- Install Cookies Export
- Login to Lynda and navigate to the course you want
- Cookies export button in browser
- Copy "cookie.txt" to your desktop
- Open terminal
$ cd ~/Desktop
$ brew install youtube-dl
$ youtube-dl --write-pages --cookies cookie.txt --verbose --limit-rate 4M https://www.lynda.com/Drupal-7-tutorials/Creating-and-Editing-Custom-Themes/86650-2.html --verbose
Login is stored in the cookie.txt file. This has a limited life and will expire. It might leave "dump" files if there is any errors. These can be deleted.
Hi. Is it possible to use some commands so files get sorted? When I download a course, the files are sorted by name, not their order on lynda.com. So it's really hard and I have to sort them myself by renaming and putting numbers in the beginning of their names :(