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Last active August 25, 2020 16:50
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module B = Brisk_reconciler
let constant name x =
B.Expert.nativeComponent name (fun hooks ->
( {
make = (fun () -> x);
configureInstance = (fun ~(isFirstRender : _) node -> node);
children = B.empty;
insertNode = (fun ~parent ~child:_ ~position:_ -> parent);
deleteNode = (fun ~parent ~child:_ ~position:_ -> parent);
moveNode = (fun ~parent ~child:_ ~from:_ ~to_:_ -> parent);
hooks ))
module Component = struct
module BriskElt
: Xml_wrap.NODE
with type 'a t = 'a B.element
and type 'a child = 'a B.element
= struct
type 'a t = 'a B.element
type 'a child = 'a B.element
let inject x = x
module BriskChild
: Xml_wrap.MANY
with type 'a t = 'a B.element
and type 'a list = 'a B.element List.t
= struct
type 'a t = 'a B.element
let return x = constant "generatethis" x
type 'a list = 'a B.element List.t
let nil () = []
let singleton x = [x]
let cons = List.cons
let append = List.append
module Make (Xml : Xml_sigs.Iterable)
: Xml_sigs.T
with module Elt = BriskElt
and module Child = BriskChild
and module Attr = Xml_wrap.NoWrap
= struct
let insertNode f ~parent ~child ~position:_ =
match Xml.content parent with
| Node (ele, a, children) ->
Xml.node ~a ele (List.rev (f child :: children))
| _ -> parent
let deleteNode f ~parent ~child ~position:_ =
match Xml.content parent with
| Node (ele, a, children) ->
Xml.node ~a ele (List.filter (fun c -> c <> f child) children)
| _ -> parent
let moveNode ~parent ~child:_ ~from:_ ~to_ = parent
include Xml
module Elt = BriskElt
module Child = BriskChild
module Attr = Xml_wrap.NoWrap
type data =
type elt = data Elt.t
type children = data Child.list
let empty () = B.empty
let elt f name children base =
B.Expert.nativeComponent name (fun hooks ->
( {
make = (fun () -> base);
configureInstance = (fun ~(isFirstRender : _) node -> node);
insertNode = insertNode f;
deleteNode = deleteNode f;
hooks ))
let leaf ?a name =
constant name @@ Xml.leaf ?a name
let node ?a name (children : children) =
elt (fun x -> x) name (B.listToElement children) (Xml.node ?a name [])
let (%) f g x = f (g x)
let comment = constant "comment" % Xml.comment
let entity = constant "entity" % Xml.entity
let cdata = constant "cdata" % Xml.cdata
let cdata_script = constant "cdata" % Xml.cdata_script
let cdata_style = constant "cdata" % Xml.cdata_style
let pcdata content =
elt (fun x -> Xml.pcdata x) "pcdata" content (Xml.pcdata "")
let encodedpcdata content =
elt (fun x -> Xml.encodedpcdata x) "pcdata" content (Xml.encodedpcdata "")
module Xml = Make(Tyxml.Xml)
module Svg : Svg_sigs.Make(Xml).T = Svg_f.Make(Xml)
module Html : Html_sigs.Make(Xml)(Svg).T = Html_f.Make(Xml)(Svg)
let make id =
let open Component in
[%html "<div id="id"><p>foooo</p></div>"]
(* val make : string -> [> Html_types.div ] Brisk_reconciler.element *)
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