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Created December 2, 2018 12:05
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'''AoC 2018 #02, safari- - Olaf, 2 Dec 2018'''
import collections, functools, operator, typing
with open('AoC02.txt') as file:
ids = tuple(map(str.strip, file.readlines()))
def freq_counts(s: str) -> typing.Iterable[int]:
'''frequency counts >1 that apply to chars in string s
>>> ids = 'abcdef bababc abbcde abcccd aabcdd abcdee ababab'.split() # from AoC explanation
>>> print(*map(freq_counts, ids))
set() {2, 3} {2} {3} {2} {2} {3}'''
return set(collections.Counter(s).values()) - {1}
freq_count_counts = collections.Counter()
for id in ids:
print('first answer', functools.reduce(operator.mul, freq_count_counts.values()))
def equal_but_1(a: str, b: str) -> bool:
'''True iff a == b but for 1 position in a and b'''
return sum(map(, a, b)) == 1
def equal_but_1_pairs(ids: typing.Iterable[str]) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Tuple[str, str]]:
'''pairs (a, b) in ids x ids for which a == b but for 1 position in a and b
if (a, b) occur in results, (b, a) doesn't by only testing a triangle from the ids x ids square
>>> ids = 'abcde fghij klmno pqrst fguij axcye wvxyz'.split()
>>> print(*equal_but_1_pairs(ids))
('fghij', 'fguij')'''
for i, a in enumerate(ids):
for b in ids[i+1:]:
if equal_but_1(a, b):
yield a, b
pairs = tuple(equal_but_1_pairs(ids))
assert len(pairs) == 1, 'AoC suggests unique solution'
pair = pairs[0]
print('second answer', ''.join(a for a, b in zip(*pair) if a == b))
# --- main
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
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