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Last active January 6, 2020 21:01
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Save Drullkus/6082500acaa51a2e4f0589be06dc52f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import java.util.Random;
public class Connectome {
private final int width, height;
private final byte[] mapping;
public Connectome(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.mapping = new byte[width * height + 1 >> 1];
System.out.println(String.format("Size %s %s with length %s", this.width, this.height, this.mapping.length));
public void generate() {
new Random().nextBytes(mapping);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
int xD = x + direction.X_OFFSET;
int yD = y + direction.Y_OFFSET;
if (xD >= 0
&& xD < width
&& yD >= 0
&& yD < height) {
if (direction.testFor(getData(x, y))) {
// If there is connection in a direction, connect the adjacent piece
orData(xD, yD, direction.OPPOSITE);
} else {
// Otherwise completely sever it
andData(x, y, direction.INVERTED);
andData(xD, yD, direction.INVERTED_OPPOSITE);
private void orData(int x, int y, byte data) {
data &= 0b1111;
data <<= ((x + y) & 1) << 2;
mapping[getSingleCoordFromDouble(x, y)] |= data;
private void andData(int x, int y, byte data) {
data &= 0b1111;
data <<= ((x + y) & 1) << 2;
data |= 0b1111 << (((x ^ 1) + y & 1) << 2);
mapping[getSingleCoordFromDouble(x, y)] &= data;
private byte getData(int x, int y) {
byte b = mapping[getSingleCoordFromDouble(x, y)];
b >>= ((x + y) & 1) << 2;
b &= 0b1111;
return b;
private int getSingleCoordFromDouble(int x, int y) {
return x + y * width >> 1;
public String visualize() {
StringBuilder maze = new StringBuilder();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
maze.append(Main.getStringFromFacings(getData(x, y)));
return maze.toString();
public enum Direction {
EAST ((byte) 0b0001, 1, 0),
SOUTH((byte) 0b0010, 0, 1),
WEST ((byte) 0b0100, -1, 0),
NORTH((byte) 0b1000, 0, -1);
public final byte BYTE;
public final byte OPPOSITE;
public final byte INVERTED;
public final byte INVERTED_OPPOSITE;
public final int X_OFFSET;
public final int Y_OFFSET;
Direction(byte bite, int xOffset, int yOffset) {
this.BYTE = bite;
this.OPPOSITE = (byte) (bite >>> 2 | bite << 2);
this.INVERTED = (byte) ~this.BYTE;
this.X_OFFSET = xOffset;
this.Y_OFFSET = yOffset;
protected boolean testFor(byte directions) {
return (this.BYTE & directions) == this.BYTE;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
for (int height = 3; height < 16; height+=4) {
for (int width = 3; width < 16; width+=4) {
System.out.println((new Connectome(width, height)).visualize());
// These util methods are placed here because otherwise it gets lonely in a third class :(
static String getPaddedBitString(byte b) {
return String.format("%1$4s", Integer.toBinaryString(b & 0xF)).replace(' ', '0');
static String getStringFromFacings(byte directions) {
switch (directions & 0b1111) {
case 0b0010:
return " ╷";
case 0b0001:
return " ╶";
case 0b1000:
return " ╵";
case 0b0100:
return "─╴";
case 0b1001:
return " └";
case 0b1100:
return "─┘";
case 0b0110:
return "─┐";
case 0b0011:
return " ┌";
case 0b1101:
return "─┴";
case 0b1110:
return "─┤";
case 0b0111:
return "─┬";
case 0b1011:
return " ├";
case 0b1010:
return " │";
case 0b0101:
return "──";
case 0b1111:
return "─┼";
return " •";
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