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Functions and formuals for calculating the "Feels Like" temperature using SI units
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: E:V:A
# Date: 2022-02-01
# Last: 2024-10-21
# Repo/Bugs:
# Version: 1.0.3 (pyflightdata-0.8.5)
# Codec: utf_8
# License: GPLv3
# Donate?
# Description:
# A number of functions used to calculate the *Feels Like* temperature,
# given ambient bulb (without wind or radiation) temperature [°C],
# wind speed [Km/h] and *Relative Humidty" [%] (RH).
# There are literally several dozens of formulas and 100's of science
# publications on how to do this, so we just chose a well known method,
# namely that used by NOAA (US).
# That method relies on also calculating:
# - The Heat Index (HI)
# - The Wind Chill (WS)
# References:
# [1]
# [2]
import math
# Heat Index
def heat_index(temperature, humidity):
Calculate the Heat Index (feels like temperature) based on the NOAA equation.
The Heat Index (HI), or humiture, or "feels like temperature", is an index that combines
air-temperature and relative humidity in an attempt to determine the human-perceived
equivalent temperature.
HI is only useful when (T > 27 °C) & (RH > 40 %)
Tf = (Tc * 9/5) + 32
Tc = (Tf - 32) * 5/9
T = temperature # Celsius
H = humidity # Relative Humidity
# SI units (Celsius)
c1 = -8.78469475556
c2 = 1.61139411
c3 = 2.33854883889
c4 = -0.14611605
c5 = -0.012308094
c6 = -0.0164248277778
c7 = 0.002211732
c8 = 0.00072546
c9 = -0.000003582
# Maybe consider [4] in "Formula-18" by [Costanzo et al. 2006]
# HIc = Tc – 0.55 * (1 – 0.001 H)(Tc – 14.5)
# = Tc - 0.55 * (Tc - 14.5 - 0.001*H*Tc + 0.001*14.5*H
Tf = (T * 9/5) + 32
# Try the simplified formula from [2] first (used for HI < 80)
HIf = 0.5 * (Tf + 61.0 + (Tf - 68.0) * 1.2 + H * 0.094)
Tavg = (HIf + Tf)/2 # Instructions in [3] call for averaging
if Tavg >= 80: # [°F]
# IF (T > 27C) & (H > 40 %):
# Use the full Rothfusz regression formula (now in Celsius)
HI = math.fsum([
c2 * T,
c3 * H,
c4 * T * H,
c5 * T**2,
c6 * H**2,
c7 * T**2 * H,
c8 * T * H**2,
c9 * T**2 * H**2,
HI = (HIf - 32) * 5/9
return HI
# Wind Chill
def wind_chill(temperature, wind_speed):
Calculate the Wind Chill (feels like temperature) based on NOAA.
Wind-chill or windchill (popularly wind chill factor) is the lowering of
body temperature due to the passing-flow of lower-temperature air.
Wind chill numbers are always lower than the air temperature for values
where the formula is valid. When the apparent temperature is higher than
the air temperature, the heat index is used instead.
Wind Chill Temperature is only defined for temperatures at or below
50 °F and wind speeds above 3 mph. (10°C, 4.8 Km/h)
3 Mph = 4.828 [Km/h] = 1.34 [m/s]
50°F = (50 - 32) * 5/9 = 10°C
T = temperature # Celsius
V = wind_speed # Kilometer per hour
# We should never get here...
if T > 10 or V <= 4.8: # if T > 50 or V <= 3: # (°F, Mph)
e = "Wind Chill Temperature is only defined for temperatures at or below 10°C and wind speeds above 4.8 Km/h."
raise ValueError(e)
# WC = Wind Chill [2]
# (Farenheit, Mph)
# WC = 35.74 + (0.6215 * T) - 35.75 * V**0.16 + 0.4275 * T * V**0.16
# (Celsius, Kph)
WC = 13.12 + (0.6215 * T) - 11.37 * V**0.16 + 0.3965 * T * V**0.16
return WC
# (Australian) Apparent Temperature
def apparent_temp(temperature, humidity, wind_speed):
The apparent temperature (AT) used here is based on a mathematical model
of an adult, walking outdoors, in the shade (Steadman 1994). The AT is
defined as; the temperature, at the reference humidity level, producing
the same amount of discomfort as that experienced under the current
ambient temperature and humidity.
[WIP] ??? Practically speaking, this means that you have to adjust the ambient
temparature by the AT. In this function the returned value, is the
already adjusted temperature.
The vapour pressure can be calculated from the temperature and
relative humidity (RH) using the equation:
P = (RH/100) * 6.105 * exp( (17.27 * Ta) / (237.7 + Ta) )
RH = relative humidity [%]
Ta = dry bulb temperature [°C]
e = water vapour pressure [hPa]
v = wind speed [m/s] at an elevation of 10 m.
H = humidity # [%] relative humidity
T = temperature # [°C]
V = wind_speed # [m/s]
# [hPa] water vapor pressure
P = (H/100) * 6.105 * math.exp( (17.27 * T) / (237.7 + T) )
AT = T + 0.33 * P - 0.7 * V - 4
#return round(T + AT, 1)
return round(AT, 1)
# Feels Like
def feels_like(temperature, humidity, wind_speed):
Calculate the "Feels Like" temperature based on NOAA.
* Wind Chill: temperature <= 50 F and wind > 3 mph
* Heat Index: temperature >= 80 F
* Temperature as is: all other cases
50°F = (50°F - 32) * 5/9 = 10°C
80°F = (80°F - 32) * 5/9 = 26.7 °C
3 Mph = 4.828 [Km/h] = 1.34 [m/s]
1 [m/s] = 1/[1000 m/Km] * [3600 s/hour] = 3.6 [Km/h]
T = temperature # [°C]
# FL = Feels Like
if T <= 10 and wind_speed > 4.8:
# Wind Chill for low temp cases (and wind)
FL = wind_chill(T, wind_speed)
elif T >= 26.7:
# Heat Index for High temp cases
FL = heat_index(T, humidity)
FL = T
return round(FL, 1)
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E3V3A commented Oct 21, 2024

⬆️ Fixed some minor spelling issues. Bumped version to 1.0.3.

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