As a Fedora user, I sometimes have to withstand the urge to get the latest version of something, simply because it doesn’t exist in the main repositories, nor in copr or anything, so I set out to fix that little urge by installing the source directly onto the system.
# Dependencies for development
sudo dnf group install "Development Tools"
# Dependencies specific to emacs
sudo dnf builddep emacs
# Download the latest stable release from emacs website
# Verify the tar.xz file
gpg --verify emacs-26.3.tar.xz.sig emacs-26.3.tar.xz
# Once that has been taken care of, extract the tar.xz archive.
tar -xvf emacs-26.3.tar.xz
# Go into the newly made folder
cd emacs-26.3
# Configure the source
# Compile the source
# Check the binary to see that it runs smoothly
src/emacs -Q
# Install the binary
sudo make install