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Created August 22, 2013 18:19
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#!/bin/sh## Creates a disk image (dmg) on Mac OS X from the command line.# usage:# mkdmg <volname> <vers> <srcdir>## Where <volname> is the name to use for the mounted image, <vers> is the version# number of the volume and <srcdir> is where the contents to put on the dmg are.## The result will be a file called <volname>-<vers>.dmgif [ $# != 3 ]; then echo "usage: volname vers srcdir" exit 0fiVOL="$1"VER="$2"FILES="$3"DMG="tmp-$VOL.dmg"# create temporary disk image and format, ejecting when doneSIZE=`du -sk ${FILES} | sed -n '/^[0-9]*/s/([0-9]*).*/1/p'`SIZE=$((${SIZE}/1000+1))hdiutil create "$DMG" -megabytes ${SIZE} -ov -type UDIFDISK=`hdid "$DMG" | sed -ne ' /Apple_partition_scheme/ s|^/dev/([^ ]*).*$|1|p'`newfs_hfs -v "$VOL" /dev/r${DISK}s2hdiutil eject $DISK# mount and copy files onto volumehdid "$DMG"cp -R "${FILES}"/* "/Volumes/$VOL"hdiutil eject $DISK#osascript -e "tell application "Finder" to eject disk "$VOL"" && # convert to compressed image, delete temp imagerm -f "${VOL}-${VER}.dmg"hdiutil convert "$DMG" -format UDZO -o "${VOL}-${VER}.dmg"rm -f "$DMG"
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