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Created March 8, 2025 00:19
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  • Save DolphinOfficial/eb1b06affe47c2074ca9a98fde3c99f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: 19797c90-2f62-4d81-98ba-dd8379439c57
-- Server started: March 08, 2025 12:12 AM UTC | Server uptime: 374 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "ordee22",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = "ordee22 joined the server",
[2] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = "rahhhhhhhh5 joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ordee22: me too",
Desc = "me too",
[2] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: bye",
Desc = "bye",
[3] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: im going back ",
Desc = "im going back ",
[4] = {
NoTime = "true",
[5] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: !ps",
Desc = "!ps",
[6] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ordee22: BRUH",
Desc = "BRUH",
[7] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: bruh",
Desc = "bruh",
[8] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ordee22: E",
Desc = "E",
[9] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: E",
Desc = "E",
[10] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: #####################################",
Desc = "#####################################",
[11] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: ######################################",
Desc = "######################################",
[12] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: ################################",
Desc = "################################",
[13] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: #################################",
Desc = "#################################",
[14] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: ###########################################",
Desc = "###########################################",
[15] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ordee22: :give me in",
Desc = ":give me in",
[16] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: #############################",
Desc = "#############################",
[17] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :give me in",
Desc = ":give me in",
[18] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[19] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: ######################",
Desc = "######################",
[20] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ordee22: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[21] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: etrgyujmiyhfbgdvsa",
Desc = "etrgyujmiyhfbgdvsa",
[22] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: !ps ",
Time = "00:18",
Desc = "!ps ",
[2] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :settexture 1 87424796493157 side top",
Time = "00:18",
Desc = ":settexture 1 87424796493157 side top",
[3] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :settexture 1 87424796493157 top",
Time = "00:17",
Desc = ":settexture 1 87424796493157 top",
[4] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :settexture 1 :effect part 1 87424796493157",
Time = "00:17",
Desc = ":settexture 1 :effect part 1 87424796493157",
[5] = {
Text = "ordee22: :give me in",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":give me in",
[6] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :give me in",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":give me in",
[7] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :cmds ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[8] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :skybox 87424796493157",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":skybox 87424796493157",
[9] = {
Text = "ordee22: :btools ",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":btools ",
[10] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :btools ",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":btools ",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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