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Created September 11, 2017 19:14
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module FizzBuzz
import Data.Vect
Rule : Type
Rule = (n: Int) -> (old: List String) -> (List String)
everyNthRule : (every: Int) -> (replacement: String) -> Rule
everyNthRule every replacement n old =
if (mod n every == 0) then old ++ [replacement] else old
fizz : Rule
fizz = everyNthRule 3 "fizz"
buzz : Rule
buzz = everyNthRule 5 "buzz"
num : Rule
num n [] = [show n]
num n old = old
rules : Rule
rules n = num n . buzz n . fizz n
applyRules : Int -> String
applyRules n = concat (rules n [])
main : IO ()
main = do
for_ (map applyRules [1..15]) putStr
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