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LL(1) Parser. Parsing table, part 1: First and Follow sets.
* LL(1) parser. Building parsing table, part 1: First and Follow sets.
* NOTICE: see full implementation in the Syntax tool, here:
* by Dmitry Soshnikov <[email protected]>
* MIT Style License
* An LL(1)-parser is a top-down, fast predictive non-recursive parser,
* which uses a state-machine parsing table instead of recursive calls
* to productions as in a recursive descent parser.
* We described the work of such a parser in:
* There we used manually pre-built parsing table. In this diff we implement
* an automatic solution for generating a parsing table, and consider the
* first part of it: building First and Follow sets.
* First and Follow sets are used to determine which next production to use
* if we have symbol `A` on the stack, and symbol `a` in the buffer.
* First sets:
* First sets are everything that stands in the first position in a derivation.
* If we have a production `A -> aB`, then the symbol `a` is in the first set
* of `A`, and whenever we have symbol `A` on the stack, and symbol `a` in
* the buffer, we should use `A -> aB` production. If instead we have a
* non-terminal on the right hand side, like e.g. in `A -> BC`, then in order
* to calculate first set of `A`, we should calculate first set of `BC`, and
* then merge it to `A`.
* Follow sets:
* Follow sets are used when a symbol can be `ε` ("empty" symbol known as
* epsilon). In a productions like: `A -> bXa`, if `X` can be `ε`, then it'll
* be eliminated, and we still will be able to derive `a` which follows `X`.
* So we say that `a` is in follow set of `X`.
* These are the basic rules. We'll cover all the details in the implementation
* below.
// Special "empty" symbol.
var EPSILON = "ε";
var firstSets = {};
var followSets = {};
* Rules for First Sets
* - If X is a terminal then First(X) is just X!
* - If there is a Production X → ε then add ε to first(X)
* - If there is a Production X → Y1Y2..Yk then add first(Y1Y2..Yk) to first(X)
* - First(Y1Y2..Yk) is either
* - First(Y1) (if First(Y1) doesn't contain ε)
* - OR (if First(Y1) does contain ε) then First (Y1Y2..Yk) is everything
* in First(Y1) <except for ε > as well as everything in First(Y2..Yk)
* - If First(Y1) First(Y2)..First(Yk) all contain ε then add ε
* to First(Y1Y2..Yk) as well.
function buildFirstSets(grammar) {
firstSets = {};
function firstOf(symbol) {
// A set may already be built from some previous analysis
// of a RHS, so check whether it's already there and don't rebuild.
if (firstSets[symbol]) {
return firstSets[symbol];
// Else init and calculate.
var first = firstSets[symbol] = {};
// If it's a terminal, its first set is just itself.
if (isTerminal(symbol)) {
first[symbol] = true;
return firstSets[symbol];
var productionsForSymbol = getProductionsForSymbol(symbol);
for (var k in productionsForSymbol) {
var production = getRHS(productionsForSymbol[k]);
for (var i = 0; i < production.length; i++) {
var productionSymbol = production[i];
// Epsilon goes to the first set.
if (productionSymbol === EPSILON) {
first[EPSILON] = true;
// Else, the first is a non-terminal,
// then first of it goes to first of our symbol
// (unless it's an epsilon).
var firstOfNonTerminal = firstOf(productionSymbol);
// If first non-terminal of the RHS production doesn't
// contain epsilon, then just merge its set with ours.
if (!firstOfNonTerminal[EPSILON]) {
merge(first, firstOfNonTerminal);
// Else (we got epsilon in the first non-terminal),
// - merge all except for epsilon
// - eliminate this non-terminal and advance to the next symbol
// (i.e. don't break this loop)
merge(first, firstOfNonTerminal, [EPSILON]);
// don't break, go to the next `productionSymbol`.
return first;
* We have the following data structure for our grammars:
* var grammar = {
* 1: 'S -> F',
* 2: 'S -> (S + F)',
* 3: 'F -> a',
* };
* Given symbol `S`, the function returns `S -> F`,
* and `S -> (S + F)` productions.
function getProductionsForSymbol(symbol) {
var productionsForSymbol = {};
for (var k in grammar) {
if (grammar[k][0] === symbol) {
productionsForSymbol[k] = grammar[k];
return productionsForSymbol;
* Given production `S -> F`, returns `S`.
function getLHS(production) {
return production.split('->')[0].replace(/\s+/g, '');
* Given production `S -> F`, returns `F`.
function getRHS(production) {
return production.split('->')[1].replace(/\s+/g, '');
* Rules for Follow Sets
* - First put $ (the end of input marker) in Follow(S) (S is the start symbol)
* - If there is a production A → aBb, (where a can be a whole string)
* then everything in FIRST(b) except for ε is placed in FOLLOW(B).
* - If there is a production A → aB, then everything in
* - If there is a production A → aBb, where FIRST(b) contains ε,
* then everything in FOLLOW(A) is in FOLLOW(B)
function buildFollowSets(grammar) {
followSets = {};
function followOf(symbol) {
// If was already calculated from some previous run.
if (followSets[symbol]) {
return followSets[symbol];
// Else init and calculate.
var follow = followSets[symbol] = {};
// Start symbol always contain `$` in its follow set.
if (symbol === START_SYMBOL) {
follow['$'] = true;
// We need to analyze all productions where our
// symbol is used (i.e. where it appears on RHS).
var productionsWithSymbol = getProductionsWithSymbol(symbol);
for (var k in productionsWithSymbol) {
var production = productionsWithSymbol[k];
var RHS = getRHS(production);
// Get the follow symbol of our symbol.
var symbolIndex = RHS.indexOf(symbol);
var followIndex = symbolIndex + 1;
// We need to get the following symbol, which can be `$` or
// may contain epsilon in its first set. If it contains epsilon, then
// we should take the next following symbol: `A -> aBCD`: if `C` (the
// follow of `B`) can be epsilon, we should consider first of `D` as well
// as the follow of `B`.
while (true) {
if (followIndex === RHS.length) { // "$"
var LHS = getLHS(production);
if (LHS !== symbol) { // To avoid cases like: B -> aB
merge(follow, followOf(LHS));
var followSymbol = RHS[followIndex];
// Follow of our symbol is anything in the first of the following symbol:
// followOf(symbol) is firstOf(followSymbol), except for epsilon.
var firstOfFollow = firstOf(followSymbol);
// If there is no epsilon, just merge.
if (!firstOfFollow[EPSILON]) {
merge(follow, firstOfFollow);
merge(follow, firstOfFollow, [EPSILON]);
return follow;
function buildSet(builder) {
for (var k in grammar) {
* Finds productions where a non-terminal is used. E.g., for the
* symbol `S` it finds production `(S + F)`, and for the symbol `F`
* it finds productions `F` and `(S + F)`.
function getProductionsWithSymbol(symbol) {
var productionsWithSymbol = {};
for (var k in grammar) {
var production = grammar[k];
var RHS = getRHS(production);
if (RHS.indexOf(symbol) !== -1) {
productionsWithSymbol[k] = production;
return productionsWithSymbol;
function isTerminal(symbol) {
return !/[A-Z]/.test(symbol);
function merge(to, from, exclude) {
exclude || (exclude = []);
for (var k in from) {
if (exclude.indexOf(k) === -1) {
to[k] = from[k];
function printGrammar(grammar) {
for (var k in grammar) {
console.log(' ', grammar[k]);
function printSet(name, set) {
console.log(name + ': \n');
for (var k in set) {
console.log(' ', k, ':', Object.keys(set[k]));
// Testing
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example 1 of a simple grammar, generates: a, or (a + a), etc.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var grammar = {
1: 'S -> F',
2: 'S -> (S + F)',
3: 'F -> a',
printSet('First sets', firstSets);
printSet('Follow sets', followSets);
// Results:
// Grammar:
// S -> F
// S -> (S + F)
// F -> a
// First sets:
// S : [ 'a', '(' ]
// F : [ 'a' ]
// a : [ 'a' ]
// ( : [ '(' ]
// Follow sets:
// S : [ '$', '+' ]
// F : [ '$', '+', ')' ]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example 2 of a "calculator" grammar (with removed left recursion, which
// is replaced with a right recursion and epsilons), it generates language
// for e.g. (a + a) * a.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var grammar = {
1: 'E -> TX',
2: 'X -> +TX',
3: 'X -> ε',
4: 'T -> FY',
5: 'Y -> *FY',
6: 'Y -> ε',
7: 'F -> a',
8: 'F -> (E)',
printSet('First sets', firstSets);
printSet('Follow sets', followSets);
// Results:
// Grammar:
// E -> TX
// X -> +TX
// X -> ε
// T -> FY
// Y -> *FY
// Y -> ε
// F -> a
// F -> (E)
// First sets:
// E : [ 'a', '(' ]
// T : [ 'a', '(' ]
// F : [ 'a', '(' ]
// a : [ 'a' ]
// ( : [ '(' ]
// X : [ '+', 'ε' ]
// + : [ '+' ]
// Y : [ '*', 'ε' ]
// * : [ '*' ]
// Follow sets:
// E : [ '$', ')' ]
// X : [ '$', ')' ]
// T : [ '+', '$', ')' ]
// Y : [ '+', '$', ')' ]
// F : [ '*', '+', '$', ')' ]
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maybe it should say we have to calculate the first set of BC and then

Thanks, and yes, absolutely correct, it should be "first of RHS", i.e. FIRST(BC). See fully working implementation in the Syntax tool, here.

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i want it in java code ? Do you have it please?

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i just easier to learn those concepts from a clean code like this .
Thank you

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changhengliou commented Aug 17, 2019

I think there might be a bug?
Consider the case

start symbol = E
E -> T X
T -> ( E ) | a Y
X -> + E | ε
Y -> * T E & | ε

The result of follow(E) and follow(X) should be

E = { $, ), follow(X), & } = { $, ), & }
X = { follow(E) } = { $, ), & }

But the above code yields

As the code first trying to solve follow(E). To deal with this, it needs to get follow(X), but at this time, followSets[E] = { $, ) }, and the symbol & is not parsed yet. And it directly call follow(X), which is incorrect.

Intuitively, I am trying to solve this problem after watching this tutorial. After I wrote some code, I met this problem, so I dig into your code, yet I still met this problem.
To solve with this problem, it appears that we have to deal with a complex graph problem in order to figure these relationship.
Any thought on this? Correct me if I'm wrong

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@qq52184962: yeah, this is a mutual-recursive case for calculating Follow sets. I've checked, the Syntax tool also has this bug, and seems it's the issue #73.

We probably need to patch somehow a set, whenever a depending set is updated.

To check your example in Syntax tool:

File ~/grammar.g


  : T X

  : '(' E ')'
  | 'a' Y

  : '+' E
  | /* ε */

  : '*' T E '&'
  | /* ε */


syntax-cli -g ~/grammar.g -m lalr1 -s follow

Follow set:

│ Symbol  │ Follow set                 │
│ $accept │                            │
│ E       │ $, ')', '&'                │
│ X       │ $, ')'                     │
│ T       │ '+', $, ')', '&', '(', 'a' │
│ Y       │ '+', $, ')', '&', '(', 'a' │

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So I think the solution is to split the follow algorithm into to parts. First only merge in the first sets and build the graph for the follow relation and then in a second pass propagate the follow sets. I tested this here:

This solves the problem for all circular cases like:

grammar = [
    'E -> aT',
    'E -> ε',
    'T -> bE',
    'T -> ε',
    'S -> Ec'

which generates now:

FOLLOW(E) = ['c']
FOLLOW(T) = ['c']
FOLLOW(S) = ['$']

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vfgkd commented Feb 23, 2023

I am wondering how the recursion in FirstOf terminates in case of the following LR grammar?
S-> A B C
A -> a
B -> B b C
B -> #
C -> c A

When trying to find the FIRST for B, the non-terminal B is again encountered on the RHS and therefore the recursive call will not terminate, I think.
Am I overlooking something?

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