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Created April 17, 2016 06:35
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// ==UserScript==
// @name initium-plus
// @namespace
// @version
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @supportURL
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';
var $ = window.jQuery;
// mkPopup(content);
// checkNight();
// version;
var Util = function() {
// creates a popup with HTML content
var mkPopup = function(content) {
// close all other popups, increment popup counter
var pagePopupId = "page-popup" + currentPopupStackIndex;
//No elements have z-index on the combat screen, so we
//cant have page-popup-glass there because it relies on
//z-index to not cover everything
var structure = "<div id='"+pagePopupId+"'><div id='" +
pagePopupId+"-content' style='min-height:150px;' " +
"class='page-popup'><img id='banner-loading-icon' " +
"src='javascript/images/wait.gif' border=0/></div>" +
"<div class='page-popup-glass'></div><a class='page-popup-X' " +
// checks if current page is doesn't have #page-popup-root
// and adds the needed div if it is
if ($("#page-popup-root").length == 0) {
$('<div id="page-popup-root"></div>').insertAfter(".chat_box");
//Create popup
//If chat box doesnt have z index, remove glass box
if( $(".chat_box").css('z-index') != '1000100') {
//Fill popup with content
// pressing escape will close the popup
if (currentPopupStackIndex === 1) {
$(document).bind("keydown",function(e) {
if ((e.keyCode == 27)) {
// hides previous popup if there was one
if (currentPopupStackIndex > 1) {
$("#page-popup" + (currentPopupStackIndex-1)).hide();
var version = '';
// checks if current in-game time is night
var checkNight = function() {
var randConstant = 318.47133757961783439490445859873;
var serverTime = getCurrentServerTime() / (randConstant*60*60*1.5);
var amount = Math.abs(Math.sin(serverTime)) * 3.0 - 1.56;
return amount > 1;
var oPublic = {
mkPopup: mkPopup,
checkNight: checkNight,
version: version,
return oPublic;
// init();
var Debuff = function() {
// get the charbox div of the player
var charBox = $( '.character-display-box' ).first();
var isRaining = getWeather() > 0.5;
var isNight = Util.checkNight();
var isBuffed = $( '.buff-pane' ).length;
// returns the HTML str specific to the viariables
var getBuffIconHTML = function( effect, descript, expiry, img, title ) {
var htmlStr = "<div class='buff-detail'>" +
"<img style='-webkit-filter:hue-rotate(250deg)' src='" + img + "' border='0'/>" +
"<div class='buff-detail-header'>" +
"<h5>" + title + "</h5>" +
"<div class='buff-detail-effect'>" + effect + "</div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='buff-detail-description item-flavor-description'>" + descript + "</div>" +
"<div class='buff-detail-expiry'>" + expiry + "</div>" +
"</div>" + "</div>";
return htmlStr;
// adds the necessary buff pane and hidden tooltip divs
var addBuffDivs = function() {
// buff specific div HTML to add
var buffPaneHTML = "<div class='buff-pane hint' rel='#buffDetails'>" +
var buffBoxHTML = "<div class='hiddenTooltip' id='buffDetails'>" +
"<h4 style='margin-top:0px;'> Your buffs/debuffs </h4></div>";
// add the divs to the document
charBox.append( buffPaneHTML );
charBox.append( buffBoxHTML );
// adds the rain buff to the buff pane
var addRainBuff = function(buffBox) {
// image for the buff, re-uses a normal buff icon
var buffImage = "" +
// Rain specific descriptions for the buff cluetip
var buffDetailEffect = "It's harder to find new monsters when it's raining.";
var buffDetailDescript = "You are having a bit of a rainy day. " +
"This happens when you are outside sometimes. " +
"The effect lasts for 30 minutes or more depending on the weather.";
var buffDetailExpiry = "Expires in ?? minutes. Maybe, you should " +
"watch the weather channel.";
var buffTitle = "Rainy";
// add image to buff pane
// TODO: make cross compatible
$( '.buff-pane' ).append("<img style='-webkit-filter:hue-rotate(250deg)' src='" +
buffImage + "' border='0'>");
// add hidden cluetip div
buffBox.append(getBuffIconHTML(buffDetailEffect, buffDetailDescript,
buffDetailExpiry, buffImage, buffTitle));
// adds the night buff to the buff pane
var addNightBuff = function(buffBox) {
// Image for the buff, re-uses a normal buff icon with a filter
var buffImage = "";
// Night specific descriptions for the buff cluetip
var buffDetailEffect = "Monsters are able to find you more easily. " +
"It's harder to find new paths.";
var buffDetailDescript = "It's nighttime. This happens when the sun goes down. " +
"You feel something watching you. You are having trouble seeing. " +
"The effect lasts for 30 minutes or more.";
var buffDetailExpiry = "Expires in ?? minutes. You should really buy a watch.";
var buffTitle = "Night";
// add image to buff pane
// TODO: make cross compatible
$( '.buff-pane' ).append("<img style='-webkit-filter:hue-rotate(250deg)' src='" +
buffImage + "' border='0'>");
// add hidden cluetip div
buffBox.append(getBuffIconHTML(buffDetailEffect, buffDetailDescript,
buffDetailExpiry, buffImage, buffTitle));
// initialize module
var init = function() {
if ( isRaining || isNight ) {
// add buff divs if there aren't any
if ( !isBuffed ) {
// gets the player's buffBox and not the enemy's
var buffBox = $( '#buffDetails' ).first();
if (isRaining) {
if (isNight) {
// public API
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
// init();
var WeatherForecast = function() {
// Weather ratio from getWeather function in server js file...
var weatherInt = getWeather();
var lightning = processLightning();
var nextWeatherInt = getNextWeather();
var nextLightning = getNextLightning();
function translateToString(wRatio, LRatio) {
if (wRatio > 0.5) {
if ( LRatio > 0) {
return "Stormy";
} else {
} else if (wRatio < 0.5) {
// It's not sunny at night...
if (Util.checkNight()) {
return "Clear";
return "Sunny";
return "N/A";
var init = function() {
$( '.header-location' ).append( '<span ' + getColor() + '> ' +
"Now: " + translateToString(weatherInt, processLightning) + '<//span>' );
$( '.header-location' ).append( '<span ' + getColor() + '> ' +
"Next: " + translateToString(nextWeatherInt, getNextLightning) + '<//span>' );
// returns a color for the string based on whether it's night time or day time
function getColor() {
if (Util.checkNight()) return 'style="color:purple"';
return 'style="color:yellow"';
// Weather calculator
function getNextWeather() {
var serverTime = getCurrentServerTime();
var date = new Date(serverTime);
var behindHour = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours()+1);
var aheadHour = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours()+2);
var behindMs = behindHour.getTime();
var aheadMs = aheadHour.getTime();
var behindHourWeather = rnd((behindMs/3600000), 0, 1);
var aheadHourWeather = rnd((aheadMs/3600000), 0, 1);
var weatherDifference = aheadHourWeather-behindHourWeather;
var hourProgression = (serverTime-behindHour)/3600000;
var interpolationDelta = weatherDifference*hourProgression;
return behindHourWeather+interpolationDelta;
function getNextLightning() {
var weather = getNextWeather();
var serverTime = getCurrentServerTime();
var lightningOdds = ((0.1+(weather-0.9))/1.5);
var random = rnd(serverTime, 0, 1);
if (random<=lightningOdds)
var lightLevel = rnd(getCurrentServerTime(), -1.5, 0.8);
if (lightLevel<0) lightLevel = 0;
return lightLevel;
return 0;
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
var StatDisplay = function() {
var charDiv = $('.character-display-box').children(" div:nth-child(3)").children( 'a' );
var statsItems;
var statsID = ["S", "D", "I", "W"];
var href = $( '.character-display-box').children().first().attr( "rel" );
var init = function() {
url: href,
type: "GET",
success: function(data) {
statsItems = $(data).find('.main-item-subnote');
statsItems.each(function( index ) {
if ( index > 0 ) {
charDiv.append( " <span style=\"font-size:small\"> " +
statsID[index - 1] + ":" + $( this ).text().split(" ")[0] + " </span>");
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
var ExtraIcons = function() {
// links to resources
var mapLink = "";
var changelogLink = "viewChangelog()";
// filters to make the icons look different
// TODO make more cross-compatible
var greenFilter = "-webkit-filter: hue-rotate(50deg)";
var blueFilter = "-webkit-filter: hue-rotate(100deg)";
var init = function() {
// html to be inserted
var insertHTML = "<a href=\"" + mapLink + "\"><img id=\"community-map-image\"" +
"src=\"images/ui/settings.gif\" style=\"max-height:18px; " +
greenFilter + "\"></a>";
$( '.header-stats' ).append( insertHTML );
insertHTML = "<a onclick=\"" + changelogLink + "\">" +
"<img id=\"community-map-image\" src=\"images/ui/settings.gif\"" +
"style=\"max-height:18px; " + blueFilter + "\"></a>";
$( '.header-stats' ).append( insertHTML );
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
// TODO Make muteList and friendList persistent between sessions
var ChatPlus = function() {
// keep track of muted people in this list
var muteList = [];
// keep track of messages and times sent by people on friendlist
// store friends in friendList
var friendList = [];
// name time object for friend / userlist
var NameTimeObj = function(name) { = name;
this.time = '';
// adds the nickname to the list if it is a new name
var addName = function(list, name) {
if( isNewName(list, name) && name ) {
// removes the nickname from the list
var delName = function(list, name) {
var i = getIndex(list, name);
if (i !== undefined) {
// checks if the name is on the list already
var isNewName = function(list, name) {
return getIndex(list, name) === undefined;
// returns the index of the name in list, null if it is not found
// TODO: Find a cleaner way to do distinguish between mutelist and NameTimeObj
var getIndex = function(list, name) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ( === undefined) {
if (list[i] === name) {
return i;
} else if (list[i].name === {
return i
// updates the timestamp for the friend given
var updateTime = function(name, time) {
var i = getIndex(friendList, name);
console.log( "i is " + i);
if (i !== undefined) {
console.log(name + " time is set to " + time);
friendList[i].time = time;
// gets the timestamp for the name
// if name is not on the list return "N/A"
var getTime = function(name) {
var i = getIndex(friendList, name);
if (i !== undefined) {
return friendList[i].time;
// verify the sender of message is the one playing the game
function myMessage( id ) {
var relStr = $( '.character-display-box' ).children( 'a' ).attr( 'rel' ).toString();
var myId = relStr.substring( 'Id=') + 3);
if ( id == myId ) {
return true;
return false;
// gets time difference in multiples of 5 mins from time tied to name
// if it is over 60 min it will round to nearest hour
var getTimeDiff = function(time) {
// time difference
var timeDiffStr = "";
var timeDiff = (new Date()).getTime() - time;
// convert to minutes
timeDiff = timeDiff/1000/60;
// round to nearest 5 minutes
timeDiff = Math.round(timeDiff/5)*5;
timeDiffStr = timeDiff + ' min';
if (timeDiff >= 60) {
timeDiff = Math.round(timeDiff/60);
timeDiffStr = timeDiff + ' hr';
return timeDiffStr;
// crafts the HTML string for friendList DOM addition
var getUserElement = function(nameTimeObj) {
var HTML = "";
var plainName =[\s+\[\]]/g, '');
// if name is blank string, return without HTML
if (plainName === "") {
return HTML
// class name can't have spaces in it
HTML += '<span class="' + plainName +
'">' +,25) + '</span><span style="float:right">' +
getTimeDiff(nameTimeObj.time) + '</span>';
HTML += "<br>"
return HTML;
// adds name elements to the DOM as children to the UserListDiv
// TODO: make the css work based off of relative and not absolute values
// right now it's only likely to look good on my screen
var updateUserListDiv = function(nameTimeObjArr) {
nameTimeObjArr.sort(function(a, b) {
if ( < return -1;
else if ( > return 1;
else return 0;
var HTML = "<center><h3>User List</h3></center>";
nameTimeObjArr.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry !== "") {
HTML += getUserElement(entry);
$( '.user-list' ).html(HTML);
var init = function() {
// adds UserList div to the DOM
$( '.mobile-spacer' ).append( '<div class="user-list page-popup" ' +
'style="width:20%; margin:0; padding-top:0px; top:60px;' +
'bottom:auto; display:inline-block; position:absolute; ' +
'z-index:1111111;"></div>' );
// run function 2 seconds after pageload
var timerID = setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000*5);
// every five minutes update UserList Div
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000*60*5);
// overrides the default onChatMessage function
messager.onChatMessage = function(chatMessage) {
// gets nickname and gets rid of HTML
var nName = chatMessage.nickname.replace(/<()[^<]+>/g,'');
var nameTimeObj = new NameTimeObj(nName);
// add name to userlist
// TODO: Remove this
addName(friendList, nameTimeObj);
// if name is on muteList, hide the message
if (isNewName(muteList, nName) === false) {
// check if mute command is sent
if (chatMessage.message.startsWith('/mute ')) {
// Am I the sender of the message?
if ( myMessage(chatMessage.characterId )) {
var muteName = chatMessage.message.substring(6);
// Don't let me mute myself, while funny it prevents any mute and unmute functionality
if ( nName != muteName ) {
addName(muteList, muteName);
// check if unmute command is sent
if (chatMessage.message.startsWith('/unmute ')) {
if( myMessage(chatMessage.characterId )) {
delName(muteList, chatMessage.message.substring(8));
// check if add friend command is sent
if (chatMessage.message.startsWith('/add ')) {
// Don't mute based off of other people's messages
if ( myMessage(chatMessage.characterId )) {
var friendName = new NameTimeObj(chatMessage.message.substring(5));
// Don't let me add myself, because that's silly
if ( nName != friendName ) {
addName(friendList, friendName);
// check if unadd command is sent
if (chatMessage.message.startsWith('/unadd ')) {
if( myMessage(chatMessage.characterId )) {
delName(friendList, chatMessage.message.substring(7));
var html = "<div class='chatMessage-main'>";
if (chatMessage.createdDate !== null) {
var date = new Date(chatMessage.createdDate);
var shortTime = date.toLocaleTimeString();
var cutoff = shortTime.length;
// updates the timestamp in our userlist
updateTime(nameTimeObj, date.getTime());
if (shortTime.indexOf(":")>0) {
cutoff = shortTime.lastIndexOf(":");
} else if (shortTime.indexOf(".")>0) {
cutoff = shortTime.lastIndexOf(".");
shortTime = shortTime.substring(0, cutoff);
var longDate = date.toLocaleDateString();
html+="<span class='chatMessage-time' title='"+longDate+"'>";
html+="["+shortTime+"] ";
if (chatMessage.code=="PrivateChat") {
html+="<a class='chatMessage-private-nickname' onclick='setPrivateChatTo(\""+chatMessage.nickname+"\", "+chatMessage.characterId+")'>"+chatMessage.nickname+"</a>";
html+="<span class='chatMessage-text'>";
html+=" ";
else if (chatMessage.mode==null)
var meMode = chatMessage.message.startsWith("/me ");
html+="<span class='chatMessage-text'>";
if (chatMessage.characterId!=null && chatMessage.message.startsWith('/me ')) {
html += "<a class='clue' style='color:" + '#'+(Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0).toString(16) + "' rel='viewcharactermini.jsp?characterId=" + chatMessage.characterId + "'>" + chatMessage.nickname + ":</a>";
} else if (chatMessage.characterId!=null && meMode==false) {
} else
html+="<span class='chatMessage-text'>";
if (meMode)
html+=" ";
chatMessage.message = chatMessage.message.substring(4);
html+=": ";
else if (chatMessage.mode=="admin")
html+="<span class='chatMessage-text-story'>";
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
var ItemList = function() {
var itemButton = $( '#main-itemlist' ).children();
var init = function() {
// Get rid of current onClick behavior
itemButton.attr( 'onclick', "");
itemButton.attr( 'rel', "ajax_moveitems.jsp?preset=location");
// Give sticky cluetip on click
cluetipClass: 'rounded',
activation : 'click',
showTitle: true,
height: 'auto',
width: 350,
sticky: true,
closePosition: 'title',
arrows: true,
ajaxCache: false,
mouseOutClose: false,
cluezIndex: 2000000,
onShow: function(e) {
$("#cluetip-waitimage").css('z-index', 2000000);
$("#cluetip").css('z-index', 2000000);
return true;
ajaxProcess : function(data) {
var text = itemParser(data);
var textArray = divSeparate(text);
var newText = "";
for( var i = 0; i < textArray.length - 2; i++) {
newText = newText.concat(textArray[i].pop());
newText = newText.concat("<br>");
// add that last div back in
newText = newText.concat(textArray[textArray.length - 1]);
return newText;
// Parse the HTML data before sending it back to ajaxProcess
// this will only return the items on the ground in nearby area
function itemParser(text) {
var returnText = text;
returnText = returnText.replace(/<(script|style|title)[^<]+<\/(script|style|title)>/gm,"").replace(/<(link|meta)[^>]+>/g,"");
returnText = returnText.slice(returnText.indexOf("id=\'right") + 11, returnText.length);
return returnText;
// Organizes duplicate items into a stack with most valuable items being on the top of the stack
// cluetip will pop the stacks of duplicate items from a stack (stack of dupe item stacks)
// Separates divs array into arrays of unique types of items
function divSeparate(text) {
var newText = text.split("<br>");
var uniqItemStack = new Array([]);
var uniqItemNameStack = [];
// save the last entry from div organization
var lastDiv = newText.pop();
uniqItemNameStack = getNames(newText);
// 2D array construction
uniqItemNameStack.forEach(function(entry, ind) {
uniqItemStack.push(new Array());
// foreach
newText.forEach(function(entry, ind) {
var itemNameBegLoc ="main-item-name\'>");
// exclude search string from result
itemNameBegLoc += "main-item-name\'>".length;
var itemNameEndLoc ="</div></a>");
var itemName = entry.substring(itemNameBegLoc, itemNameEndLoc);
var index = 0;
// if item name is in uniqItemStackNames
// get index of uniqItemStackNames.equals(itemName)
index = getIndex(itemName);
// push the item onto the correct stack
// push back on the lastDiv
return uniqItemStack;
//Misc. Functions
// gets Index of value in array, if no value in the array returns -1
function getIndex(name) {
var index = -1;
uniqItemNameStack.forEach(function(entry, ind) {
if (name == entry) {
index = ind;
return index;
function getNames(divStack) {
var itemNameStack = [];
divStack.forEach(function(entry, ind) {
var itemNameBegLoc ="main-item-name\'>");
// exclude search string from result
itemNameBegLoc += "main-item-name\'>".length;
var itemNameEndLoc ="</div></a>");
var itemName = entry.substring(itemNameBegLoc, itemNameEndLoc);
var boolAdd = true;
if (ind === 0) {
} else {
itemNameStack.forEach(function(entry) {
if (itemName == entry) {
boolAdd = false;
if (boolAdd && ind > 0) {
return itemNameStack;
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
var NoRefresh = function() {
var init = function() {
$( '.main-page' ).last().append( '<div class="combat-text"> </div>' );
var buttonRight = $( '.main-button' ).first();
var buttonLeft = $( '.main-button' ).first().next();
var linkArr = [];
linkArr.push(buttonRight.attr( "href"));
linkArr.push(buttonLeft.attr( "href" ));
// disables href redirect for first 2 buttons
buttonRight.removeAttr( "href" );
buttonLeft.removeAttr( "href" );
// on click calls the get data function function() {
}); function() {
// gets the data from the actionURL
function getData(actionURL) {
.done(function(data) {
// Gets the hp values and the battle description from the returned data
function processData(data) {
var $data = $(data);
var $mainPageDiv = $data.filter( '.main-page' ).last();
var $hpObj = $mainPageDiv.find( '.character-display-box' ).children( 'div' ).children( 'div' ).children( 'p' );
// gets the new hps
var playerHP = $hpObj.first().text();
var enemyHP = $hpObj.last().text();
// gets the new combat text
var combatHTML = parseCombatHTML($mainPageDiv.html());
// if either the player or the enemy is dead call for refresh
// because of the way the HTML works if the enemy HP div is missing
// it will use the same div for both objects
if( playerHP === enemyHP ) { fullpageRefresh(); }
// data is processed, now update the relevant divs
updateCombat(playerHP, enemyHP, combatHTML);
// parses HTML and gets the combat related HTML
function parseCombatHTML( html ){
html = html.slice(html.indexOf( "<p>\n\t" ));
return html;
// updates the HTML elements on the current page with the values
function updateCombat(newPlayerHP, newEnemyHP, combatHTML) {
var $hpObj = $( '.character-display-box' ).children( 'div' ).children( 'div' );
var playerHP = $hpObj.children( 'p' ).first();
var enemyHP = $hpObj.children( 'p' ).last();
var newPlayerHPBarWidth = parseInt(parseFloat(newPlayerHP) / parseFloat( newPlayerHP.slice(newPlayerHP.indexOf("/") + 1)) * 100);
var newEnemyHPBarWidth = parseInt(parseFloat(newEnemyHP) / parseFloat( newEnemyHP.slice(newEnemyHP.indexOf("/") + 1)) * 100);
$hpObj.children().first().width( newPlayerHPBarWidth + "px" );
$hpObj.children().last().prev().width( newEnemyHPBarWidth + "px" );
playerHP.text( newPlayerHP );
enemyHP.text( newEnemyHP );
$( '.combat-text' ).html( combatHTML );
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
var TrackStats = function() {
var characterName = $( '.character-display-box' ).children( 'div' ).children('a').first().text();
var enabled = false;
var saved = false;
var prevStats = JSON.parse( GM_getValue(characterName, "[]") );
var dbLength = prevStats.length;
var href = $( '.character-display-box').children().first().attr( "rel" );
var clickOnceOnly = 0;
//Check if character is enabled for tracking.
var settings = JSON.parse( GM_getValue("initium_counter_settings", "[]") );
var init = function () {
settings.forEach(function(char) {
if( == characterName) {
saved = true;
enabled = char.enabled;
//If never seen before, character will be added as disabled.
if (!saved) {
var newSetting = {
GM_setValue("initium_counter_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
saved = true;
//Add icon to icon bar and bind to toggle function
if (enabled) {
//Can add <div class="header-stats-caption">Counter</div> inside a tag underneath for caption.
var htmlString = '<div style="display:inline-block; cursor: pointer;" id="statCounter"><img style="padding: 0 0 3px;" src="" border="0/"></div>';
} else {
var htmlString = '<div style="display:inline-block; cursor: pointer;" id="statCounter"><img style="padding: 0 0 3px;" src="" border="0/"></div>';
// Press | to show the stats saved for this character in a popup.
$(document).on("keydown", function(event) {
if (event.which == 220) {
if ($(':focus').length > 0) {
if (!($(':focus')[0].localName == "input")) {
} else {
//Function to toggle enabled/disabled for current character
function toggleCounter() {
enabled = !enabled;
var settings = JSON.parse( GM_getValue("initium_counter_settings", "[]") );
settings.forEach(function(char) {
if( == characterName) {
char.enabled = enabled;
//Switch out picture
if(enabled) {
$("#statCounter")[0].children[0].src = "";
} else {
$("#statCounter")[0].children[0].src = "";
GM_setValue("initium_counter_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
//Add Stat Tracking logic
function addTracking() {
var currentURL = window.location.href;
// if not on combat page, do not execute
if ( !currentURL.includes('combat.js') ) {
currentURL = currentURL.substring(0, currentURL.indexOf('combat.js'));
// attack buttons
var attackButton1 = $('.main-buttonbox a')[0];
var attackButton2 = $('.main-buttonbox a')[1];
// attack urls
var attackRightHandURL = currentURL + 'ServletCharacterControl?type=attack&hand=RightHand';
var attackLeftHandURL = currentURL + 'ServletCharacterControl?type=attack&hand=LeftHand';
// remove current click listener
$(attackButton1).removeAttr( 'shortcut');
$(attackButton2).removeAttr( 'shortcut');
// add click listener
$(attackButton1).on("click", { atkurl : attackRightHandURL }, tracking);
$(attackButton2).on("click", { atkurl : attackLeftHandURL }, tracking);
function tracking(event) {
//Increment clickOnce counter
if ( clickOnceOnly == 1 ) {
if (enabled) {
//Add stat counter status
$(".main-buttonbox").append('<div style="text-align: center;" id="stat-counter-status">Status: Fetching stats..</div>');
url: href,
type: "GET",
timeout: 2000,
//If successful, get stats and redirect
success: function(charPage) {
var statsDiv = $(charPage).find('.main-item-subnote');
var stats = dbLength+" ";
statsDiv.each(function( index ) {
if ( index > 0 && index < 4) {
stats += $( this ).text().split(" ")[0] + " ";
gm_store("stats", characterName, stats);
$(".main-buttonbox #stat-counter-status").text("Status: Success. Redirecting..");
window.location.href =;
//If not successful or 2s passed(assume disconnect), update status and stop
error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
clickOnceOnly = 0;
$(".main-buttonbox #stat-counter-status").text("Status: Failed fetching stats. Aborting attack. Try again.");
} else {
window.location.href =;
function showTracker() {
var popTitle = "<center><h3>Stat Tracker for "+characterName+"</h3></center>";
var popContent = "";
var nextState = "";
if(enabled) {
nextState = "Disable";
} else {
nextState = "Enable";
popContent += '<div class="main-button-half" id="statEnabler" ' +
'style="margin: 0 5% 0 5%; width: 40%; display: inline-block; ' +
'line-height: 24px" shortcut="86">' + nextState + '</div>' +
'<div class="main-button-half" id="statCleaner" ' +
'style="margin: 0 5% 0 5%; width: 40%; display: inline-block; ' +
'line-height: 24px" shortcut="86">Clear</div>' +
'\n\n<center><h3>Saved stats:</h3></center>';
var savedStats = JSON.parse( GM_getValue(characterName, "[]") );
$.each(savedStats.reverse(), function(index,stat) {
popContent += "<center>"+stat+"</center>";
Util.mkPopup(popTitle + popContent);
//Prints saved stats from database to console
function printStats(){
console.log("Stats for " + characterName + ":");
var savedStats = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(characterName, "[]"));
savedStats.forEach(function(stat) {
//Clears stats in database for current character
function clearStats(){
if (confirm('You sure you want to delete the stats saved for '+characterName+'?')) {
GM_setValue(characterName, "[]");
//Inserts into database
function gm_store(dataname, charname, data) {
if (dataname === "stats") {
var stats = JSON.parse( GM_getValue(charname, "[]") );
GM_setValue(charname, JSON.stringify(stats));
console.log("Added "+data+" to "+charname);
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
displays checkboxes to enable or disable each script
accessed by pressing the letter c, or typing /config in chat
// init();
var Config = function() {
// string for database access
var dbConfigString = "configString";
var dbConfigStringVal = "";
// name of all scripts / features to be enabled
var scriptNames = [ "Debuff", "StatDisplay", "ExtraIcons", "ChatPlus",
"NoRefresh", "TrackStats", "WeatherForecast",
"ItemList" ];
var scriptObjects = [ Debuff, StatDisplay, ExtraIcons, ChatPlus,
NoRefresh, TrackStats, WeatherForecast,
ItemList ];
// changes dbConfigStringVal + updates database when there is a change
var addChangeListener = function( id ) {
// we had to use some clever str concatenation because strings are immutable
$( id ).change( function() {
var boxId = $( this ).attr( "id" );
var index = parseInt(boxId[boxId.length - 1]);
if ( this.checked ) {
dbConfigStringVal = dbConfigStringVal.substr(0, index) + 'y' + dbConfigStringVal.substr(index + 1);
} else {
dbConfigStringVal = dbConfigStringVal.substr(0, index) + 'n' + dbConfigStringVal.substr(index + 1);
GM_setValue(dbConfigString, dbConfigStringVal);
// adds a checkbox to popContent string which will be used to make menu
// name should begin with capital letter for style purposes
var makeCheckboxHTML = function(name, isEnabled) {
var nameWithoutNumber = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
var HTML = '<div class="setting-entry setting-entry-checkbox">' +
'<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox' + name + '" ';
if (isEnabled) {
HTML += 'checked';
HTML += '>' + 'Enable' + nameWithoutNumber + '</div>';
return HTML;
// true if the character at index of configString is a y
// meaning the user enabled that script in config popup
var checkEnabled = function(index) {
return dbConfigStringVal[index] === 'y';
// sets database string to enable the default scripts
var setToDefault = function() {
dbConfigStringVal = "yynynyyn";
GM_setValue(dbConfigString, dbConfigStringVal);
// enables scripts based on dbConfigStringVal
var enableScripts = function() {
scriptObjects.forEach( function( entry, index) {
if (checkEnabled(index)) {
// makes the config Popup
var showConfigMenu = function() {
var popTitle = "<center><h2>Initium+ Configuration</h3></center>" +
"<center><h5>v" + Util.version + "</h5></center>";
var popSubText = "<center><h5>You will need to refresh the webpage " +
"for the changes to take effect. Press C to bring up this menu.</h5></center>";
var popContent = "";
// add checkboxes for all main features, index keeps track
// of place of scripts in array and in dbConfigStringVal
scriptNames.forEach( function(entry, index) {
popContent += makeCheckboxHTML(entry + index, checkEnabled(index));
// add content to the popup and show it
Util.mkPopup( popTitle + popSubText + popContent );
for (var i = 0; i < scriptNames.length; i++) {
addChangeListener( "#checkbox" + scriptNames[i] + i);
// reset popContent
popContent = "";
var init = function() {
// get the value of db string, if empty set to default
dbConfigStringVal = GM_getValue(dbConfigString);
if ( !dbConfigStringVal || dbConfigStringVal.length !== 8 ) {
// Press | to show the stats saved for this character in a popup.
$(document).on("keydown", function(event) {
if (event.which == 99 || event.which == 67) {
if ($(':focus').length > 0) {
if (!($(':focus')[0].localName == "input")) {
} else {
var oPublic = {
init: init,
return oPublic;
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