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Last active February 9, 2018 19:42
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ES7 Notes
// by Dmitry Soshnikov
== Lexical environment ==
- Environment Record
- parent (can be null)
== Environment Record ==
* Two main types:
- DeclarativeEnvRecord (function declarations, vars, catch-clause)
- ObjectEnvRecord (with-statement)
* There are also:
- FunctionEnvRecord extends DeclarativeEnvRecord
- ModuleEnvRecord extends DeclarativeEnvRecord
* ObjectEnvRecord:
- Binding Object {x: 1, '0': 2}
- Bound names: only `x`, since 0 isn't ID
* FunctionEnvRecord:
- [[ThisValue]]
- [[ThisBindingStatus]]: {lexical, initialized, uninitialized}
(if lexical, then it's an Arrow function, and doesn't have local `this`)
- [[FunctionObject]] - the function whose invocation created the record
- [[HomeObject]] - if a function has `super` call, and is not an Arrow function,
this is the object that the function is bound to as a method (default is `undefined`)
- [[NewTarget]] - if the record is created by [[Construct]], this contains the value of
the `newTarget` parameter of the [[Construct]], otherwise `undefined`.
Methods: BindThisValue, GetThisBinding, GetSuperBase (returns [[HomeObject]]).
== GlobalEnvRecord ==
A global Environment Record is used to represent the outer most scope that is shared by all
of the ECMAScript Script elements that are processed in a common realm.
- GlobalEnvRecord is a composite record, and has both, ObjectEnvRecord, and DeclarativeEnvRecord.
- The ObjectEnvRecord has the Global object (of this Realm) as the binding object.
The Global object is returned by the GetThisBinding, i.e. `this` is the Global in the Global context.
- The ObjectEnvRecord stores all Global built-ins, as well as function declarations, generators, vars.
Binding can be created also by just creating props direclty. ES distinguishes a binding created
as `var foo = 10;`, and ` = 20;`.
- Other things, like `let`, `const`, are included in the DeclarativeEnvRecord,
so can't access them as props of global object.
- [[ObjectRecord]] - binding is the Global object: built-ins, FunctionDeclaration,
GeneratorDeclarations, VariableDeclarations of the current Realm.
- [[GlobalThisValue]] - `this` value of the global context (usually the global object
itself, though hosts may provide any)
- [[DeclarativeRecord]] - all other declarations (`let`, `const`, etc)
- [[VarNames]] - list of names appeared in FunctionDeclaration,
GeneratorDeclarations, VariableDeclarations.
== ModuleEnvRecord ==
ModuleEnvRecord extends DeclarativeRecord, it's an outer scope of a module.
In additional to normal mutable and immutable bindings, module Environment
Records also provide immutable import bindings which are bindings that provide
indirect access to a target binding that exists in another Environment Record.
== Realms ==
Before it is evaluated, all ECMAScript code must be associated with a realm.
Conceptually, a realm consists of a set of intrinsic objects, an ECMAScript
global environment, all of the ECMAScript code that is loaded within the scope
of that global environment, and other associated state and resources.
- [[Intrinsic]] - The intrinsic values used by code associated with this realm
- [[GlobalObject]] - The global object for this realm
- [[GlobalEnv]] - The global environment for this realm
- [[TemplateMap]] - for template literals within this realm
== Execution context ==
A context is create at function call, eval, or Global context. The contexts are
pushed onto the stack (the top is the running context).
- Code evaluation state - any state needed to perform, suspend, and resume
evaluation of the code associated with this execution context.
- Function - if this execution context is evaluating the code of a function
object, then the value of this component is that function object. If the
context is evaluating the code of a Script or Module, the value is null.
- Realm - The Realm Record from which associated code accesses ECMAScript resources.
- ScriptOrModule - The Module Record or Script Record from which associated
code originates. If there is no originating script or module, as is the case
for the original execution context created in InitializeHostDefinedRealm,
the value is null.
- LexicalEnvironment
- VariableEnvironment
- Generator
== Jobs and Queues ==
A Job is an abstract operation that initiates an ECMAScript computation when no other
ECMAScript computation is currently in progress. A Job abstract operation may be
defined to accept an arbitrary set of job parameters.
Execution of a Job can be initiated only when there is no running execution context
and the execution context stack is empty. A PendingJob is a request for the future
execution of a Job. A PendingJob is an internal Record with the fields.
- [[Job]] - the name of a job. Jobs use NextStep instead of return to pass control
- [[Arguments]] - arguments for the job
- [[Realm]] - the realm associated with an Execution Context when the job is created
- [[ScriptOrModule]] - The script or module for the initial execution context
when this PendingJob is initiated
- [[HostDefined]] - any other fields for the job defined by a host
Once execution of a Job is initiated, the Job always executes to completion.
No other Job may be initiated until the currently running Job completes. However,
the currently running Job or external events may cause the enqueuing of additional
PendingJobs that may be initiated sometime after completion of the currently running Job.
A Job Queue is a FIFO queue of PendingJob records. Each Job Queue has a name and
the full set of available Job Queues are defined by an ECMAScript implementation.
There are at least two queues:
- ScriptJobs - Jobs that validate and evaluate ECMAScript Script and Module source text
- PromiseJobs - Jobs that are responses to the settlement of a Promise
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