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Last active August 4, 2016 10:16
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import commands
import sendGmail
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
arg = ""
while len(arg) == 0:
arg = raw_input("input substring of process name: ")
INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=5)
from_addr = "<FROM_ADDR>"
passwd = "<PASS>"
to_addr = "<TO_ADDR>"
title = arg + " end."
body = ""
previous =
while True:
if - previous > INTERVAL:
result = commands.getoutput("ps ax | grep " + arg + " | grep -v grep")
previous =
if arg not in result:
msg = sendGmail.create_message(from_addr, to_addr, title, body)
sendGmail.send_via_gmail(from_addr, to_addr, passwd, msg)
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