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Created March 17, 2017 15:02
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{% action "Filter gemeente entries" %}
// Get the current municipality(scope of the page)
var municipality = getProp("municipality");
// Get the name of the current category for the breadcrumbs
var category_query = getProp('params.category_query');
setProp('category_query', category_query);
// Find all locations within that municipality
var locations = allEntries('locations', {'municipality': municipality});
var locations_ids = []; //Initiate empty array
// Add the ids of all locations within current gemeente
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
// find all locations without gemeente
var locations_without_gemeente = allEntries('locations', {"municipality_id": null });
// Add the ids of all locations without gemeente
for (var i = 0; i < locations_without_gemeente.length; i++) {
setProp("locations_ids", locations_ids);
{% endaction %}
{% with_scope categories: params.category_query, locations_ids %}
{% include 'main_section' %}
{% endwith_scope %}
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