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Dustin Alandzes DustinAlandzes

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Django ORM Optimization Tips
* Only use optimizations that obfuscate the code if you need to.
* Not all of these tips are hard and fast rules.
* Use your judgement to determine what improvements are appropriate for your code.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Generating Procedural Game Worlds with Wave Function Collapse

Wave Function Collapse (WFC) by @exutumno is a new algorithm that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image. It's especially exciting for game designers, letting us draw our ideas instead of hand coding them. We'll take a look at the kinds of output WFC can produce and the meaning of the algorithm's parameters. Then we'll walk through setting up WFC in javascript and the Unity game engine.


The traditional approach to this sort of output is to hand code algorithms that generate features, and combine them to alter your game map. For example you could sprinkle some trees at random coordinates, draw roads with a brownian motion, and add rooms with a Binary Space Partition. This is powerful but time consuming, and your original vision can someti

//single file version of
function randomIndice (array, r) {
var sum = 0,
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
sum += array[i];
pjobson /
Last active January 9, 2025 01:03
odewahn /
Last active June 9, 2024 14:27
Processing errors with Fetch API

I really liked @tjvantoll article Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch(). The one thing I found annoying with it, though, is that response.statusText always returns the generic error message associated with the error code. Most APIs, however, will generally return some kind of useful, more human friendly message in the body.

Here's a modification that will capture this message. The key is that rather than throwing an error, you just throw the response and then process it in the catch block to extract the message in the body:

  .then( response => {
    if (!response.ok) { throw response }
    return response.json()  //we only get here if there is no error
karpathy /
Created May 30, 2016 22:50
Training a Neural Network ATARI Pong agent with Policy Gradients from raw pixels
""" Trains an agent with (stochastic) Policy Gradients on Pong. Uses OpenAI Gym. """
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
import gym
# hyperparameters
H = 200 # number of hidden layer neurons
batch_size = 10 # every how many episodes to do a param update?
learning_rate = 1e-4
gamma = 0.99 # discount factor for reward
* Base contract that all upgradeable contracts should use.
* Contracts implementing this interface are all called using delegatecall from
* a dispatcher. As a result, the _sizes and _dest variables are shared with the
* dispatcher contract, which allows the called contract to update these at will.
* _sizes is a map of function signatures to return value sizes. Due to EVM
* limitations, these need to be populated by the target contract, so the
* dispatcher knows how many bytes of data to return from called functions.
craigbeck / introspection-query.graphql
Created April 6, 2016 20:20
Introspection query for GraphQL
query IntrospectionQuery {
__schema {
queryType { name }
mutationType { name }
subscriptionType { name }
types {
directives {
Benchmark results:
Date: 2016/03/20
Version: asgi_redis 0.8.3 / daphne master / channels master / cpython 2.7.11
Environment: AWS, 3x m3.large (1 daphne, 1 worker, 1 redis)
Source: 1x m3.medium, different AZ, ab for HTTP, channels benchmarker for WS
HTTP GET, Django View (concurrency 10, 10,000 total)
Failures: 0.0%
Rate: 160 req/s
carlossless /
Last active February 14, 2018 09:18
A python script to find three coefficients that best fit empyrical data for the d=A*(r/t)^B+C rssi to distance conversion formula
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# d=A*(r/t)^B+C
d = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0,12.0,14.0,16.0,18.0,20.0,25]
r = [-20.64,-24.09,-27.55,-31.73,-35.27,-33.91,-31.36,-28.09,-32,-49.64,-52,-54.64,-55.18,-57.18,-58.64,-59.27,-72.55,-67.73,-66.65,-70,-68,-71,-74,-76,-83,-77,-83,-80,-80,-76]
t = -52.5
x = map(lambda r: r / t, r)