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# A little Meteor CheatSheet about Iron-Router. (updated on a weekly basis)
# Check our Studio:
meteor add iron:router
meteor update iron:router
# Iron Router > Configuration
layoutTemplate: 'Main'
loadingTemplate: 'Loading'
notFoundTemplate: 'NotFound'
load: ->
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 400)
waitOn: ->
return Meteor.subscribe('recordSetThatYouNeedNoMatterWhat')
# Iron Router > Mapping ->
# If you don't provide a template, the route will assume the template name is the same as the route name.
@route 'Homepage',
path: '/'
# Where it makes sense, options can be set globally via Router.configure()
@route 'Contact',
layoutTemplate: 'Layout' # the layout template to render.
loadingTemplate: 'Loading' # the template used by the loading hook.
notFoundTemplate: 'NotFound' # the template used by the dataNotFound hook -- renders if the data() function returns something falsey.
template: 'Contact' # the template to render. We've seen that by default this is just the name of the route.
path: '/contact' # the route will map to the path /contact
where: 'client' # whether this route runs on the client or the server (client by default)
'MyAsideTemplate': {to: 'aside'}
'MyFooter': {to: 'footer'}
# One Required Parameter
@route 'PostShow',
# Using a Custom Action Function
action: ->
# this: instance of RouteController
# access to: this.params, this.wait, this.render, this.redirect
@render('templateName', {to: 'region'})
# When we do not specify a controller, run the route will look for a global object named "PostShowController", after the name of the route
# We can change this behavior by providing a controller option to the route like so:
controller: 'CustomController'
data: ->
# The data value can either be an object or a function that gets evaluated later (when your route is run).
# `this` is an instance of a RouteController in the data function above.
return Posts.findOne(@params._id)
load: ->
# this doesn't run again if your page reloads via hot-code-reload,
# so make sure any variables you set will persist over HCR (for example Session variables).
console.log 'runs just once when the route is first loaded.'
onBeforeAction: ->
# The value can be a function or an array of functions which will be executed in the order they are defined.
# You can access the current data context using the getData function inside of any of your route functions.
post = @getData()
console.log 'runs before the action function (possibly many times if reactivity is involved).'
onAfterAction: ->
# The value can be a function or an array of functions which will be executed in the order they are defined.
console.log 'runs after the action function (also reactively).'
# matches: '/posts/{x}'
# to set an optional paramater, :optionalParam?
path: '/posts/:_id'
unload: ->
# This is called when you navigate to a new route
console.log 'runs just once when you leave the route for a new route.'
waitOn: ->
# The waitOn function can return any object that has a ready method.
# It can also return an array of these objects if you'd like to wait on multiple subscriptions.
# If you've provided a loadingTemplate, the default action will be to render that template.
return Meteor.subscribe('post', @params._id)
# Multiple Parameters
@route 'TwoSegments',
# matches: '/posts/1/2'
# matches: '/posts/3/4'
path: '/posts/:paramOne/:paramTwo'
# Anonymous Parameter Globbing
@route 'Globbing',
# matches: '/posts/some/arbitrary/path'
# matches: '/posts/5'
# route globs are available
path: '/posts/*'
# Named Parameter Globbing
@route 'NamedGlobbing',
# matches: '/posts/some/arbitrary/path'
# matches: '/posts/5'
# stores result in this.params.file
path: '/posts/:file(*)'
# Regular Expressions
@route 'RegularExpressions',
# matches: '/commits/123..456'
# matches: '/commits/789..101112'
path: /^\/commits\/(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/
# When you define a server route (via where: 'server'), you need to define the action function, and use in a fairly simplistic way, much like express.
# The render method is not available. Also, you cannot waitOn subscriptions or call the wait method on the server.
# Server routes get the bare request, response, and next properties of the Connect request, as well as the params object just like in the client.
@route 'ServerRoute',
action: ->
filename = @params.filename;
@response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
@response.end('hello from server');
where: 'server'
# Iron Router > Hooks
# For all the hooks below, the second argument can be except -- a list of routes to not apply to,
# or only -- a limited set of routes to match.
Router.onRun ->
# if the page hot code reloads, the onRun hook will not re-run.
console.log 'this happens once only when the route is loaded.'
Router.onData ->
console.log 'runs reactively whenever the data changes.'
Router.onBeforeAction ->
console.log 'runs reactively before the action.'
Router.onAfterAction ->
console.log 'runs reactively before the action.'
Router.onStop ->
console.log 'runs once when the controller is stopped, like just before a user routes away.'
# Iron Router > Route Controllers
AdminController = RouteController.extend
# We can define almost all of the same options on our RouteController as we have for our routes.
# Note that `where` is not available on controllers, only in
onBeforeAction: ->
# a user filter to control access?
PostsEditController = AdminController.extend
waitOn: ->
return Meteor.subscribe('adminPost', ...) ->
# this will automatically match the `PostsEditController` thanks to the name.
@route(postsEdit, {path: '/posts/:_id/edit'})
# Iron Router > Helpers
Router.routes['Homepage'] # get the route by name
Router.routes['PostShow'].path({_id: 1}) # return '/posts/1'
Router.routes['PostShow'].path({_id: 1}, { # return '/posts/1?sort_by=created_at#someAnchorTag'
query: 'sort_by=created_at', # the query variable can also be a regular JavaScript object
hash: 'someAnchorTag'
Router.go('Homepage') # redirect to the defined route (here: '/')
Router.go('PostShow', {_id: 7}) # redirect to '/posts/7'
Router.path('Homepage') # return the path of the defined route as a string. (here: '/')
Router.current().path # return the current path
//- By default, the router renders the current template directly into the body.
//- If you'd like to share common HTML between routes, you can create your own layout:
//- More:
{{> yield region='aside'}}
{{> yield}}
{{> yield region='footer'}}
//- To use a route in your app, you can use the {{pathFor}} handlebars helper:
//- More:
//- set the url to '/'
a(href="{{pathFor 'Homepage'}}") Return to Homepage
//- given a context of {_id: 1} this will render '/posts/1'
a(href="{{pathFor 'PostShow'}}") Post Show
//- given a context of {_id: 1} this will render '/posts/1?sort_by=created_at#someAnchorTag'
a(href="{{pathFor 'PostShow' query='sort_by=created_at' hash='someAnchorTag'}}") Post Show
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