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Created March 17, 2011 14:37
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Save DfKimera/874425 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Updates the database with local variables. The design implies that only
* these two vars, lastposition and state, need to be updated, as everything
* else is done directly into the database and then refreshed into the script
* This will later serve for the live server preview
public AMS_UpdatePlayerPos() {
// Create some control/storage variables
new plyOrigin[3], plyOriginString[256]; // lNull[1];
//new lQuery[512];
new gPlayers[32], numPlayers;
new ply = 0;
// Get the player list
get_players(gPlayers, numPlayers, AC_GETPLAYERS_ALL);
// Loop thru them
for( new i = 0 ; i < numPlayers ; i++) {
ply = gPlayers[i]; // Creates a handy pointer. Avoids the known "player iteration gap"
// Checks if player has a character
if(AMSX_Player_HasSelectedChar(ply)) {
// Checks if user is alive
if(is_user_alive(ply)) {
// Gets player's origin and converts it to string-based coordinates
} else {
// If he's not, we give him 0 0 0 coords.
AMSX_UpdateCharacterInfo(AMSX_Player_GetCharacter(ply), plyOriginString, plyState[ply]);
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