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Last active July 6, 2018 14:46
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[CVE-2018-6311 and CVE-2018-6312] Foxconn femtocell remote and local root access Raw


[Suggested description] One can gain root access on the Foxconn femtocell FEMTO AP-FC4064-T version AP_GT_B38_5.8.3lb15-W47 LTE Build 15 via UART pins without any restrictions, which leads to full system compromise and disclosure of user communications.

[VulnerabilityType Other] Insufficient physical access control

[Vendor of Product] Foxconn Electronics Inc.

[Affected Product Code Base] FEMTO AP-FC4064-T - AP_GT_B38_5.8.3lb15-W47 LTE Build 15

[Affected Component] UART Pins on mother board

[Attack Type] Physical

[Impact Code execution] true

[Impact Denial of Service] true

[Impact Escalation of Privileges] true

[Impact Information Disclosure] true

[Attack Vectors] Physical access via UART pins

[Discoverer] CFL Lab


[Suggested description] A privileged account with a weak default password on the Foxconn femtocell FEMTO AP-FC4064-T version AP_GT_B38_5.8.3lb15-W47 LTE Build 15 can be used to turn on the TELNET service via the web interface, which allows root login without any password. This vulnerability will lead to full system compromise and disclosure of user communications.

[VulnerabilityType Other] CWE-521: Weak Password Requirements, CWE-284: Improper Access Control, CWE-259: Use of Hard-coded Password

[Vendor of Product] Foxconn Electronics Inc.

[Affected Product Code Base] FEMTO AP-FC4064-T - AP_GT_B38_5.8.3lb15-W47 LTE Build 15

[Affected Component] Whole operating system

[Attack Type] Remote

[Impact Code execution] true

[Impact Denial of Service] true

[Impact Escalation of Privileges] true

[Impact Information Disclosure] true

[Attack Vectors] Weak default privileged account password, Root access via telnet.

[Discoverer] CFL Lab

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DrmnSamoLiu commented Mar 9, 2018


These vulnerabilities have already been patched and applied to all affected femtocells out there.


亞太電信是在台灣發展4G家用基站的先驅之一,也是目前最大力推廣家用基站的廠商。 從新聞稿來看,亞太計畫在全台包括車站、人潮多的市場、景點及社區等地部署超過上萬台的微型基地台,為將來的5G通訊時代鋪路。

Asia Pacific Telecom Co.,Ltd. (APTG) is one of the first telecommunication service providers in Taiwan to deploy 4G femtocells.
As the company is campaigning to deploy their femtocells all over the nation in places like train stations, supermarkets and even in people's houses, we were tasked to check how they are doing on its information security.

由於顧及民眾安裝的便利性,說明書中的步驟只有接上電源、插入網路孔這兩個步驟。 微型基站確實也不像一般無線路由器或網路攝影機一樣,需要使用者自行設定帳號密碼等,因此這並不是大問題。
The installation process is really simple: "Just plug it into your router/modem's LAN port and power it up." as stated in official installation guide. So users won't need to make any changes or setup anything for its software.
However, we could still find the femtocell's IP address in our router's DHCP table and try to access its management webpage.
At the first glance, it is a quite plain login page with limited functions and things to play with.
So, using the supernatural hacker instincts and impulse that everyone possesses, we typed in admin/admin as the username and password.
And quite unexpectedly.... We're logged in.

Fortunately, although the username sounds like it's privileged, it's actually not a super user, as we can't view or edit any sensitive data from the webpage.

After trying a bunch of other username/password combinations with no luck, we opened up the case and tried to see if we can gain access via local ports.

We successfully identified some UART pins on the motherboard, and here comes another surprise....

There's no password for root login!
We just gained root access to this femtocell with barely any efforts.

From then on, we began our journey to discover further exploits.
With some help of the hacker instincts, three more web management account was found, but the password was hashed.


The manufacturer and vendor of APTG's femtocells is actually Foxconn Electronics Inc. , so apparently our manufacturer had left themselves a way to access and manage these femtocells.

We fed those password hashes to john and IMMEDIATELY get the password cracked. For security reasons, we can only reveal that the passwords are just 8 digits long and solely composed of lower case alphabets.

Knowing the passwords, we logged in as foxconn and voilà.... EVERYTHING IS THERE.
We can even see the IPsec SA keys to use it to decrypt communication.

(before decryption)
(after decryption)

Moreover, there's an "Enable Telnet" tab in the menu to start Telnet service on the system, so we clicked it and tried to login via Telnet.

The last surprise here is .... it allows root access! With that empty password!

So this is it, with its weak account name and passwords, anyone who's able to visit the femtocell's management webpage can brute force/dictionary attack it and gain root control of the system. Not only the device may be used to launch attacks, any communications going in and out from it won't be safe anymore.

這些漏洞其實不只在亞太家用基站才有,而是整個資訊業界常犯的錯誤,一旦被利用了,後果不堪設想。 尤其這類裝置的特性就是每一台的設定都一模一樣,只要一台被破解了,等於全部的裝置都被破解。

亞太電信在此事件後更積極地投入資安防護,我們也呼籲台灣各資通訊業者務必持續加強資安防護能力( 或是找專業資安團隊洽談;D )。

These are fairly simple vulnerability of course, but it applies to all devices using the same firmware. Considering the amount of femtocells already and will be out there, this might pose a serious problem if not been discovered and patched.
Fortunately, after reporting to APTG and Foxconn, they released a patch within a week and resolved these problems. Every APTG femtocell online will be automatically patched and should be more secured, at least all the methods shown in this post won't succeed again.
-CFL Lab

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