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TEXT TO SPEECH IN PYTHON | Convert Text to Speech in Python
# Import the Gtts module for text
# to speech conversion
from gtts import gTTS
# import Os module to start the audio file
import os
fh = open("test.txt", "r")
myText ="\n", " ")
# Language we want to use
language = 'en'
output = gTTS(text=myText, lang=language, slow=False)"output.mp3")
# Play the converted file
os.system("start output.mp3")
# Import the Gtts module for text
# to speech conversion
from gtts import gTTS
# import Os module to start the audio file
import os
mytext = 'Convert this Text to Speech in Python'
# Language we want to use
language = 'en'
myobj = gTTS(text=mytext, lang=language, slow=False)"output.mp3")
# Play the converted file
os.system("start output.mp3")
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