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Last active June 15, 2020 17:17
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SAT-MICRO, a Sat solver in 60 lines of code
(* Code extracted from:
SAT-MICRO: petit mais costaud !
by Sylvain Conchon, Johannes Kanig, Stéphane Lescuyer
module type VARIABLES = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module Make (V : VARIABLES) = struct
type literal = bool * V.t
module L = struct
type t = literal
let compare (b1,v1) (b2,v2) =
let r = compare b1 b2 in
if r = 0 then compare v1 v2
else r
let mk_not (b,v) = (not b, v)
module S = Set.Make(L)
exception Unsat
exception Sat of S.t
type t = { gamma : S.t ; delta : L.t list list }
let rec assume env f =
if S.mem f env.gamma then env
else bcp { gamma = S.add f env.gamma ; delta = }
and bcp env =
(fun env l -> try
let l = List.filter
(fun f ->
if S.mem f env.gamma then raise Exit;
not (S.mem (L.mk_not f) env.gamma)
) l
match l with
| [] -> raise Unsat (* conflict *)
| [f] -> assume env f
| _ -> { env with delta = l :: }
with Exit -> env)
{ env with delta = [] }
let rec unsat env = try
match with
| [] -> raise (Sat env.gamma)
| ([_] | []) :: _ -> assert false
| (a :: _ ) :: _ ->
begin try unsat (assume env a) with Unsat -> () end ;
unsat (assume env (L.mk_not a))
with Unsat -> ()
let solve delta = try
unsat (bcp { gamma = S.empty ; delta }) ; None
| Sat g -> Some (S.elements g)
| Unsat -> None
module type VARIABLES = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module Make (V : VARIABLES) : sig
type literal = bool * V.t
val solve : literal list list -> literal list option
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Drup commented Jun 26, 2017

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marcinzh commented Sep 16, 2017

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