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Created August 25, 2011 19:08
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Form validator example
var fields = [
{id: 'input_name', label: 'Nome', mode: 'string', min: 3, max: 128},
{id: 'input_lastName', label: 'Sobrenome', mode: 'string', min: 3, max: 128},
{id: 'input_email', label: 'E-mail', mode: 'string', min: 5, max: 128},
{id: 'input_password', label: 'Senha', mode: 'password', match: 'input_confirmPassword', min: 6},
{id: 'input_birthCity_cityID', label: 'Cidade onde nasceu', mode: 'number', incorrect: 0},
{id: 'input_livingCity_cityID', label: 'Cidade onde vive', mode: 'number', incorrect: 0},
{id: 'recaptcha_response_field', label: 'Palavras de segurança', mode: 'string', min: 1}
function doSubmit() {
function(invalid, error) {
var msg = "Favor preencher corretamente os campos: " + invalid.join(",");
announce(msg, "error");
function(fields) {
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