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Created February 28, 2018 05:13
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$CHUNK = 8192;
try {
if (!($putData = fopen("php://input", "r")))
throw new Exception("Can't get PUT data.");
// now the params can be used like any other variable
// see below after input has finished
$tot_write = 0;
$tmpFileName = "/var/dev/tmp/PUT_FILE";
// Create a temp file
if (!is_file($tmpFileName)) {
fclose(fopen($tmpFileName, "x")); //create the file and close it
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "w")))
throw new Exception("Can't write to tmp file");
// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if (($block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read)
throw new Exception("Can't write more to tmp file");
$tot_write += $block_write;
if (!fclose($fp))
throw new Exception("Can't close tmp file");
} else {
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "a")))
throw new Exception("Can't write to tmp file");
// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if (($block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read)
throw new Exception("Can't write more to tmp file");
$tot_write += $block_write;
if (!fclose($fp))
throw new Exception("Can't close tmp file");
// Check file length and MD5
if ($tot_write != $file_size)
throw new Exception("Wrong file size");
$md5_arr = explode(' ', exec("md5sum $tmpFileName"));
$md5 = $md5sum_arr[0];
if ($md5 != $md5sum)
throw new Exception("Wrong md5");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo '', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
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