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Created January 29, 2024 18:51
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Discord Custom CSS with collapsable SideBars
:root {
--sidebar-w-collapsed: 36px; /*used for collapsable sidebar*/
--sidebar-h-extended: 240px;
--memberlist-collapsed: 62px;
--memberlist-expanded: 240px;
--memberlist-transition: 0.35s ease-in-out;
/*vc text is correct with channel sidebar and main chat margin*/
.chat_f8f70f { margin-left: 0px !important; }
/* show full about me */
[style="-webkit-line-clamp: 6;"] { -webkit-line-clamp: 10000000 !important; }
/*collapsable sidebar stuff
banners are bugged offset by few px
INFO: Remove position: absolute; and small hack to push chat instead of showing infront of it*/
div[class^="sidebar_"] {
width: var(--sidebar-w-collapsed);
transition: width 0.2s ease-in-out;
overflow-x: hidden;
display: flex;
bottom: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 2;
position: absolute;
div[class^="sidebar_"]:hover {
width: var(--sidebar-h-extended);
bottom: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 3;
position: absolute;
/*small hack to make chat not appear behind sidebar if position: absolute*/
z-index: 1;
margin-left: var(--sidebar-w-collapsed);
div[class^="actionButtons_"] { display: flex; } /*Stops stream/video buttons to wrap*/
/*DMs name etc not working, idk fix lol*/
div[class^="sidebar_"] nav div ul li div div div[class^="name_"],
div[class^="sidebar_"] nav div ul li div[class^="children_"],
div[class^="sidebar_"] nav div ul li div div div[class^="children_"] {
opacity: 0;
width: 0px;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
div[class^="sidebar_"]:hover nav div ul li div div div[class^="name_"],
div[class^="sidebar_"]:hover nav div ul li div[class^="children_"],
div[class^="sidebar_"]:hover nav div ul li div div div[class^="children_"] {
opacity: 1;
/*collapse server list and open on hover*/
[class*=" guilds__"] {
width: 10px;
transition: width 0.2s ease 0.1s, opacity 0.2s ease 0.1s;
opacity: 1;
[class*=" guilds__"]:hover {
width: 65px;
opacity: 1;
/*spinny emoji butt*/
.emojiButton__30ec7:hover .contents_fb6220:hover {
animation: spin .65s infinite linear;
@keyframes spin {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
button.button__4f306 /* make user panel buttons round */ {
border-radius: 50%;
.button__4f306:last-child /* settings button */,
.attachButton_b1db83 .attachButtonInner__3ce2b /* upload button */,
.emojiButton__30ec7 .contents_fb6220 /* emoji button */,
.closeButton__34341 /* settings exit button */ {
transition: transform 1s ease;
.attachButton_b1db83:hover .attachButtonInner__3ce2b,
.emojiButton__30ec7:hover .contents_fb6220,
.closeButton__34341:hover {
transform: rotate(360deg);
/*channel list animations*/
.wrapper__7bcde .link__95dc0 /* channels */,
.container__4f20e /* members */,
.channel_c21703 /* dms */,
.side_b4b3f6 .item__48dda /* settings */ {
transition: margin-left 0.2s ease;
.wrapper__7bcde:hover .link__95dc0,
.side_b4b3f6 .item__48dda:hover {
margin-left: 10px;
.channel_c21703:hover {
margin-left: 18px;
/* minified memberlist (midnight theme version) */
.membersWrap__90226 {
min-width: unset;
width: var(--memberlist-collapsed);
transition: var(--memberlist-transition);
height: 100%;
.container_b2ce9c {
width: var(--memberlist-collapsed);
transition: var(--memberlist-transition);
.membersWrap__90226:hover .members__9f47b,
.container_b2ce9c:hover {
width: var(--memberlist-expanded);
.membersGroup__85843 {
height: 0;
padding-top: 0;
transition: var(--memberlist-transition);
.membersWrap__90226:hover .membersGroup__85843 {
padding: 24px 8px 0 16px;
height: 40px;
.chat__52833:has(.membersWrap__90226:not(:hover)) .searchBar_e0c60b {
width: calc(var(--memberlist-collapsed) - 24px) !important;
margin-left: calc(var(--memberlist-spacing) + 8px);
/*oneko welcome*/
.welcomeCTASticker_ee7523>.assetWrapper_f2e406 {
display: none;
.welcomeCTASticker_ee7523::before {
content: "";
background: var(--onekowelcome-skin, url(;
animation: var(--onekowelcome-wakeup-duration, 2s) 1 forwards gotosleep, var(--onekowelcome-sleep-duration, 2s) var(--onekowelcome-wakeup-duration, 2s) infinite var(--onekowelcome-sleep-animation, sleep);
image-rendering: var(--onekowelcome-rendering, pixelated);
width: 28px;
height: 28px;
display: block;
position: relative;
right: 4px;
bottom: 4px;
scale: var(--onekowelcome-scale, 1);
.welcomeCTAButtonOuter_a7da64:hover .welcomeCTASticker_ee7523::before {
animation: var(--onekowelcome-wakeup-duration, 2s) 1 forwards var(--onekohomeicon-wakeup-animation, wakeup), var(--onekowelcome-hovered-duration, 0.3s) var(--onekowelcome-wakeup-duration, 2s) infinite var(--onekowelcome-hovered-animation, alert);
/*@property --rainbow {
syntax: '<color>';
initial-value: #ff000033;
inherits: false;
@keyframes rainbow {
16.7% { --rainbow: #ffa50033; }
33.3% { --rainbow: #ffff0033; }
50% { --rainbow: #00800033; }
66.7% { --rainbow: #0000ff33; }
73.3% { --rainbow: #ee82ee33; }
100% { --rainbow: #ff000033; }
#app-mount {
transform: rotate3d(2, -1, -1, -0.2turn) scale(0.9);
box-shadow: 8px 8px 8px var(--rainbow),
16px 16px 16px var(--rainbow),
32px 32px 32px var(--rainbow),
64px 64px 64px var(--rainbow),
128px 128px 128px var(--rainbow);
animation: rainbow 5s linear infinite;
/* Comfy-Style Spotify Player
* Kanged and modified code from
#vc-spotify-player {
--spotify-wave-width: 240px;
--spotify-vencord-color: #EBCB8B;
--spotify-vencord-text: var(--background-primary);
@keyframes spotifywave {
0% {
-webkit-mask-position-x: var(--spotify-wave-width);
100% {
-webkit-mask-position-x: 0;
#vc-spotify-player::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
height: 25px;
z-index: 1;
width: var(--spotify-wave-width);
margin-top: -29px;
left: 0;
background: var(--spotify-vencord-color);
-webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="240" height="25" viewBox="0 0 284 25"><path d="M283.999 15.2776C228.798 15.2776 211.243 -0.0317305 140.048 -0.000164877C69.0475 -0.000164877 51.2975 15.2776 8.58307e-06 15.2776V24.9998H284C284 24.9998 283.999 18.9392 283.999 15.2776Z"/></svg>');
animation: spotifywave 8s linear infinite;
animation-delay: 0s;
opacity: 1;
#vc-spotify-player#vc-spotify-player {
background: linear-gradient(var(--spotify-vencord-color) 20%, var(--bg-overlay-1, var(--background-secondary-alt)));
border-bottom: none;
/* , .vc-spotify-time-right, .vc-spotify-time-left */ {
color: var(--spotify-vencord-text);
#vc-spotify-player [class*="bar-"] {
background: hsl(var(--primary-700-hsl)/0.3);
#vc-spotify-player [class*="barFill"] {
background: var(--spotify-vencord-color);
[class*=wrapper-]:not(:empty) + #vc-spotify-player {
margin-top: 27px;
[class*=panels-] [class*=wrapper-] [class*=container-] {
border-bottom: none;
/* The code below isn't really needed but it looks pretty :3 */,,,,, {
color: var(--spotify-vencord-color);
} {
transition: background 0.3s;
} {
background: hsl(var(--primary-700-hsl)/0.3);
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