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Last active June 5, 2022 00:24
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  • Save DustinAlandzes/f173bb4266030b8f2fcf78601c58cb52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My .bashrc file
# welcome to my .bashrc!
if [[ $(uname -s) == "darwin" ]]; then
# brew on osx
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
# empty commit
alias empty-commit='git commit --allow-empty -m "this is an empty commit"'
# current branch
alias current-branch='git branch | grep "*" | cut -c 3-'
# push the current branch
alias push-current-branch='current-branch | xargs git push --set-upstream origin'
# shortcut to make a python 3 virtual environment
alias create-venv='python3 -m venv venv'
# shortcut for pip freeze > requirements.txt
alias pip-freeze-arrow-requirements-txt='pip freeze > requirements.txt'
# docker compose (overwriting
alias dc='docker-compose'
# autocompleteable shortcut for dc logs --tail="10" -f
alias dc-logs-tail-follow='dc logs --tail="10" -f'
# for git commit signing in pycharm:
export GPG_TTY
# use fish if available, install with brew install fish
if [[ $(cat /etc/shells) == *"/opt/homebrew/bin/fish"* ]]; then
export fish_greeting=""
exec /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
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DustinAlandzes commented Jul 8, 2020

install with

rm -f ~/.bashrc && curl -o ~/.bashrc -Ls "$(date +%s)"

this gist's permalink:

note that I'm adding the date at the end to avoid caching (

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DustinAlandzes commented Jun 1, 2022

On OSX, first change to bash from zsh using

chsh -s /bin/bash

~/.bash_profile is used instead too, so add this to .bash_profile and use .bashrc as usual.

if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc ]; then
        source $HOME/.bashrc

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