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Geoff Yoerger DirkyJerky

  • Wisconsin
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$ 1 0.000005 5.023272298708815 64 7 50
w 112 192 112 224 0
w 112 224 176 224 0
c 112 224 112 288 0 0.000003 0.9978872925459834
g 112 288 112 304 0
r 112 192 112 64 0 100000
w 112 64 240 64 0
R 112 64 80 64 0 0 40 1.5 0 0 0.5
165 176 96 192 96 2 1.4991390783459269
w 240 64 304 64 0
$ 1 0.000005 5.023272298708815 64 7 50
w 112 192 112 224 0
w 112 224 176 224 0
c 112 224 112 288 0 3e-7 4.733216843460648
g 112 288 112 304 0
r 112 192 112 64 0 1000000
w 112 64 240 64 0
R 112 64 80 64 0 0 40 10 0 0 0.5
165 176 96 192 96 2 9.991248407024841
w 240 64 304 64 0
000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2018-08-03T14:15:24.890
000000.000| ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2397082 - Build Date: Jul 26 2018 - Build Time:12:05:01
000000.000| ALWAYS| Log file C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2018-08-03T14-15-24_96_LeagueClientUx.log
000000.000| ALWAYS| Running LeagueClientUx version
000000.000| OKAY| Initial working directory: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy"
000000.001| OKAY| Current process: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy\LeagueClientUx.exe"
000000.001| OKAY| Command line arguments:
--rads-product-directory=C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/solutions/league_client_sln/releases/
000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2018-08-03T14:15:24.890
000000.000| ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2397082 - Build Date: Jul 26 2018 - Build Time:12:05:01
000000.000| ALWAYS| Log file C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2018-08-03T14-15-24_96_LeagueClientUx.log
000000.000| ALWAYS| Running LeagueClientUx version
000000.000| OKAY| Initial working directory: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy"
000000.001| OKAY| Current process: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy\LeagueClientUx.exe"
000000.001| OKAY| Command line arguments:
--rads-product-directory=C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/solutions/league_client_sln/releases/
000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2018-08-03T13:26:45.346
000000.000| OKAY| Running in Standard Mode from cwd 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy'.
000000.000| ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2397082 - Build Date:Jul 26 2018 - Build Time:12:05:14
000000.000| OKAY| Initial working directory: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy"
000000.001| OKAY| Current process: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\league_client\releases\\deploy\LeagueClient.exe"
000000.001| OKAY| Command line arguments:
000000.003| ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis:
Event Name: riot__rclient__settings__event
common.os_platform: Windows
DirkyJerky / Lexos.hs
Last active February 22, 2016 19:31
Personal Haskell library for Lexographic Permutations
module Data.List.Lexos (lexoPermutation, lexoList) where
getKHelper :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
getKHelper (x:y:ys) currIndex maybeIndex = if (x < y) then getKHelper (y:ys) (currIndex + 1) (Just currIndex) else getKHelper (y:ys) (currIndex + 1) maybeIndex
getKHelper _ _ maybeIndex = maybeIndex
getK :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe Int
getK xs = getKHelper xs 0 Nothing
getLHelper :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Int -> Int -> Int
module MultiPart (multiplicativePartitions) where
import Data.List (sort)
import Math.NumberTheory.Factor (ppfactors)
import Control.Arrow (first)
multiplicativePartitions :: Integer -> [[Integer]]
multiplicativePartitions n
| n < 1 = []
| n == 1 = [[]]
void to_bin(unsigned char c, char *out) {
*(unsigned long long*)out = 3472328296227680304ULL +
(((c * 9241421688590303745ULL) / 128) & 72340172838076673ULL);
alias ch_troll "say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
alias ch_spam "say [SPAM] Please do not spam"
alias taunt_rps "taunt_by_name Taunt: Rock, Paper, Scissors; "
alias taunt_conga "taunt_by_name Taunt: Conga; "
alias taunt_high "taunt_by_name Taunt: The High Five!; "
alias taunt_laugh "taunt_by_name Taunt: The Schadenfreude; "
alias taunt_shred "taunt_by_name Shred Alert; "
alias taunt_chicken "taunt_by_name Taunt: Deep Fried Desire; "
alias taunt_coffee "taunt_by_name Taunt: Fresh Brewed Victory; "
alias taunt_balloon "taunt_by_name Taunt: Party Trick; "
alias taunt_woo "taunt_by_name Taunt: Oblooterated; "