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Created September 24, 2011 20:14
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Infix to postfix notation RegExp converter
* Infix to postfix notation RegExp converter
* To implement RegExp machine (NFA, DFA) we need
* to transform first RegExp string to postfix notation
* for more convinient work with the stack. This function
* does exactly this.
* See:
* Note: we use already *transformed* infix RegExp form,
* that is, with *explicit* concatenations:
* Example:
* - Original: abc
* - Transformed (used in this function): a.b.c
* - After conversion to postfix: ab.c.
* For conversion Shunting yard algorithm is used,
* See:
* by Dmitry Soshnikov <[email protected]>
* MIT Style License
// helper, top element of an array w/o removing it
Array.prototype.peek = function () {
return this[this.length - 1];
* infixToPostfixRe
* @param {String} reStr - a RegExp in transformed view
* with explicit contatenations: abc -> a.b.c => result: ab.c.
function infixToPostfixRe(reStr, dontPrint) {
var output = [];
var stack = [];
for (var k = 0, length = reStr.length; k < length; k++) {
// current char
var c = reStr[k];
if (c == '(')
else if (c == ')') {
while (stack.peek() != '(') {
stack.pop(); // pop '('
// else work with the stack
else {
while (stack.length) {
var peekedChar = stack.peek();
var peekedCharPrecedence = precedenceOf(peekedChar);
var currentCharPrecedence = precedenceOf(c);
if (peekedCharPrecedence >= currentCharPrecedence) {
} else {
} // end for loop
while (stack.length)
var result = output.join("");
!dontPrint && console.log(reStr, "=>", result);
return result;
// precedence
var precedenceMap = {
'(': 1,
'|': 2, // alternate
'.': 3, // concatenate
'?': 4, // zero or one
'*': 4, // zero or more
'+': 4, // one or more
'^': 5 // complement
// else 6
function precedenceOf(c) {
return precedenceMap[c] || 6;
// tests
infixToPostfixRe("a.b.c"); // ab.c.
infixToPostfixRe("a.b|c"); // ab.c|
infixToPostfixRe("a.b+.c"); // ab+.c.
infixToPostfixRe("a.(b.b)+.c"); // abb.+.c.
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