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Last active April 15, 2019 03:47
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Dots and Boxes Game

Dots and Boxes (Erlang)

This game is very well described here

Copy pasting the rules here once more.

  • game begins with empty grid of dots
  • players take turns at adding a horizontal or vertical line between two un-joined adjacent dots
  • a player who completes the fourth side of a 1x1 box earns a point, writes their initials in the box and gets another turn.
  • game is over when there are no more lines that can be placed
  • winner is the player with most boxes
  • the board can be of any size 2x2, 5x5 works well for experts

To compile the game:

1> c(dots_and_boxes).

To run the game:

29> dots_and_boxes:auto_play(["foo", "bar"],3,3).
+   +   +

+   +   +

+   +   +

"foo" playing...
+   +   +

+   +   +

+   +---+

"bar" playing...
+   +   +
+   +   +

+   +---+

"foo" playing...
+   +   +
|       |
+   +   +

+   +---+

"bar" playing...
+   +   +
|       |
+---+   +

+   +---+


"bar" playing...

*** Game Over ***
Game has Drawn!!
Detailed Results: [{"foo",2},{"bar",2}]

You can also play this manually by using the dots/2 and boxes/1 functions once to create the grid and then use the join/4 functions for every turn of the player.

3> G = dots_and_boxes:boxes(dots_and_boxes:dots(3,3)).
4> {G2, TakeNextTurnAgain} = dots_and_boxes:join({0,0}, {0,1}, foo, G).
 5> dots_and_boxes:draw(G2).

+   +   +
+   +   +

+   +   +


Repeat 4 for another player by passing the next generation of the grid - G2 version.

-module (dots_and_boxes).
-export ([dots/2, boxes/1, join/4, draw/1, auto_play/3]).
-type point() :: {integer(),integer()}.
-type line() :: {atom(), point(), point(), boolean()}.
-type dots() :: [point()].
-type box() :: {atom(), [line()], string()}.
-type grid() :: [box()].
-spec dots(integer(), integer()) -> dots().
dots(XDots, YDots) ->
[{X,Y} || X <- lists:seq(0, XDots - 1), Y <- lists:seq(0, YDots - 1)].
-spec boxes(dots()) -> [box()].
boxes([]) -> [];
boxes(Ds) -> boxes(Ds, 1, length(Ds), []).
boxes(Dots, Begin, End, Bs) when Begin =< End ->
Dot = lists:nth(Begin, Dots),
BoxPts = box_points_for(Dot),
case all_present(BoxPts, Dots) of
true ->
B = {box, lines(BoxPts), []},
boxes(Dots, Begin + 1, End, [B | Bs]);
false ->
boxes(Dots, Begin + 1, End, Bs)
boxes(_,_,_,Bs) -> lists:sort(Bs).
all_present(BoxPts, Pts) -> BoxPts -- Pts == [].
box_points_for(BottomLeft) ->
{X1, Y1} = BottomLeft,
BoxSize = 1,
X2 = X1 + BoxSize, Y2 = Y1 + 1,
BottomRight = {X2, Y1},
TopRight = {X2,Y2},
TopLeft = {X1,Y2},
lines([BottomLeft,TopLeft,TopRight,BottomRight]) ->
%clockwise lines in a box
-spec join(point(),point(),string(),grid()) -> {grid(), boolean()}.
% return pair contains a boolean to indicate
% take another turn for the last player.
join(D1, D2, Player, Grid) ->
NextG = [mark_box(B,D1,D2,Player) || B <- Grid],
{NextG, was_box_signed(Grid, NextG)}.
was_box_signed(PrevG, NextG) ->
PPs = [B || B <- PrevG, signed_box(B)],
NPs = [B || B <- NextG, signed_box(B)],
length(NPs) - length(PPs) == 1.
signed_box({box,_,P}) -> P /= [].
% 4 arg mark_box
mark_box(B = {box,Lines,[]}, D1, D2, Player) ->
PlayerLine = {line,D1,D2,false},
case contains(PlayerLine, Lines) of
true -> signBox(mark_box(D1,D2,B), Player);
false -> B
mark_box(Box,_,_,_) -> Box.
signBox(MBox = {box,MLines,_}, Player) ->
case fourth_side_complete(MBox) of
true -> {box,MLines,Player};
false -> MBox
% 3 arg mark_box
mark_box(D1, D2, {box,Lines,[]}) ->
MLines = lists:map(fun
({line,A,B,false}) when ((A==D1) and (B==D2)) -> join_dots(D1, D2);
({line,A,B,false}) when ((A==D2) and (B==D1)) -> join_dots(D2, D1);
(Line) -> Line
end, Lines),
contains(_, []) -> false;
contains(Line = {line,A,B,false}, [L|Ls]) ->
case L of
Line -> true;
{line,P,Q,false} when (A==Q) and (B==P) -> true;
_ -> contains(Line, Ls)
fourth_side_complete({box,Lines,_}) ->
lists:all(fun({line,_,_,Marked}) -> Marked == true end, Lines).
join_dots({X,Y1}, {X,Y2}) when abs(Y2-Y1) == 1 ->
join_dots({X1,Y}, {X2,Y}) when abs(X2-X1) == 1 ->
join_dots(_, _) ->
% All Auto Play related functions
-spec auto_play([atom()], integer(), integer()) -> [any()].
auto_play(Players, XDots, YDots) when (XDots >= 2) and (YDots >= 2) and (length(Players) >= 2) ->
Grid = boxes(dots(XDots, YDots)),
% io:format("Initial Grid = ~p~n", [Grid]),
play(Players, Grid, fun() -> rand_dots_pair(XDots, YDots) end);
auto_play(_, _, _) ->
io:format("Choose more than 2 players and have number of dots in X and Y direction as atleast 2!~n").
play(Players, Grid, RandF) ->
case game_over(Grid) of
true -> show_results(Grid);
false -> continue_play(Players, Grid, RandF)
continue_play(Players = [P|Ps], G, RandF) ->
io:format("~p playing...~n", [P]),
{NextG, SamePlayerTurn} = turn(P, G, RandF),
% io:format("Grid = ~p~n", [NextG]),
case SamePlayerTurn of
true ->
io:format("~p taking another turn!~n", [P]),
play(Players, NextG, RandF);
false ->
play(lists:append(Ps,[P]), NextG, RandF)
show_results(Grid) ->
All = [{Winner, Score}|Losers] = results(Grid),
io:format("*** Game Over ***~n"),
case lists:keymember(Score, 2, Losers) of
true -> io:format("Game has Drawn!!~n");
false -> io:format("Winner => ~p~n", [Winner])
io:format("Detailed Results: ~p~n", [All]).
results(Grid) ->
Ps = [P || {box,_,P} <- Grid],
Rs = frequency(Ps),
lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, Rs)).
game_over(Grid) ->
lists:all(fun signed_box/1, Grid).
frequency(Xs) -> frequency(Xs, []).
frequency([], Acc) -> Acc;
frequency(Xs = [X|_], Acc) ->
{Ys,Ns} = lists:partition(fun(E) -> E == X end, Xs),
frequency(Ns, [{hd(Ys),length(Ys)} | Acc]).
turn(Player, Grid, RandomF) ->
{D1,D2} = RandomF(),
case line_not_exists(D1, D2, Grid) of
true -> join(D1, D2, Player, Grid);
false -> turn(Player, Grid, RandomF)
line_not_exists(D1, D2, Grid) ->
Line = {line,D1,D2,false},
GLines = lists:foldr(fun({box, Lines, _}, A) -> lists:append(A, Lines) end, [], Grid),
contains(Line, GLines).
rand_dots_pair(XDots, YDots) ->
D1 = rand_dot(XDots,YDots),
D2 = rand_dot(XDots,YDots),
case distance(D1, D2) == 1 of
true -> {D1,D2};
false -> rand_dots_pair(XDots, YDots)
distance({X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}) ->
rand_dot(XDots,YDots) -> {rand(XDots),rand(YDots)}.
rand(N) when N >= 2 -> rand:uniform(N) - 1.
% All drawing related functions
rasterize(Grid) ->
GridLines = lists:flatmap(fun(B) ->
end, Grid),
Lines = lists:filter(fun({_,Aligned,_}) ->
Aligned /= vertical_left_ignore
end, GridLines),
{HLines,VLines} = lists:partition(fun({_, Aligned, _}) -> Aligned == horizontal end, Lines),
SortedHLines = lists:usort(HLines),
{{_,_,{X,Y},_},_,_} = lists:last(SortedHLines),
rasterize([], 0, 0, X, Y, SortedHLines, VLines).
rasterize(Acc, _, _, _, _, [], []) -> Acc;
rasterize(Acc, _, _, _, _, HLines, []) ->
lists:append(Acc, [[HLines,[]]]);
rasterize(Acc, X, Y, XMax, YMax, HLines, VLines) when (X =< XMax) or (Y =< YMax) ->
{Hs,HLs} = lists:partition(
fun({{_,{_,Y1},{_,Y2},_},_,_}) ->
(Y1 == Y) and (Y2 == Y)
end, HLines),
{Vs, VLs} = lists:partition(
fun({{_,{_,Y1},{_,Y2},_},_,_}) ->
(Y == Y1) and (Y2 == (Y + 1))
end, VLines),
NewAcc = lists:append(Acc,[[Hs,lists:sort(Vs)]]),
-spec annotate_lines(box()) -> [any()].
annotate_lines(B) ->
{box,[VLeft,HUpper,VRight,HLower],TakenBy} = B,
{sort_line(HLower),horizontal, []},
{sort_line(VRight),vertical_right, TakenBy},
{sort_line(HUpper),horizontal, []},
case VLeft of
{line, {0, _}, {0, _}, _} ->
{sort_line(VLeft),vertical_first_col, []};
_ ->
{sort_line(VLeft),vertical_left_ignore, []}
sort_line({line, D1, D2, Present}) when D1 > D2 ->
{line, D2, D1, Present};
sort_line(L) -> L.
draw(Grid) ->
% io:format("Grid = ~p~n", [Grid]),
RasterLines = rasterize(Grid),
% io:format("RasterLines = ~p~n", [RasterLines]),
lists:foreach(fun([RLines, CLines]) ->
end, RasterLines).
draw_row_lines(Lines) ->
lists:foreach(fun(Line) ->
case align(Line) of
horizontal -> io:format("+---");
horizontal_blank -> io:format("+ ")
end, Lines),
draw_col_lines(Lines) ->
lists:foreach(fun(Line) ->
case align(Line) of
{vertical_blank, first_column} ->
io:format(" ");
{vertical, first_column} ->
vertical_blank ->
io:format(" ");
vertical ->
io:format(" |");
{vertical, TakenBy} ->
io:format("~3s|", [TakenBy])
end, Lines),
align({Line, vertical_first_col, _}) ->
case Line of
{line,_,_,false} ->
{vertical_blank, first_column};
{line,_,_,true} ->
{vertical, first_column}
align(LInfo = {_, vertical_right, TakenBy}) ->
case LInfo of
{{line,_,_,false},_,_} -> vertical_blank;
{{line,_,_,true},_,[]} -> vertical;
{{line,_,_,true},_,TakenBy} -> {vertical, TakenBy}
align({Line, horizontal, _}) ->
case Line of
{line,_,_,false} -> horizontal_blank;
{line,_,_,true} -> horizontal
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