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Last active December 19, 2016 18:02
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  • Save DigiTec/cc58d8a35322a29097f2c403e78a313f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DigiTec/cc58d8a35322a29097f2c403e78a313f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Transform a React VR CLI project into an OVRUI project. To get started `npm install -g react-vr-cli` for the React VR CLI to make new projects. Then `react-vr init PROJECT_NAME' to create a project directory with all of the React VR code. From here you can copy the below files into the root and they will automatically reference the node_modules …

Transform a React VR CLI project into an OVRUI project.

To get started npm install -g react-vr-cli for the React VR CLI to make new projects.

Then react-vr init PROJECT_NAME to create a project directory with all of the React VR code.

From here you can copy the below files into the root and they will automatically reference the node_modules versions of THREE and OVRUI.

html {
user-select: none;
body {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
function initScene(player, scene, guiSys) {
// Initial Scene setup, we build a single UX panel
let helloUIView = new OVRUI.UIView(guiSys);
helloUIView.setFrame(0, 0, 2, 1);
helloUIView.setLocalPosition([-1, 1, -3]);
return function () {
// Per frame work
// If we are running in Chrome use some defaults that are closer to our projection
// in the Gear VR. This helps us understand where we have wasted pixels and also
// how many actual pixels we are working with.
// Turn off anti-aliasing and make content work well by tweaking textures and geometry.
// This saves a lot of resources on your average mobile platform.
let ovrPlayerOptions = {
antialias: false
if (/vrmono\=1/.test( || window.VRDisplay === undefined) {
// Set up a single eye buffer. These are the recommended sizes for a single eye on Gear VR
const playerWidth = 1024;
const playerHeight = 1024;
// Tell the player to use these sizes. Note, if you resize your window, these sometimes get
// reset. This is a known issue in the OVRUI.Player that will likely be fixed in a future release.
ovrPlayerOptions.width = playerWidth;
ovrPlayerOptions.height = playerHeight;
// We have to create our own camera otherwise the player will make one that doesn't match our specs.
// We want 90 degree FOV for the Gear VR
const gearFov = 90;
// We want an aspect ratio of 1:1 to match our player width and height
const aspectRatio = playerWidth / playerHeight;
// To match the WebVR specification defaults we use spec values for depthNear and depthFar
const depthNear = 0.01;
const depthFar = 10000.0;
// Configure the camera and pass it in through player options. = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(gearFov, aspectRatio, depthNear, depthFar);
// This is a trick to enable the "left eye" specific layer in THREE.js in case we want to use
// stereo images for the environment.;
var player = new OVRUI.Player(ovrPlayerOptions);
// Our THREE.js scene is our basis for holding the OVRUI GUI. For the GUI
// we configure an auto-hiding cursor which is user friendly.
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var guiSys = new OVRUI.GuiSys(scene, {
cursorEnabled: true,
cursorAutoHide: true,
// Initialize the scene and retrieve the frame animation function.
var frame = initScene(player, scene, guiSys);
var render = function() {
// We have to advance our input frame for the
// Passing a glRenderer enables mouse events to work when on a desktop browser.
guiSys.frame(, player.glRenderer);
// This is our frame advance function where we can do animations.
// Have the player render the current scene state.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>OVRUI Bootstrap</title>
<!-- Three.js is the baseline WebGL run-time for the rest of the system -->
<script src="node_modules\three\build\three.js"></script>
<!-- OVRUI.js is the Oculus branded player and deals with input handling and our view system -->
<script src="node_modules\ovrui\dist\ovrui.js"></script>
<!-- Fix up the viewport for panning -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" />
<!-- Provides initialization code for kick starting the Player in OVRUI.js -->
<script src="experience.js"></script>
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