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Created September 16, 2017 12:43
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example of a possible space leak in lazy languages like Frege when running on a platform like JVM
-- Leak example from
-- convenience
parseStr :: String -> (String, String)
parseStr = packedPair . parse . unpacked where
packedPair (x,y) = (packed x, packed y)
parse :: [Char] -> ([Char], [Char])
parse [] = ([], [])
parse (' ': cs) = ([], cs)
parse ( c : cs) = ( c : fst b, snd b) where
b = parse cs
surprise :: String -> String
surprise s = fst p ++ " surprise " ++ snd p where
p = parseStr s
main _ = do
println $ parseStr "first next last" == ("first", "next last")
println $ surprise "first next last" == "first surprise next last"
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