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Created April 12, 2017 18:23
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Small ES6 library to lookup addresses by CEP. Supports multiple providers and automatically swaps providers on lookup failure.
* kisuma-platform
* cep_lookup.js
* Copyleft (c) LQDI Digital
* - 2017
* Licenced with MIT
* @author Aryel Tupinambá <[email protected]>
import axios from "axios";
export default {
providers: {
'viacep': {
uri: (cep) => ('' + cep + '/json/'),
mapper: (response) => {
return {
address: response.logradouro,
neighborhood: response.bairro,
city: response.localidade,
uf: response.uf,
'postmon': {
uri: (cep) => ('' + cep),
mapper: (response) => {
return {
address: response.logradouro,
neighborhood: response.bairro,
city: response.cidade,
uf: response.estado,
priority: ['viacep', 'postmon'],
lookup: function (cep, providerIndex = 0) {
let provider = this.providers[this.priority[providerIndex]];
return this.fetch(provider, cep, (res) => {
if(providerIndex >= this.priority.length) throw res;
return this.lookup(cep, ++providerIndex);
fetch: function (provider, cep, onFailure) {
return axios
.then((response) => provider.mapper(, onFailure);
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