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Created April 19, 2017 18:51
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Tests features introduced in:; Regarding issue:; Generates a card hash via Pagarme.js from sample data, and uses this hash with the the $pagarMe->card()->createFromHash(). The test is successful when the data …
* Generates a card hash via Pagarme.js from sample data, and uses this hash with the the $pagarMe->card()->createFromHash().
* The test is successful when the data outputted is valid (generated card has the "valid" property true and a present, valid "id" property)
if($_POST['card_hash']) {
$pagarMe = new \PagarMe\Sdk\PagarMe('<< API KEY HERE >>');
$card = $pagarMe->card()->createFromHash($_POST['card_hash']);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<form id="payment_form" method="POST">
Número do cartão: <input type="text" id="card_number" value="5555555555554444"/>
Nome (como escrito no cartão): <input type="text" id="card_holder_name" value="John Doe"/>
Mês de expiração: <input type="text" id="card_expiration_month" value="02"/>
Ano de expiração: <input type="text" id="card_expiration_year" value="2020"/>
Código de segurança: <input type="text" id="card_cvv" value="123" />
<div id="field_errors">
<input type="submit" />
<hr />
<form id="test_hash" method="POST" action="">
<input id="card_hash" name="card_hash" type="text" placeholder="Card hash" />
$(document).ready(function() {
PagarMe.encryption_key = "'<< API KEY HERE >>'";
$('#payment_form').submit(function(event) { // quando o form for enviado...
// inicializa um objeto de cartão de crédito e completa
// com os dados do form
var creditCard = new PagarMe.creditCard();
creditCard.cardHolderName = $("#payment_form #card_holder_name").val();
creditCard.cardExpirationMonth = $("#payment_form #card_expiration_month").val();
creditCard.cardExpirationYear = $("#payment_form #card_expiration_year").val();
creditCard.cardNumber = $("#payment_form #card_number").val();
creditCard.cardCVV = $("#payment_form #card_cvv").val();
// pega os erros de validação nos campos do form
var fieldErrors = creditCard.fieldErrors();
//Verifica se há erros
var hasErrors = false;
for(var field in fieldErrors) { hasErrors = true; break; }
if(hasErrors) {
// realiza o tratamento de errors
} else {
// se não há erros, gera o card_hash...
creditCard.generateHash(function(cardHash) {
// ...coloca-o no form...
// e envia o form
return false;
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