deed expires approximately in 7 days after its deployment (67500 blocks is accurate. We are not relying on timestamp but on blocks number.).
Everyone will be allowed to call a special function at the Deed contract to destroy the expired Deed: function destroyStaleDeed()
. The address of the caller will receive 5% of the Deed's funds to incentivise users to clear expired Deeds. 95% of Deed's funds would go to the Ethereum Commonwealth revenue destribution address.
New version of HashRegistrar smart-contract is currently deployed on testnet. The main HashRegistrar contract will be updated as soon as the final testing is completed.
- Let's Talk ETC represents a lot of useful information about the Ethereum CLassic project, community members and development activity. Unfortunately, it is only available in audio format. I am not a native speaker of English, and I understand how difficult it is to listen to such information. I think that there are many such people like me, who can easily write and read and are interested in ETC. I think that it is important to transcribe "Let's Talk ETC" episodes to have them in written form for those who prefer to read. This will also allow us to translate it in many other languages easily a bit later.
The work is currently in progress. It is difficult to transcribe about 30 hours of oral speech, and many more improvements to formatting and readability are needed. I suppose that it will take at least one more month to bring the texts into a easy-to-read form.
3. CLassicEtherWallet updates.
- Maintaining the main ETC web wallet and online contract service.
Etherwallet improvements discussion on Ethereum Commonwealth roadmap.
9 of 12 main Etherwallet updates are currently implemented!
We started to integrate DexNS into CEW. DexNS will significantly improve the scalability of CLassicEtherWallet since it allows to fully automate the process of interaction with ERC20/ERC223 tokens on ANY network including ETC, ETH, EXP, UBQ and any of Ethereum-compatible chains.You can now add token by it's symbol if it is registered on DexNS. Token ABI, decimals and everything else will be done automatically. Currently, this only works for ETC tokens.
There were many other updates. The most important of them are:
Network URL querying. You can now specify the network artificially. For example https://ethereumproject.github.io/etherwallet/?network=ETH#contracts will always redirect you to ETH contracts tab. https://ethereumproject.github.io/etherwallet/?network=ETC#send-transaction will always redirect you to unlock wallet tab on ETC chain.
CEW now displays multiple currency balances (ETC, ETH, EXP, UBQ simultaneously). I believe that we should educate users: ethereum account can hold all these currencies simultaneously. This will also help to avoid confusion when a user is complaining about the fact that he sent ETH into ETC account and visa versa. Now you will see all the currencies that your account has on the balance.
Automated contract details downloading by token contract address when adding tokens.
Added CLassicMask references and a link to CLassicMask extension. You can use CLassicEtherWallet with either MetaMask or CLassicMask.
A list of default tokens and contracts is updated. If you are contract developer and want your contract to be listed in list of "Default ETC contracts" on CEW feel free to contact me.
It is also planned to improve CEW security with additional checks to avoid such an accidents as this situation with Golem.
4. CLassicMask maintenance.
- ClassicMask is an extension-wallet for storing Ether and an API provider for many services that needs to work with Ethereum protocol without running their own full node.
MetaMask port proposal on Ethereum Commonwealth roadmap.
ClassicMask is updated with the latest MetaMask patches. We are keeping Classic version of the extension-wallet up to date.
You can use ClassicMask wherever MetaMask is used. ClassicMask provides the same functionality and even more: it supports more networks and allows to adjust GasPrice
and GasLimit
manually to configure transaction details.
- A network governed by a smart-contract can be an effective way to solve the problem of the lack of governance system of the ETC network and financing of further development. It could be a self-sustaining ecosystem once launched and properly configured. It has it's own downsides and benefits compared to other governance protocols.
The work is currently in progress. This is an experimental prototype model right now. This contract can also be used as a local "treasury" for any project that requires a decentralized money flow distribution and a decentralized governance system.
The key issue here is to establish a money flow to the smart-contract. Mining fees are often used as a solution of this issue in Treasury governance models.
The Raiden Network is an infrastructure layer on top of the Ethereum blockchain. The Raiden Network is an off-chain scaling solution for performing ERC20-compliant token transfers on the Ethereum blockchain.
I'm researching about opportunities of launching the similar service on top of Ethereum CLassic network to improve ETC scalability. It is also necessary to make it ERC223-compliant.
Raiden will be launched through ICO on Ethereum. I can say that I'm not planning to launch a separate ICO if it would be decided to port Raiden to ETC network. Currently, I'm in researching stage and I can not provide any more details about possibility and costs of porting this project to ETC.
All these projects are in active development stage. Any feedback, contributions and bug reports are always appreciated!
For any questions: [email protected]