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Last active November 5, 2017 17:15
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linked lists program for exercise
#include "cust_std_lib_facilities.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <random>
#include <string>
int randint(int min, int max)
using namespace std;
auto seed = chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
static default_random_engine ran(seed);
return uniform_int_distribution<>{min, max}(ran);
void keep_window_open()
using namespace std;
cout << "Please enter a character to exit\n";
char ch;
cin >> ch;
void keep_window_open(std::string s)
using namespace std;
if (s == "") return;
cin.ignore(120, '\n');
for (;;) {
cout << "Please enter " << s << " to exit\n";
string ss;
while (cin >> ss && ss != s)
cout << "Please enter " << s << " to exit\n";
void error(const std::string& s)
using namespace std;
throw runtime_error(s);
void error(const std::string& s, const std::string& s2)
error(s + s2);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int randint(int min, int max);
void error(const std::string& s, const std::string& s2);
void error(const std::string& s);
void keep_window_open();
void keep_window_open(std::string s);
// Osman Zakir
// 9 / 7 / 2017
// Bjarne Stroustrup: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ 2nd Edition
// Chapter 17 Exercises 11-13
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vld.h>
#include "../../cust_std_lib_facilities.h"
struct God
God(const std::string &name, const std::string &myth, const std::string &vehicle, const std::string &weapon)
: m_name{ name }, m_myth{ myth }, m_vehicle{ vehicle }, m_weapon{ weapon } { }
: m_name{}, m_myth{}, m_vehicle{}, m_weapon{} {}
std::string m_name;
std::string m_myth;
std::string m_vehicle;
std::string m_weapon;
class Link
Link(const God &god, Link *p = nullptr, Link *n = nullptr)
: m_god{ god }, m_prev{ p }, m_succ{ n }
Link *insert(Link *n); // insert n before this object
Link *add(Link *n); // insert n after this object
Link *erase(); // remove this object from list
Link *find(const std::string &name); // find node matching passed in name in list
Link *find_if_myth(const std::string &myth); // find node matching passed in myth in list
const Link *find_if_myth(const std::string &myth) const; // find node matching passed in myth in const list
const Link *find(const std::string &name) const; // find node matching passed in name in const list
Link *advance(int n) const; // advance n positions in list
Link *add_ordered(Link *n); // insert n in its correct lexicographical position
God god() const { return m_god; }
Link *next() const { return m_succ; }
Link *previous() const { return m_prev; }
God m_god;
Link *m_prev;
Link *m_succ;
void print_all(Link *p);
void move_nodes(Link *dest_list, Link *source_list, const std::string &myth);
int main()
Link *gods;
gods = new Link{ { "Odin", "Norse", "Eight-legged flying horse called Sleipnir", "Spear called Gungnir" } };
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Thor", "Norse", "Chariot pulled by goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr",
"Hammer called Mjolnir" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Baldr", "Norse", "A giant ship called Hringorni", "None" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Frejya", "Norse", "Chariot pulled by two cats", "Magic called seidr" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Zeus", "Greek", "A chariot pulled by the four major winds shaped as horses",
"Thunderbolt and the shield called Aegis" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Hera", "Greek", "A chariot drawn by peacocks", "Her intelligence" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Athena", "Greek", "", "Allowed to use Zeus's Thunderbolt and the Aegis" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Ares", "Greek", "War chariot", "Sword and spear" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Amaterasu", "Japanese", "", "Sword of Kusanagi, Jewel of Yasakani, Mirror of Yata" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Susanoo", "Japanese", "", "Sword of Totsuka" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Izanagi", "Japanese", "", "Sword of Totsuka (later given to Susanoo)" } });
gods = gods->add_ordered(new Link{ { "Bishamonten", "Japanese", "", "A spear" } });
catch (const std::bad_alloc &ba)
std::cerr << "Bad allocation error: " << ba.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::runtime_error &rte)
std::cerr << "Runtime error: " << rte.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Link *norse_gods = new Link{ { "Odin", "Norse", "Eight-legged flying horse called Sleipnir", "Spear called Gungnir" } };
Link *greek_gods = new Link{ { "Zeus", "Greek", "A chariot pulled by the four major winds shaped as horses",
"Thunderbolt and the shield called Aegis" } };
Link *jap_gods = new Link{ { "Amaterasu", "Japanese", "", "Sword of Kusanagi, Jewel of Yasakani, Mirror of Yata" } };
while (gods->find_if_myth("Norse"))
move_nodes(norse_gods, gods, "Norse");
while (gods->find_if_myth("Greek"))
move_nodes(greek_gods, gods, "Greek");
while (gods->find_if_myth("Japanese"))
move_nodes(jap_gods, gods, "Japanese");
if (jap_gods->find("Susanoo") && jap_gods->find("Izanagi") && jap_gods->find("Bishamonten"))
std::cout << "\nnorse_gods list:\n";
std::cout << "\ngreek_gods list:\n";
std::cout << "\njap_gods list:\n";
std::cout << "\ngods list:\n";
delete gods;
delete norse_gods;
delete jap_gods;
delete greek_gods;
catch (const std::runtime_error &rte)
std::cerr << "Runtime error: " << rte.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::bad_alloc &ba)
std::cerr << "Bad allocation error: " << ba.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Link *Link::insert(Link *n)
if (n == nullptr)
return this;
n->m_succ = this; // this object comes after n
if (m_prev)
m_prev->m_succ = n;
n->m_prev = m_prev;
m_prev = n;
return n;
Link *Link::add(Link *n)
if (n == nullptr)
return this;
n->m_prev = this;
if (m_succ)
m_succ->m_prev = n;
n->m_succ = m_succ;
m_succ = n;
return n;
Link *Link::erase()
Link *trav = this;
if (trav == nullptr)
return this;
if (trav->m_succ)
trav->m_succ->m_prev = trav->m_prev;
if (trav->m_prev)
trav->m_prev->m_succ = trav->m_succ;
return trav->m_succ;
Link *Link::find(const std::string &name)
Link *head = this;
while (head->m_prev)
head = head->m_prev;
Link *tail = this;
while (tail->m_succ)
tail = tail->m_succ;
Link *trav = tail;
while (trav->m_prev)
if (trav->god().m_name == name)
return trav;
trav = trav->m_prev;
return nullptr;
Link *Link::find_if_myth(const std::string &myth)
Link *head = this;
while (head->m_prev)
head = head->m_prev;
Link *tail = this;
while (tail->m_succ)
tail = tail->m_succ;
Link *trav = tail;
while (trav != head)
if (trav->god().m_myth == myth)
return trav;
trav = trav->m_prev;
return nullptr;
const Link *Link::find_if_myth(const std::string &myth) const
const Link *head = this;
while (head->m_prev)
head = head->m_prev;
const Link *tail = this;
while (tail->m_succ)
tail = tail->m_succ;
const Link *trav = tail;
while (trav != head)
if (trav->god().m_myth == myth)
return trav;
trav = trav->m_prev;
return nullptr;
const Link *Link::find(const std::string &name) const
const Link *head = this;
while (head->m_prev)
head = head->m_prev;
const Link *tail = this;
while (tail->m_succ)
tail = tail->m_succ;
const Link *trav = tail;
while (trav->m_prev)
if (trav->god().m_name == name)
return trav;
trav = trav->m_prev;
return nullptr;
Link *Link::advance(int n) const
Link *trav = const_cast<Link *>(this);
if (trav == nullptr)
return const_cast<Link*>(this);
if (n > 0)
while (n--)
if (trav->m_succ == nullptr)
return const_cast<Link*>(this);
trav = trav->m_succ;
else if (n < 0)
while (n++)
if (trav->m_prev == nullptr)
return const_cast<Link*>(this);
trav = trav->m_prev;
return trav;
Link *Link::add_ordered(Link *n)
if (n == nullptr)
return this;
Link *trav = this;
if (!trav)
return n;
// to make sure to start at head of the list
while (trav->m_prev != nullptr)
trav = trav->m_prev;
while (trav->m_god.m_name < n->m_god.m_name && trav->m_succ)
trav = trav->m_succ;
if (n->m_god.m_name < trav->m_god.m_name)
trav = trav->insert(n);
else if (!(n->m_god.m_name < trav->m_god.m_name))
trav = trav->add(n);
return trav;
void move_nodes(Link *dest_list, Link *source_list, const std::string &myth)
Link *trav = source_list->find_if_myth(myth);
if (trav)
if (trav->god().m_name != dest_list->god().m_name)
dest_list = dest_list->add_ordered(trav);
void print_all(Link *p)
while (p->previous() != nullptr && p != nullptr)
p = p->previous();
std::cout << "{\n";
while (p)
std::cout << "Name: " << p->god().m_name
<< "; Myth: " << p->god().m_myth;
if (p->god().m_vehicle != "")
std::cout << "; Vehicle: " << p->god().m_vehicle;
std::cout << "; Vehicle: N/A";
if (p->god().m_weapon != "")
std::cout << "; Weapon: " << p->god().m_weapon;
std::cout << "; Weapon: N/A";
if ((p = p->next()))
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n}\n";
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